I started playing (again) recently, but I decided to chance gameplay style from stealth killer to Chuck Norris Warrior, so I thought: "Heavy Armor is a must, Shield for Blocking and Bashing and a One-Handed Weapon". So I created an Orc (Berserk is awesome) and I'm still in level 13, so it's not a problem to erase the character and start all over (I can't use console since I'm playing on PS3 without any DLC :'( ).
My idea of build:
-> Be a physical oriented class (Orc).
-> Use Heavy Armor (Better defense in early/mid game, since in end game HA and LA can reach protection cap).
-> Train Smithing and Enchanting (Enchanting is not a problem, but I need some help in Smithing. Which is better: hunt for Iron Ingots and craft Iron Daggers ou explore Dwemer Ruins and craft Dwemer Metal Ingots? )
-> And obviously, have a moderate niche of equipment.
So basically, my gears consist in the Wolf Armor (from the Companions, except the glove, I use a Dwemer Gauntlet that raises One Handed Attack Power in 20%) and my brand new shield, the classic Spellbreaker. As weapon, I use maces, precisely, the Mace of Molag Bal (Magicka Damage for the mages) combined with The Black Star for (almost) unlimited charge.
Well, overall my equipment is lame, but is okay since I'm low leveled. But when in mid game (level 40~50), which should my by equipment: Daedric Armor or Dragon Plate armor, since I intend to get Smithing and Enchanting to 100. For Weapons, the Mace of Molag Bal + The Black Star will be good until which level? And what weapon should I use, enchanted Daedric Mace?
For enchants, as a warrior, should I prioritize Health, Stamina and Elemental Damage Reduction, right?
Is there any specific shout? I was think in Become Ethereal for break in mid-combat and Fire Breath for offensive purposes.
I know it's a lot of things people, but I'm trying to make a real character for the first time. Thanks people