Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Version: 2.0.5
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Requires Skyrim version or greater.
This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!
(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)
I've seen something called the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon)? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe?
The mod known as the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon) is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.
We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.
You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games.
We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved.
Previous Threads:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Version: 2.0.5
USKP Fixes
- AI changes to Bulfrek that kept him in Dawnstar after Skaald is exiled have been reverted out. Horik is intended to replace his function when the Imperials take over.
- A bad variable name was being checked in one of the Riften Dialogue checks that was updated in USKP 2.0.4. (Bug #15893)
- Completing Boethiah's Calling should no longer trap the player inside Knifepoint Ridge. There were invalid conditions on the event that was supposed to reset the dungeon after leaving. (Bug #15676)
- The old ash pile removal script left over from the days of USKP 1.0 has been removed after verifying that it is no longer necessary to have it in place at all. (Bug #15914)
- The fix that provided drop sounds for soul gems has been reverted due to it blocking inventory sounds when buying or selling them. (Bug #15859)
- Harsh Master (FreeformShipsWindhelm) needed an extra alias to assign to the boss marker in order to fully complete the fix from Bug #15040. (Bug #16141)
- An unnecessary package edit on StumpFollowFrodnar7x14 made in USKP 1.1 has been removed. (Bug #16346)
Game Mechanics Fixes
- SolitudeBardPlaysFlutePackage11x3 needed to be cut to 2 hours instead of 3 to allow Illdi to attend her Bards College classroom scenes properly.
- House of Clan Cruel-Sea in Windhelm should not have been made a valid target for Thieves Guild jobs. It's marked with a "protected" shadowmark. (Bug #15875)
- Calcelmo's Lab and Tower should no longer set off the event where guards come to tell you to stop shouting. Doing so usually resulted in them following up by attacking you because you're trespassing. Normal shout detection because of the noise should still work properly in these cases. (Bug #15624)
- Cells 29,-20 and 29,-21 needed to be added to TrevasWatchLocation to fix a problem with the quest trigger that overlaps the cells. (Bug #15634)
- Arrows do not cause damage at long range even if they appear to have hit the target. This is due to an internal distance check in the game that is wrong. This issue has now been fixed through the use of an "ini snippet" which is now included with the USKP distribution. (Bug #136)
- Navmeshing in WolfskullCave01 made it difficult or impossible for NPCs to properly move around the cell due to numerous bad triangle links and vertexes sitting too high off the ground. (Bug #16119)
- AI pack SolitudeInnkeeperOnDuty was set to editor location, which would cause Sorex Vinius to stand in the middle of the dining area instead of behind the counter if Corpulus was killed. (Bug #16113)
- AI pack FalkreathValgaInnkeeper was set to editor location, which would cause Narri to stand in the middle of the dining area instead of behind the counter if Valga Vinicia was killed. (Bug #16218)
- Deft Movement was actually providing an 11% chance instead of the stated 10%. (
- One of the Riften loading screens regarding the Thieves Guild should only be displayed once Blindsighted has been completed. (
- Paralyzing Strike (PerkGrandmaster1HParalysisFFSelf) was actually providing a 26% chance instead of the stated 25%. (
- ValtheimKeepLocation shows up incorrectly on the map as "Valtheim Keep" when the map marker shows it as "Valtheim Towers".
- AbFXAtronachFrost was missed in the fixes for effects that can get stuck on the player. This should now be prevented from attaching to the player like the others. It is also now removable at the shrine in the Temple of Kynareth.
- LItemEnchDaedricAnyWeapon, which is used by the Atronach Forge, was only populated with Daedric war axes and warhammers. It has now been populated with the remaining missing weapon types. (
- The following magic effects did not prevent the stamina bonuses with the Respite perk from affecting Automatons, Daedra, and Undead: PerkRestoreStaminaFFActor, PerkRestoreStaminaConcActor, and PerkRestoreStaminaFFSelfArea. (
- Incinerate was never added to the formlist of spells that set off gas traps. (
Actor Fixes
- Nelkir was incorrectly set as Balgruuf's brother rather than his son. (Bug #15916)
- Nelkir did not have proper relationships set with Frothar and Dagny. (Bug #15916)
- Dagny and Frothar were not set up with proper relationships for Balgruuf as their father. (Bug #15916)
- Voice of the Sky did not apply to slaughterfish. KynesPeaceFaction is now friendly with SlaughterfishFaction. (Bug #15894)
- Anoriath should be going hunting outside of Whiterun on a regular basis (set for weekends) according to Nazir's contract information for the Dark Brotherhood. (Bug #15588)
- Nils did not have the WI property set on his RentRoomScript which would prevent him from escorting the player to their room if he took over Candlehearth Hall. (Bug #15982) [NR]
- Ahtar's AI pack for eating in the Winking Skeever had too large a radius which could place him eating upstairs where he didn't really belong.
- TreasCorpseCommonerRedguardMale was set to use the FemaleCommoner voicetype, which would cause him to use female voice responses if resurrected. ( (
- Vilkas was not linked to his bed at Jorrvaskr which would prevent getting the Lover's Comfort bonus if married to him and living at his house. (
- Borkul the Beast could not be intimidated due to the confidence level bug. He has been lowered one notch to "brave" instead of "foolhardy". (
- Perth's AI schedule after the player accepts the quest to clear out Soljund's Sinkhole prevented him from going inside the house which then prevented some related scenes from playing. His work schedule after the quest also blocked his meal breaks from running. (
- Thonar Silver-Blood's AI package to sit in the chair in his house was erroneously attached to his base NPC record which could result in him never assuming a normal schedule if his journal was pickpocketed during Forsworn Conspiracy (MS01). (
- An official patch added the Wolf template sounds to Vald at some point even though this should not have been done.
