So... encountered something I never have before. Neloth asked me to go find his steward Varona who went to Raven Rock and has not returned. And poor Neloth is more troubled by the lack of tea in his hands then his missing steward. So I offered to help. I had other things in my quest log so I attended those first. (meaning I have no saves from before taking this quest.) Anyway. I can't find her.
The usual place has no body but I was attacked by 3 ash spawn. To add to the issue, no quest marker either to show that I have gone to the right place. I can find her ID through the console which is 0401777C. So I thought I'd try moving to her. So I entered player. moveto 0401777c and it said no such action could be taken. So I tried prid 0401777c also said that could not work.
I've never been able to get prid commands to work. people say "Oh just type in prid 0401777c" but never have I been able to get prid to work. maybe the ID# is wrong? not sure how.
So I entered. player. placeatme 0401777c 1 and there she was alive and well, muttering about having to return to Neloth. I thought about killing her but she now had a new ID # when I checked.
Anyone got any thoughts? I've done this quest before without any issues. But its like this time she hasn't spawned or something.