Skyrim language problem

Post » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:27 am

Hey guys i need some help and i am hoping that the developers catch a glimpse of this.

I should mention that i live in mexico so i purchased Skyrim through the XBL marketplace and it said the game was compatible with english but when i started playing everything was in spanish yes it might sound stupid as i do live in mexico like i said so why shouldnt i expect it to be in anything but spanish, well you see ive bought and downloaded many games through the store and they are all in english or at least give me the option to switch the game as i have my Locale and Language still set to USA and English but with Skyrim this isnt the case. Ive been through a very long process of contacting microsoft and they told me the only ones who could possibly fix this issue is bethesda as they set the game language to default where you live but as ive said this isnt the case with any other of my games, they are all in english so here i am wondering why my game isnt automatically switched to english like all the others if on my console settings i have it to USA and English or at least why cant we have a DLC with the english voices and subs ive been on other forums on XBL and many have the same issue as me but i dont know if it has been brought up on here please i would really appreciate a solution, thank you.

Also if ive posted this where it shouldnt be posted im sorry and can i please be redirected to where i should post it and also yes i have contacted bethesda support and after long emails i was told to post here in the forums hoping that it might be seen and resolved

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Post » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:36 am

Your best way to get some help from this location would be to send a message to He's one of the site admins, and if he can't help, he may be able to direct you to a better location. Of course, he may also tell you that there's nothing that can be done, so keep your fingers crossed. :D

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