Audio Fixes
- Gold, arrows, and other items would often return the wrong sounds played until a second or third instance of the same item type was picked up in succession. This issue has now been fixed through the use of an "ini snippet" which is now included with the USKP distribution. (Bug #84)
- MS13LucanVolunteerTopic: Camilla gives the wrong directions to Bleak Falls Barrow. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleYoungEager\ms13_ms13lucanvolunteertop_00048a7c_2.fuz) (Bug #15632)
- MS13LucanVolunteerTopic: Lucan also gives the wrong directions to Bleak Falls Barrow. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleSlyCynical\ms13_ms13lucanvolunteertop_0008afa1_2.fuz) (Bug #15631)
- DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01SCN: Bassianus has a line in this scene that is incorrect. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleCondescending\dialogueiv__000676ea_1.fuz) (Bug #15601)
- RiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene01: Svana has a line in this scene which is grammatically incorrect. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleYoungEager\dialogueri__00046b18_1.fuz) (Bug #15597)
- DialogueMarkarthGateGuardChoice03: Male Nord guards speak the line incorrectly. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\maleguard\dialoguema_dialoguemarkart_00053325_1.fuz) (Bug #15592)
- MarkarthKeepScene10DUPLICATE001: Voada incorrectly refers to Anton as Arnoit twice in the kitchen scene. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleCommoner\dialoguema__000246a0_1.fuz) (Bug #16022)
- Guards will talk about the "Emperor of Skyrim" after completing the Dark Brotherhood quests. He's really the Emperor of all of Tamriel though. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\femalenord\dialogueguardsgeneral__000dd0ce_1.fuz, sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\maleguard\dialogueguardsgeneral__000dd0ce_1.fuz, sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\malenordcommander\dialogueguardsgeneral__000dd0ce_1.fuz) (Bug #15956)
- C03PostQuestTellThemBranchTopic: Tilma's line is missing a word in the audio. (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\femaleoldkindly\c03postque_c03postquesttel_000b3e06_2.fuz) (Bug #16125)
- DialogueDawnstar (Hello): "... from his very smithy" -> "... from this very smithy" (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleEvenTonedAccented\DialogueDawnstar__0005A309_1.fuz) (Bug #15420)
- RiftenKeepScene01 [00046ACE_1]: "Excellent, then they'll be no need to devote any resources to stopping it." -> "Excellent, then there's no need to devote any resources to stopping it." (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleCommander\DialogueRiftenKeepScene01__00046ACE_1.fuz) (Bug #15596)
- DA03StartLodBranchPersuadeTopic: "Oh, it's a smart man that demands something up front for his work." -> "Oh, it's smart to demand something up front." (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleCommonerAccented\DA03Start_DA03StartLodBran_000D7933_1.fuz) (Bug #15871)
- WITavernPlayerSits: "Too lazy to give him a drink yourself? Oaf." -> "Too lazy to give 'em a drink yourself? Oaf." (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleShrill\WITavern__000DBAFB_1.fuz) (Bug #16015)
- C00GiantAttackMyBad: "Ha. Another milk drinker crying about his effort." -> "Ha. Another milk drinker crying about their effort." (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleCommander\C00GiantAt_C00GiantAttackM_000CF2D6_1.fuz) (Bug #16122)
- MS12NurelionOfferThanks: "You would need the skills of a master alchemist to reach his resting place." -> "You would need the skills of a master alchemist to reach its resting place." (sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleOldGrumpy\ms12_ms12nurelionofferthan_0002dca2_4.fuz) (Bug #15620)
Item Fixes
- The inventory art for The Book of Fate (WindhelmFreeformBookOfFate) did not match its world art. (Bug #16005)
- The Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson (dunSaarthalStaffJyrikStaff) did not have its intended spell script attached. (
- Japhet's Folly exploding catapult arrows (dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo) were erroneously marked as playable. (
- Movarth's Boots (dunMovarthsBoots) did not have a tempering recipe so they could not be improved at a workbench. (
- Dwemer Scrap Metal could not be sold to blacksmiths without the merchant perk due to being tagged with the wrong keyword. (
- The armor add-on for the wedding sandals (WeddingSandals01AA) was pointing to the wrong mesh. (Bug #15983)
Quest Fixes
- The scene quest for innkeepers to show you to your room (WIRentRoomWalkTo) needed to exempt Delphine from using it because she has no recorded dialogue for this event. (Bug #15679)
- Sarethi Farm has dialogue indicating the presence of Crimson Nirnroots growing on the farm, but none were ever added to the game. (Bug #15589)
- In Revealing The Unseen (MG06) the objective to report to Savos Aren is never completed, and the objective to reach Ancano is never displayed or completed.
- Containment (MG05) could possibly fail to start because the aliases for Drevis, Phinis, and Sergius were not marked as optional. One or more could already be locked in a radiant alias somewhere else. They have no essential role in MG05. (Bug #15907)
- During The Pursuit (TG07), the trigger enabler for the ramp at Mercer's House needed to be on its own enable marker (which Bethesda conveniently supplied) in order to avoid being disabled when Vald's triggers get turned off after freeing him from his debt. (Bug #16047)
- DialogueSolitudeLisett02Topic should not be available for use if Corpulus is dead. (Bug #16114)
- DialogueSolitudeSorex02Topic01Continue had a response that should have been used if Corpulus is dead, but neither response had the proper conditions to check for that. (Bug #16115)
- Follower dialogue responses for dogs did not all have an audible sound attached. (Bug #16100)
- The innkeeper escort quest (WIRentRoomWalkTo) had a priority conflict with the BardSongs quest, so any innkeeper who was also a bard would fail to run the escort scene to take the player to their room. (Bug #16224, Bug #16221)
- Two greeting lines in DialogueKynesgrove were inappropriate to deliver if Iddra is dead. (Bug #16223)
- Ysolda had a greeting line that is not appropriate to deliver if Hulda is dead. (Bug #16222)
- Bolund had a greeting line that is not appropriate to deliver if Valga Vinicia is dead. (Bug #16220)
- Narri had a greeting line that is not appropriate to deliver if Valga Vinicia is dead. (Bug #16219)
- WIAssault02 did not filter out children as targets to be assaulted. (Bug #16217)
- If Keerava is dead, Sealing the Deal (FreeformRiften06) should not be available to start. Also if Keerava is killed after accepting the quest, it should be failed just as it would if Talen-Jei is killed. (Bug #16216)
- Skjor had two additional greeting lines that were unable to be used because the condition checks for them were incorrect.
- When the explosion at the end of Revealing the Unseen (MG06) occurs, followers would be teleported into the room even if you had told them to wait elsewhere. (
- In Brelyna's Practice (MGRAppBrelyna01) it was possible for her spell to miss the player if they were in 3rd person or if line of sight was blocked by an obstruction. A failsafe has been added to add the spell to the player should this happen. (Bug #15693)
- Sanuarach Mine (FreeformKarthwastenA) never adds Karthwasten back to the Civil War if the player "resolves" the scenario by killing both sides.
- If Angi is killed, her archery quest (dunArcherQST) has no reason to keep running.
- During A Night To Remember (DA14) Ysolda could present the dialogue to accept the ring even if the player did not have it. (Bug #16098)
- The Aspiring Mage encounter (WE31) should now be working entirely as expected with the mage wielding the staff. The CK's warning about unresolvable alias dependencies turned out to be bogus, and his AI package should have been a use item type instead of a travel type. They even had a custom combat style for him that wasn't linked to the package. Plus the Papyrus errors associated with the script have been fixed as well. The encounter will also properly recycle itself until the player has resolved it. (Bug #12053, Bug #14692)
- Ulfric has an alias in Blood on the Ice (MS11) which can delay Brunwulf becoming Jarl if the quest is still running when the Battle of Windhelm ends. (
- If the guard who fills the roll of Crime Scene Investigator for MS11 is killed, the quest will stall permanently if the player is unable to break into Hjerim to jump stages, or if the guard was at the second crime scene. The CSI alias will now be marked essential so this guard cannot be killed and break the quest.
