so i'm attemping to redesign damage reduction for armor system for skyrim.
so far, i've removed the damage reduction mult (normally armor value x 0.12 = damage reduction).
in it's place, i've set up a script to use armor value in a formula, that will then be applied to a "mod spell magnitude" to be applied to an armorffself100spell.
effectively giving a nice scaling effect where 100 armor = 16 percent reduction, and armor won't cap at 80% reduction til around 1500
trouble is, i can't get the "dragonhide" effect to be set to "ability" or "constant effect" for this to work.
can anyone think of a decent way to pull this off?
i've already set up a script that assigns the formula to an actor value, and it seems to work fine, but it won't work with a simple "mod incoming damage" perk.
the actor value changes, but the perk doesn't update the amount of reduction.
the perk does however update its other functions for other spells, so i know that the perk works properly.