I have insights on several of the houses...
Solitude: My Dunmer married Balimund and adopted Blaise. Both of them seem happy there. I understand that both boys and girls like Solitude, and I think most spouses are content as well.
Markarth: My Redguard is unmarried, and he adopted Sofie and Alesan. Don't live here if you intend to adopt male children, Al complains about there being no place to play.
Whiterun: I have no character living here. Don't know what spouses say. Kids tend to like the city, but not the other kids there.
Riften: My Imperial married Mjoll and adopted Runa. I think that spouses tend to be concerned about the lawless environment. Kids seem happy enough, though not overjoyed.
Falkreath: My Breton is unmarried, and adopted Francois and Hroar. I think that spouses tend to have concerns about the wild location, but children of both genders like it; the boys certainly seem to. I think Falkreath is the Hearthfire site that the kids like best.
Morthal: My Nord married Marcurio and adopted Lucia. He seems happy enough, but she thinks it's a bit scary. Not sure about spouses or male kids.
Windhelm: Don't really know about this one, sorry.
Dawnstar: Not sure aboiut spouses. I think girls like it better than boys do.
Raven Rock, Winterhold: It's not possible to move your spouse or children to either of these locations, though they're excellent for bachelor characters. My Khajiit lives at the College, it suits him fine.