- Elda Early-Dawn would still warn the player not to get fresh with Susanna even after she was killed in Blood on the Ice (MS11). (
- An inifinite speech exploit was fixed in Buy Dwarven Artifact (WIAddItem07) when persuading Calcelmo to pay more money. (
- During Diplomatic Immunity (MQ201) the two generic carriage drivers are supposed to share the same two dialogue lines. This was not possible because the conditions were only set to the first one instead of both of them. (
- Cicero has a line he uses when the player shouts near him that should only be used once you've been designated as the Listener. (
- When using your Thane's influence to stop an arrest, if you back out of the dialogue before the guard finishes, it may not register the bounty as paid. The next encounter with a guard that results in you being arrested will not have the Thane option available. The script commands on all 18 possible topics have been moved to the "Begin" block rather than the "End" block which will ensure they run as soon as the guard starts speaking. (
- It is potentially possible for the Staff of Magnus to duplicate during The Staff of Magnus (MG07) because a separate helper quest runs an EquipItem call on the base object instead of the alias reference in MG07. (
- A Few Words with You (Favor013) will no longer allow dead targets to be chosen. ( [NR]
- The stage 15 journal entry for The Forsworn Conspiracy (MS01) mentions the murder in the marketplace even if you killed Weylin before he could attack Margret. The journal will now refer to it as an "incident" instead. (
- It is no longer possible to exploit dialogue timing to get free houses and decorations for them. (
- When becoming a werewolf, the game cures you of vampirism. The script responsible for this left out removing the Sanguinare Vampiris disease that leads up to vampirism. (
- The purchased horse reference at Katla's Farm outside Solitude was erroneously pointing to the horse at the Riften Stables. (
- If Knifepoint Ridge is visited for the first time during Boethiah's Calling (DA02), the location is not marked cleared when the Champion is killed. (
- Lisbet's Missing Shipment (FreeformMarkarthE) is never stopped when completed. (
- The Mistwatch quest (dunMistwatchQST) attempts to set an incorrect stage if the player kills Christer, which makes it impossible to tell Fjola you've "gotten rid of him". (
- dunMistwatchQST does not take into account that the player may kill Fjola after getting the wedding band. (
- In Mourning Never Comes (DB03), it was possible to taunt Nilsine Shatter-Shield before Muiri had even told you she was a bonus target. This was due to a bad stage check condition. (
- The mini-quest at Soljund's Sinkhole (FreeformSoljundsSinkholeA, DialogueSoljundsSinkhole) was supposed to provide the player a choice as to whether they would take the quest or not but the dialogue linkages were all wrong and the script commands to start the quest were all in the wrong responses. (
- During Pilgrimage (FreeformRiften13) it was possible to put Alessandra's dagger into a weapon case and then still turn in the quest to brng it to Andurs because the dialogue did not verify the player was still carrying it. (
- In Stabilized (FreeformRiften22), telling Shadr you won't help him still pays you the reward and counts toward the Thane quest even though it should not. A script variable that should have been updated wasn't.
- FavorJarlsMakeFriendsTrackEvent did not have the second NPC alias set to allow reserved, so if it recieved a second one who was in a reserved alias elsewhere that NPC would not be counted for favor tracking in the hold they're part of. (
- If the player succeeded in persuading the bandit at Valtheim Towers to accept 50 gold instead of 200, the 50 gold is never added to the bandit's inventory.
- It was possible to exploit a potentially infinite number of gold rewards from Quintus when the damaged Phial has been returned. (
- The Shearpoint map marker will no longer be immediately available for fast travel if it is revealed by guards but you've never been there before. (Bug #16138)
- Svari's setup dialogue leading into recovering Roggvir's amulet (SolitudeFreeform03) was badly arranged. (Bug #15143)
- Petra's alias in The Affairs of Hagravens (dunBlindCliffQST) does not always have her name properly assigned to the hagraven who fills the role. (
- Climb the Steps (FreeformIvarstead04) never removes the supplies from the chest when the quest ends. The object is a static container and when dropped, will hover in place permanently. (
- Oengul War-Anvil's quest to retrieve Queen Freydis's sword (Favor205) results in him offering it for sale once the quest is over. (
NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
- UV stretching on an Imperial fort ice wall piece. (meshes\dungeons\imperial\exteriorice\impexticewall04.nif) (Bug #15636)
- Distant decal fix needed to be applied to one of the Imperial fort pieces. (meshes\dungeons\imperial\exterior\impextwall04.nif) (Bug #15636)
- Numerous issues have been corrected for the large Windhelm docks mesh. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\whdocks1.nif) (Bug #15642)
- Imperial free standing candles have flames that float above the wax. (meshes\clutter\imperial\impcandle01.nif) (Bug #16049)
- Two Imperial chandeliers have flames on the lower portions that float above the wax. (meshes\clutter\imperial\impchandelliercandle03.nif, meshes\clutter\imperial\impchandelliercandle02.nif) (Bug #16050)
- One of the Windhelm interior wood roof pieces had bad UV mapping. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\interiorkits\wood\whintwoodroofmid01.nif) (Bug #16010)
- Fixed an armpit hole, cleavage "hole", bad rigging on the left shoulder, and torso twisting issues on the female FarmClothes04 outfit. (meshes\clothes\farmclothes04\robef_0.nif, meshes\clothes\farmclothes04\robef_1.nif) (Bug #15953)
- Missing sound and some UV seam issues fixed on the Dragonsreach wooden stairway. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\WRInteriors\WRCastle\wrintcastleplatstairs01.nif) (Bug #16013)
- The High-Elf loading screen had a minor UV error on the glove. (meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenmalehighelf.nif) (Bug #13335)
- Dwemer armor load screen mesh had a minor UV error around the belt and the sword was clipping the hand. (meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreendwarvenarmor.nif) (Bug #15412)
- Load screen cow had a double sided texture setting which was unnecessary. (meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreencow.nif) (Bug #15610)
- Giant clubs have incorrect metallic sounds assigned. (meshes\weapons\giant\giantclub.nif) (Bug #16126)
- UV errors resulting in twisted bricks on the Solitude temple. (meshes\architecture\solitude\sninedivine.nif) (Bug #16117)
- Dead Briarheart warriors will no longer flicker when their hearts are removed and will no longer lose blood stains due to their bodies swapping to a different skin. (meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheart_0.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheart_1.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartbody_0.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartbody_1.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartempty_0.nif, meshes\armor\briarheart\briarheartempty_1.nif) (Bug #16176)
- The Skyforge stairway was incorrectly flagged as being metal instead of stone, producing the wrong material sounds. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrskyforge01.nif) (Bug #16215)
- One of the Imperial tower ring pieces had no material sound settings. (meshes\dungeons\imperial\tower\imptowerring01.nif) (Bug #16215)
- The single slat Falmer fence piece occasionally also used as a table had poor collision. (meshes\clutter\falmer\falmerfence01.nif) (Bug #14915)
- Goblets used for theft targets in Thieves Guild quests had inadequate collision that allowed them to sink into tables. (meshes\clutter\quest\tggoldengoblet01.nif, meshes\clutter\quest\tggoldengobletstatic01.nif) (Bug #13828)
- The Jagged Crown clipped through the hair when worn by female Nords. (meshes\armor\bonecrown\bonecrownf.nif) (Bug #11960)
- Dragonbone helmets had a variety of clipping issues with hair on several races. (meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmet2_0.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmet2_1.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetf_0.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetf_1.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetorcf_0.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetorcf_1.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetorcm_0.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\dragonbonehelmetorcm_1.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\helmargonianf.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\helmargonianm.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\helmkhajiitf.nif, meshes\armor\dragonbone\helmkhajiitm.nif) (Bug #109)
- The narrow farmhouse interior stairs had incorrect havok material settings. (meshes\architecture\farmhouse\interior\farmintwbasemantent01.nif) (Bug #16226)
- Male Argonians should now drop a visible head when decapitated. Note: Facegen mesh+texture data needed to be regnerated for 32 vanilla Argonian NPCs. (meshes\actors\character\character assets\maleheadargonian.nif) (Bug #866)
- UV errors, translucent roof, several holes, and collision fixes have been done for the two versions of Windhelm's market area. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\whmarket02.nif, meshes\architecture\windhelm\whmarket02destroyed.nif) (Bug #11894, Bug #14689)
Script Fixes
- CWScript - The GetMyEditorLocationHoldLocation() function and the DetermineAndSetCrimeFactionForSoldierActor() function were both charged with determining the location of various soldiers in a garrison. This was done using GetEditorLocation on each alias, up to 64 soldiers in each possible battle. This resulted in thousands of lines of Papyrus script errors because GetEditorLocation apparently returns a NONE sometimes instead of the expected CK editor location for the actor it's looking at. These errors meant that processing of a garrison reset called for in several minor villages and at every single fort in the game would be incomplete because of aborted function calls. This has now been corrected by changing the two calls for GetEditorFunction into calls for GetCurrentLocation. This should be adequate for the purpose since soldiers at each fort and the various minor villages should remain within the affected locations when the resets are called for. (Bug #13860)
- QF_dunStonehillBarrowQST_000CF915 had more instances of activation refs being activated by NONE. (Bug #15761)
- QF_DialogueMarkarthIntroWorld_000AF75F had no sanity check to prevent starting combat with Weylin if he was dead. (Bug #15672)
- doorBar should disable the linked navcut box if the bar is disabled. This prevents NPC pathing problems from unmaintained cutters.
- QF_SolitudeFreeform06_000D69FB was trying to directly add a global variable to the player rather than using it to add a small amount of gold for the quest reward. (Bug #15598)
- QF_dunPOIReachShrineTheftQST_0003AA66 lacked sanity checks for dead or disabled actors. (Bug #15590)
- defaultSetStageTrigSCRIPT should bail out of processing commands to set a quest stage if it is not able to start the quest it belongs to. Testing has shown that this is due to the quest having been run once before and then being stopped. The debug trap message has been removed now. (Bug #15680)
- defaultSetStageOnPlayerAcquireItem and defaultSetStageOnPlayerAcquire will perform a sanity check to make sure they only set stages on quests that are running AND have a prereq property other than -1. (Bug #15331, Bug #15781, Bug #14321, Bug #14002)
- defaultSetStageOnDeathRefAlias will perform a sanity check to make sure it only sets stages on quests that are running AND have a prereq property other than -1. (Bug #15067, Bug #14495)
- WordWallListenerQuestScript was sending debug trace messages to the log. (Bug #16046)
- TrapHitBase did not take vampires and werewolves into consideration when applying diseases to the player. (
- QF_WIKill04_00071441 did not properly handle the relationship value when the player read the letter in the quest alias. (
- DA05QuestScript did not check to make sure the player wasn't on a horse before triggering a random werewolf transformation. (
- FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript has been modified to temporarily store a Blades recruit's items before setting their outfit. The items will then be given back. Some items have been known to disappear entirely during this process. (
- dunKarthspirePlatePuzzleSCRIPT has a boolean variable for safe triggers, but the script was never modified to actually check it, resulting in all triggers using this script being treated as dangerous even if their properties on the base objects were set correctly.
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 000E3167, 000E3314, 000E3315: Mist effects clipping with the water line. (Bug #15882)
- 000e6c7c: Duplicate wall piece in Whiterun.
- 0006F850: Trigger that was not linked to its sister trigger elsewhere in the dungeon. (Bug #15780)
- 001015D9, 001015A7: Barricades missing thei navcut boxes. (Bug #15622)
- 000E4072, 000E407B, 000E407C: Wisps with enable parents that should not have them. (Bug #15618)
- 000D892C: Navcut box for a door bar that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #15602)
- 000CBF9F: Trigger required quest stage prereq property to be set. (Bug #15586) [NR]
- 000e796a: Prison door missing its prisoner faction property. (Bug #16071) [NR]
- 000872cd: Water plane in Sightless Pit that left a gap. (Bug #16074)
- 02000d63: Viola Giordano's house, added a flipped-over chimney on top of the existing one because it doesn't reach the roof (can be seen when going upstairs, same trick as the one used in vanilla house of clan cruelsea). (Bug #16009)
- 000da27d, 000da27e, 000da27f : very slightly upscaled to avoid z-fighting. (Bug #16009)
- 0007ef77, 0007ef8e: wood pillar slightly moved down to avoid z-fighting upstairs. (Bug #16009)
- 0007eef5, 0007eef6: misaligned wood boards on the ground. (Bug #16009)
- 0007f02c, 0007f02d, 000da275, 000da276, 000da277 : general placement fixes - wood supports misaligned with vertical wood pillars. (Bug #16009)
- 0007ef5c, 0007ef5d, 0007ef5e, 0007ef5f, 0007ef60, 0007ef61, 0007ef63 : wood roofs slightly lowered to close gaps. (Bug #16009)
- 0007f043: beam slightly moved to avoid z-fighting. (Bug #16009)
- 0007eee9: closed a gap between wall and wood pillar. (Bug #16009)
- 000da2f9: floating embers. (Bug #16009)
- 000c3d9b: crate passing through wall (Bug #16009)
- 000c3da1: slightly moved and dowscaled crate to avoid conflict with previously moved crate 000c3d9b. (Bug #16009)
- 000d6526: floating pot. (Bug #16009)
- 0005f2ab: Floating thistle bush. (Bug #16076)
- 000FF27E: Wall marker floating too high off the ground. (Bug #15852)
- 000b3b3d: Snow drift sticking through the ceiling of the mesh below. (Bug #15673)
- 0003aa57: Gold coin at a shrine missing ownership data. (Bug #15591)
- 0006b0f9: Misaligned roof slats in the Whiterun Guard Shack. (Bug #15579)
- 0006b0fa: Duplicate roof slats in the Whiterun Guard Shack. (Bug #15579)
- Misaligned road chunks: 0009592b, 0004830d, 00045db4, 000f0a3f, 000f0a43, 00088020, 0008802b, 00088026, 00088021, 00088022, 000edd16, 000edd17, 000edd21, 000edd1a, 0006e3b1, 0006e3b4, 0006c881, 0006c221, 0006c222, 0006c1ed, 0006bad4, 000e6a86, 00062e2e, 00062de8, 000edc17, 000edbf0, 000edbf1, 000edc54, 000edc4c, 000edc45, 000edc46, 000edd1c, 000edd1d, 0004396d, 00049c94, 0004a1e0, 0004a1d3, 00049c20, 00049c05, 00049483, 0004947e, 00048a4e, 00048763, 00048757, 0004874f, 00048735, 00048730, 000485df, 00048497, 000f0c50 (Bug #16228, Bug #16229, Bug #15923, Bug #15892, Bug #15891, Bug #15890, Bug #15889, Bug #15888, Bug #15887, Bug #15885, Bug #15884, Bug #15882, Bug #15881, Bug #15880, Bug #15878, Bug #15609, Bug #15608, Bug #15607, Bug #15606, Bug #15605, Bug #15604, Bug #15603, Bug #15595, Bug #15594, Bug #15587)
- 000794ff, 0007953f, 00079540, 00079541 : wood supports slightly moved so as they now display properly in the roombound they are supposed to be. (Bug #16009)
- 00058ef7: Landscape rock with a large gap. (Bug #16091)
- 0005a09a: Rock pile with the wrong type of grass. (Bug #16214)
- 000d3f51: Rubble pile sticking up from the grond. (Bug #16166)
- 000c0edc: Wooden plate sitting crooked on an end table. (Bug #16227)
- 000dd9e2, 000ddb09: AI markers in the Frozen Hearth Inn not owned by the innkeeper faction so Haran could never use them. (Bug #16225)
- 000C0D9F, 000C0DA0, 000C0DA1, 000C0DA6, 000C0DA7, 000C0DA8: Weapon racks in the Windhelm Bloodworks that were missing their linked ref settings.
- 000ded2f: Drelas' door was marked as owned by Ulfberth War-Bear. (
- 000251fd: Trap door + ladder floating slightly off the ground. (
- 000db208: The door to Lund's Hut was marked as owned by Ulfberth War-Bear. (
- 00083b23, 00083b22: Letters at Shor's Watchtower that were partially embedded into the table. (
- 000ff884: Heavy Armor Forging skill book which is disabled for no apparent reason. (
- 000d6a9c: Goat hide that could not be taken. (
- 00083b35: Note embedded into a dresser. (
- 02047c7f: Bed provided for Malur Seloth in Winterhold so tha his sleep package will work. (
Text Fixes
- DB01SamuelGrelodBranchTopic: "Noontime, every day - that's when I hit the streets." -> Line removed, the audio is not recorded anywhere in the game. (
- Load screen CreatureDog says dogs are faithful companions to their Nord masters, but dogs in the game belong to a lot more than just Nords. (Bug #15985)
- FavorIdgrodNote: "The potions you have given me has eased his nightmares," -> "The potions you have given me have eased his nightmares," (Bug #15633)
- MG01InitialBranchTopic: "I don't even like our Jarl havin' a court wizard." [removed extra space between "a" and "court"] (Bug #15782)
- DA16DawnstarNightmareBranchTopic: "You're lucky." -> "Oh, you're lucky." (Bug #15783)
- DialogueMarkarthIntroBlacksmithSceneView: "the forge gets so hot and I thought...." -> "the forge gets so hot and I thought that...." (Bug #15784)
- FFSS02SylgjaCompleteBranchTopic: "I look forward to reading them." [removed extra space between "forward" and "to"] (Bug #15785)
- DialogueRiftenThievesGuildBranchTopic: "The Ratway's too good of a place for that scum." -> "The Ratway's too good a place for that scum." (Bug #15786)
- TGShellShared: "And here I thought you were a master criminal." -> "And here I thought you was a master criminal." (Bug #15787)
- "All-righty." -> "Yeah, all-righty." (Bug #15788)
- I hardly noticed you were gone." -> "I hardly noticed you was gone." (Bug #15789)
- "Nicely done." -> "Ooh, nicely done." (Bug #15790)
- TGRShellRadiantBranchTopic: "No get to it." -> "Now get to it." (Bug #15791)
- "Brynjolf's been gettin' on me about money." -> "Brynjolf's been gettin' on to me about money." (Bug #15792)
- TGRShellNTBranchTopic: "Sometimes we like to remind a city that we mean business, so we hit it hard." -> "Sometimes we just like to remind a city that we mean business, so we hit 'em hard." (Bug #15793)
- "The catch is it doesn't count if anyone sees you take it." -> "The catch is, it doesn't count if anyone sees you take it." (Bug #15794)
- TGRShellFOBranchTopic [0006183D]: "Your job would be to change the numbers in those books" -> "Your job will be to change the numbers in those books" (Bug #15795)
- "and wants to prep their books." -> "and he wants to prep their books." (Bug #15796)
- "These marks keep their ledger all neat and tidy, but they're ripe for some change if you know what I mean." -> "These marks keep their ledgers all neat and tidy, but they're ripe for some change, if you know what I mean." (Bug #15797)
- TGRShellCapQuestDoneMiscBranchTopic: "Success means that the Guild is getting' stronger." -> "Success means the Guild is getting stronger." (Bug #15798)
- "It's nice to shake the cobwebs off and get things rollin' again." -> "It's nice to shake off the cobwebs and get things rollin' again." (Bug #15799)
- TGRShellCapQuestDetailBranchTopic: "He's a silversmith... has some kind of a shop there." -> "He's a silversmith... he has some kind of shop there." (Bug #15800)
- TGRShellCapQuestBranchTopic: "I don't know what your made of," -> "I don't know what you're made of," (Bug #15801)
- "I haven't gotten anythin' like it in years." -> "I haven't gotten anythin' like that in years." (Bug #15802)
- FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic: "I believe once it's interred with my father's remains I'll be at peace with his memory." -> "I believe once it's interred with my father's remains, I'll be at peace with his memory." (Bug #15803)
- FFRiften13AlessandraBranchTopic02: "but for now I need to tend the dead." -> "but for now I need to tend to the dead." (Bug #15804)
- FFRiften13AlessandraDaggerBranchTopic: "It usually given by the head priest who sanctified the ritual." -> "It's usually given by the head priest who sanctified the ritual." (Bug #15805)
- "The thing is, I never wanted to follow in his footsteps... I some ways I still don't." -> "The thing is, I never wanted to follow in his footsteps... In some ways I still don't." (Bug #15806)
- FFSS01SpidersBranchTopic00: "Gave me some sort of a line about "keeping an eye out for enemy soldiers."" -> "Gave me some sort of line about "keeping an eye out for enemy soldiers."" (Bug #15807)
- FFSS01SpidersInfoBranchTopic: "One day we were cracking rocks in the deepest parts of the mine and the next day they were all over the place." ["parts" -> "part"] (Bug #15708)
- FFI04KlimmekBranchTopic02: "Really? That would be kind of you." -> "Really? Well, that would be kind of you." (Bug #15809)
- Favor013QuestGiveTopic: "You've having trouble with Mulush?" -> "You're having trouble with Mulush?" (Bug #15810)
- MS01HogniTopic01: "Lot of the laborers there are sympathetic to the Forsworn." -> "Lot of laborers there are sympathetic to the Forsworn." (Bug #15811)
- MS01MulushBribeTopic: "I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay." -> "I did notice something odd the last time we handed out the pay." (Bug #15812)
- MS01MulushIntimidate: "I think I just remembered something." -> "I just remembered something." (Bug #15813)
- MS01RhiadaThonarTopic: "I'm afraid he's asked to not be disturbed." -> "I'm afraid he's asked not to be disturbed." (Bug #15815)
- FFRiften12WujeetaBranchTopic03: "It's all I can offer for what you've given me." -> "It's all I can offer you for what you've given me." (Bug #15816)
- FFRiften17HafjorgBranchTopic02: "We could really use the gold." -> "We really could use the gold." (Bug #15817)
- FreeformWinterholdCStage10HaranFollowUp: "When I told him there was no more Honningbrew, that he'd drank it all, he got angry." -> "When I told him there was no more Honningbrew, that he'd drank all of it, he got angry." (Bug #15818)
- FreeformWinterholdCInitialBranchTopic: "I wondered if I could ask a favor of you." -> "I wonder if I could ask a favor of you." (Bug #15819)
- FreeformWinterholdCVexResponse3: "So I gave her some advice, pointed her towards Hobs Fall Cave and that was that." ["Hobs Fall Cave" -> "Hob's Fall Cave"] (Bug #15820)
- FreeformMorthalBInitialBranchTopic: "There's a... A problem, yes." -> "There is a... a problem, yes." (Bug #15821)
- FreeformMorthalBValdReadNote: "so I'd hoped he'd given up on his little scheme." -> "so I'd hoped he'd given up his little scheme." (Bug #15822)
- MorthalThaumaturgistHutScene01: "I'll just... I'll know it if I find it." -> "I'll just... I'll know if I find it." (Bug #15823)
- MorthalFalionsHouseScene2: "Good. Concentration is paramount when dealing with magical forces." -> "Good, good. Concentration is paramount when dealing with magical forces." (Bug #15824)
- MorthalMoorsideScene2: "Would you prefer that I proclaim your beauty, your strength, your..." -> "Would you prefer I proclaim your beauty, your strength, your..." (Bug #15825)
- RiftenKeepScene06Alternate: "I'd be careful wagging that pretty little tongue at me like that otherwise I may just have it cut off." -> "I'd be careful wagging that pretty little tongue at me like that, otherwise I may just have to cut it off." (Bug #15827)
- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene03: "Then we're both in trouble." -> "Then we'll both be in trouble." (Bug #15828)
- RiftenGrandPlazaScene01: "Lady Mjoll, if you lost a gold ring anywhere in this city I'm afraid it's likely never to be seen again." -> "Lady Mjoll, if you lost a gold ring anywhere in this city, I'm afraid it's likely never to be seen again." (Bug #15829)
- RiftenHonorhallScene01: "Besides, don't want the little darlings getting fat." -> "Besides, we don't want the little darlings getting fat." (Bug #15830)
- RiftenHaelgasBunkhouseScene07: "If there was any justice in the world," -> "If there was any justice in this world," (Bug #15831)
- RiftenTempleofMaraScene01: "I just wish to show them there's more to life than drowning your sorrows in a goblet of mead." -> "I just wish to show them that there's more to life than drowning your sorrows in a goblet of mead." (Bug #15832)
- RiftenFisheryScene03: "Sigh. Very well." -> "Very well." (Bug #15833)
- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene17: "I told you, I can't just pick up and leave." -> "I told you, I... I can't just pick up and leave." (Bug #15834)
- RiftenKeepScene05Alternate: "It's surprising the Council is allowing a Nord rule Riften under the Imperial flag." -> "It's surprising the Council is allowing a Nord to rule Riften under the Imperial flag." (Bug #15835)
- RiftenGrandPlazaScene20: "Thanks for that bushel of apples, Marise. They're wonderful." -> "Thanks for the bushel of apples, Marise. Ah, they're wonderful." (Bug #15836)
- RiftenRaggedFlagonScene06: "Yeah, funny thing about that." -> "Yeah, funny about that." (Bug #15837)
- RiftenKeepScene07: "I look forward to it then." -> "I'll look forward to it then." (Bug #15838)
- RiftenElgrimsElixirsScene01: "Don't you "dear" me!" -> "Oh, don't you "dear" me!" (Bug #15839)
- RiftenGrandPlazaScene16: "Its not arriving anytime soon." -> "It's not arriving anytime soon." (Bug #15840)
- RiftenBeeAndBarbScene19: "If you think I'd would make a move like that without asking Maven," -> "If you think I'd make a move like that without asking Maven," (Bug #15841)
- RiftenSnowShodHouseScene03: "It would please me if he'd take up arms and fight for to save his homeland." -> "It would please me if he'd take up arms and fight to save his homeland." (Bug #15842)
- HeartwoodMillScene01: "That's because there's nothing to tell." -> "That's because there is nothing to tell." (Bug #15843)
- SarethiFarmScene03: "One day, these beautiful plants will make us famous and we can finally move off of this farm... thanks to Sinderion." ["move off of this farm..." -> "move off this farm..."] (Bug #15844)
- DialogueIvarsteadInnScene05SCN: "You're sweet. I'm just not ready for that sort of thing right now. I'm sorry." -> "Oh, you're sweet. Umm... I'm just not ready for that sort of thing right now. I'm... I'm sorry." (Bug #15845)
- DialogueIvarsteadKlimmekHouseScene01SCN: "I need you to catch another two bushels by week's end if I'm to make another delivery." -> "I need to catch another two bushels by week's end if I'm going to make another delivery." (Bug #15846)
- DialogueIvarsteadInnScene06SCN: "There's much more to worry about in life then a bit of a temper, my friend." -> "There's much more to worry about in life than a bit of a temper, my friend." (Bug #15847)
- MS13LucanQuestGiveBranchTopic: "Yes, we did have a bit of a... break-in." -> "Uh yeah, we did have a bit of a... a break-in." (Bug #15848)
- MS13 (SharedInfo): "Thanks. I guess this was the least you could do after what happened to Camilla." -> "Thanks. I... I guess this was the least you could do after what happened to Camilla." (Bug #15849)
- "I'm going to put this back where it belongs. I'll never forget this." -> "I'm going to put this back where it belongs. I'll... I'll never forget this." (Bug #15850)
- DialogueShorsStoneGatheringScene02SCN: "I've been cracking rock ever since I was able to hold a pickaxe and I'm telling you," -> " I've been cracking rock ever since I've been able to hold a pickaxe and I'm telling you," (Bug #15851)
- MS11ViolaThinksItsWuunferth: "It's why they call him "the Unliving."" -> "That's why they call him "the Unliving."" (Bug #15853)
- MS11SharedInfos: "More of those things. Bah." -> "More of those things? Bah." (Bug #15854)
- DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic01: "Next thing I know, I'm getting yelled at for saying something inappropriate." -> "Next thing you know, I'm getting yelled at for saying something inappropriate." (Bug #15860)
- DA01CollegeQuestionsTopic02: "Knows the whole sad story." -> "He knows the whole sad story." (Bug #15861)
- DA01NelacarQuestionsStarBranchTopic: "I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted?" -> "I mentioned how the Star is a soul gem, only it never gets depleted." (Bug #15862)
- DA03 (SharedInfo): "Wait a second, there's another option here." -> "Oh wait a second, there... there's another option here." (Bug #15863)
- DA03BarbasVileReunited: "I've got more interesting deals to make, anyway." -> "Got more interesting deals to make, anyway." (Bug #15864)
- DA03BarbasGreet: "Yes, I think you'll be just what I need." -> "Yeah, I think you'll be just what I need." (Bug #15865)
- DA03BarbasGreeting0: "Skyrim is now host to giant, flying lizards and two-legged cat-men... and you're surprised by me? Yes. I just talked. And am continuing to do so." -> "Yeah. Skyrim is now host to giant, flying lizards and two-legged cat-men... and you're surprised by me? Yeah. I just talked. And am continuing to do so." (Bug #15866)
- DA03BarbasGreeting1A: "I know, I know... Wars to fight, dragons to confront, guild business to conduct." -> "I know, I know... Wars to fight, dragons to confront, guild business to conduct. Geesh!" (Bug #15867)
- DA03BarbasOffer0: "My master and I had a bit of a falling out." -> "My master and I had a... a bit of a falling out." (Bug #15868)
- DA03VileGreet2A: "Come to think of it, I know of a win-win situation for both of us." -> "Hey, come to think of it, I know of a win-win situation for both of us." (Bug #15869)
- DA03VileOffer0: "The little mutt might even earn his place back at my side." -> "Little mutt might even earn his place back at my side." (Bug #15870)
- DA04SharedInfos: "Something they didn't anticipate, no, not even them." -> "Something they did not anticipate, no, not even them." (Bug #15872)
- DA04LorekeeperGoGetBooks: "I'll bring you everything we have on them, but it's not much." -> "I'll bring everything we have on them, but it's not much." (Bug #15873)
- DA04UragWhereHeBeAtYo: "Said he found some old Dwemer artifact, but... well, that was years ago." -> "He said he found some old Dwemer artifact, but... well, that was years ago." (Bug #15874)
- DA05Goodbye: "I just don't understand what kind of a man does that." -> "I just don't understand what kind of man does that." (Bug #15901)
- DA05Insideout: "By bringing down my other Hunters, you turned the chase inside out." -> "By bringing down my other hunters, you turned the chase inside out." (Bug #15902)
- DA05QuestingBeastConclusionBranchTopic: "Well met again, Hunter." -> "Well met again, hunter." (Bug #15903)
- DA05SindingExplainAttackBranchTopic: "I held in my rage as long as I could. But it boiled inside of me." -> "I held in my rage as long as I could, but it boiled inside of me." (Bug #15905)
- DA05SindingExplainWitchesTopic: "I tracked it into these woods, but then had my... accident with the child." -> "I tracked it into these woods, but then I had my... accident with the child." (Bug #15906)
- DA06AtubInitialResponse2: "You may not be one of our tribe, but you are an Orc nonetheless!" -> "You may not be one of our tribe, but you're an Orc nonetheless!" (Bug #15909)
- DA06HowLongBranchTopic: "It feels like an age has gone by." -> "Feels like an age has gone by." (Bug #15910)
- DA06LargashburHelpBranchTopic: "Because Malacath would take pity on us if only a useless outsider would lend a hand." -> "Because Malacath would take pity on us if only a useless outsider would lend us a hand." (Bug #15911)
- DA06OpeningScene: "You would have me disobey him?" -> "Would you have me disobey him?" (Bug #15912)
- DA07HavePommelBranchTopic: "Look at how it shines." -> "Look how it shines." (Bug #15913)
- DA08Hellos: "You... you know the Whispering Lady, don't you." -> "You... you know the Whispering Lady, don't you?" / "Kind of nice being in on the secret, itsn't it." -> "Kind of nice being in on the secret, isn't it?" / "I'll bet you're here to help with the war!" -> "I bet you're here to help with the war!" (Bug #15917)
- CWDialogueSoldiers01Scene: "This imperial armor is damn heavy." -> "This Imperial armor is damn heavy." (Bug #15918)
- DA10Hellos: "Call... that... a... swing?" -> "Call that a... a swing?" (Bug #15920)
- DA10LogrolfBribe: "You think it's money I need?" -> "Well, you think it's money I need?" (Bug #15921)
- DA10LogrolfPersuade: "Wait. Molag Bal's altar. Of course." -> "Oh wait... wait. Molag Bal's altar. Of course." (Bug #15922)
- DA11FINEolaBlockingTopic: "You're everything I hoped you would be." -> "You're everything I hoped you'd be." (Bug #15924)
- WEJS14RushTopic: "Go speak with Kesh if you are so curious." -> "Go speak with Kesh if you're so curious." (Bug #15925)
- DA13KeshOrchendorBranchTopic: "He's an Overseer." -> "He is an Overseer." (Bug #15926)
- DA13PeryiteGoodByeBranchTopic: "Embrace order and hard truth, mortal. Good bye." -> "Embrace order and hard truth, mortal. Goodbye." (Bug #15927)
- dunMorvunskarBlacksmithScene: "Why do they need me to do this? We use magic, not weapons." [removed extra space between sentences] / "You better quiet down before you end up there." -> "You'd better quiet down before you end up there." (Bug #15928)
- DA14AskAboutStaffIntimidateTopic: "The only bit that I could read said "after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun."" -> "The only bit I could read said "after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun."" (Bug #15929)
- DA14PriestessApology1: "You were ranting when you got here but most of it was slurred." -> "You were ranting when you got here, but most of it was slurred." (Bug #15930)
- DA14YsoldaBribeTopic: "I put a lot of time into making it and you just gave is away as a joke." -> "I put a lot of time into making it and you just gave it away as a joke." (Bug #15931)
- DA14YsoldaInfo0: "It was the sweetest story I'd ever heard." -> "It was the sweetest story I ever heard." (Bug #15932)
- DA14YsoldaPersuadeTopic: "I'm sure your bride-to-be will tell you when you where the ceremony will be." -> "I'm sure your bride-to-be will tell you when and where the ceremony will be." (Bug #15933)
- DA14YsoldaReturn0: "Sorry it didn't work out with you and your lady." -> "Sorry it didn't work out." / "You said you even had some magic staff there that would handle all the guests." -> "You said you even had some magic staff that would handle all of the guests." (Bug #15934)
- DA15PelagiusEnd: "And as for you, my little mortal minion..." -> "As for you, my little mortal minion..." / "And if you ever find yourself in New Sheoth, do look me up." -> "And if you ever find yourself up in New Sheoth, do look me up." (Bug #15935)
- DA15PelagiusMeet: "Why, my headsman hasn't slept in three days!" -> "Why, my... my headsman hasn't slept in three days!" (Bug #15936)
- DA15Explain0: "Emperor Pelagius III." -> "Pelagius III." (Bug #15937)
- DA15SheoMeet1B: "You're the mortal messenger. An I am...?" -> "You're the mortal messenger. And I am...?" (Bug #15937)
- CWSharedInfo: "Until we retake the Reach, the Stormcloaks will plunder it's mines to fund further violence." -> "Until we retake the Reach, the Stormcloaks will plunder its mines to fund further violence." (Bug #15939)
- CWHighKingMurder: "But that was precisely the point! He was a puppet-king of the Empire , not a High King of Skyrim." -> "But that was precisely the point! He was a puppet-king of the Empire, not a High King of Skyrim." (Bug #15940)
- CWReasonsGalmarOutlanders: "That's a fact. A fact I'm proud of. There's no shame in that. Read your history." -> "That is a fact. A fact I'm proud of. There is no shame in that. Read your history." (Bug #15941)
- CWWhatsNext: "You better help win me back Markarth, or die trying." -> "You better help me win back Markarth, or die trying." (Bug #15942)
- "We're gathering for our final assault on Windhelm." -> "We're gathering our final assault on Windhelm." (Bug #15943)
- DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhBolarScene2: "Perhaps it's actually a sign of their love for you." -> "Perhaps it's a sign of their love for you." (Bug #15944)
- DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhUrogScene1: "I'm proud of you for helping provide for us." -> "I'm proud of you for helping to provide for us." / "Well someone has to provide around here." -> "Well, someone has to provide around here." (Bug #15945)
- DialogueNarzulburMulGadbaScene3: "You know... the way they're all around him all the time." -> "You know... the way they're around him all the time." (Bug #15946)
- DialogueHlaaluFarmScene1: "I wasn't wanting to get anyone in trouble, sir." -> "Well, I wasn't wanting to get anyone in trouble, sir." (Bug #15947)
- DialogueHollyfrostFarmTulvurTorsten1: "Dirt everywhere, and it looks like the dogs have the run of the place." -> "Dirt everywhere, and it looks like the dogs have had the run of the place." (Bug #15948)
- WindhelmDialogueEldaCalixtoScene1: "It sounds as if it may be the Death Ring of Dro'farahn." -> "It sounds as though it may be the Death Ring of Dro'farahn." (Bug #15949)
- DialogueWindhelmRevynNiranyeScene1: "Well, I'll want to meet them next time they're around." -> "Well, I'll want to meet them the next time they're around." / "Many of the people I deal with are... secretive." -> "Many of the people I deal with here are... secretive." (Bug #15950)
- WindhelmDialogueUlfricJorleifScene2: "Let me know if you hear anything more substantial?" -> "Let me know if you hear anything more substantial." (Bug #15951)
- DialogueWindhelmViolaBothersLonelyGaleScene4: "I heard something the other day that I wanted to share with you." -> "I heard something the other day I wanted to share with you." (Bug #15952)
- StudentTeacher: "We study the heroes of the past so we can have better understanding of the heroes of today... and tomorrow." -> "We study the heroes of the past so we can have a better understanding of the heroes of today... and tomorrow." (Bug #15955)
- SolitudeBardsCollegeClassGiraudScene1: "Late One-seventy-one." -> "Late one-seventy-one." (Bug #15957)
- SolitudeBardsCollegeClassIngeScene2: "Now, you try it Aia" -> "Now, you try it Aia." (Bug #15958)
- BrylingFalkTryst: "You know what'd happen if people found out about us." -> "You know what'd happen if people would find out about us." (Bug #15959)
- CommanderScene1: "Sir, this is costing lives of both imperial loyalists and Skyrim citizens alike." -> "Sir, this is costing lives of both Imperial loyalists and Skyrim citizens alike." (Bug #15960)
- CommanderScene2: "Sir, these are missing commands for about half of the commanders." -> "Sir, half of the orders appear to be missing." [subtitle did not match audio] (Bug #15961)
- ErikurFamilyScene: "Profits continue to rise. The warehouse continues to bring in good revenues, and rent on your stores in the Well is acceptable." -> "Profits continue to rise, the warehouse continues to bring in good revenues, and rent on your stores in the Well is acceptable." (Bug #15962)
- FletcherScene2: "Fihada, where did you learn how to make bows so well?" -> "Fihada, where did you learn to make bows so well?" (Bug #15963)
- JailScene1: "Guess the headsman's been busy with all your friends." -> "Guess the headsman's been busy with all of your friends." (Bug #15964)
- SolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanEvetteScene1: "No thank you." -> "Oh, no thank you." (Bug #15965)
- SolitudeMarketplaceAtAfAlanJalaScene1: "Um, excuse me. Could I buy two leeks." -> "Um, excuse me. Could I buy two leeks?" (Bug #15966)
- SolitudeMarketplaceIlldiEvetteScene1: "Do you know I look forward to Burning of King Olaf each year just because of the fire?" -> "Do you know I look forward to the Burning of King Olaf each year just because of the fire?" (Bug #15967)
- SolitudeMarketplaceJawananEvetteScene1: "I think I may wait until the Burning of King Olaf to have and Spiced Wine." -> "I think I may wait until the Burning of King Olaf to have a Spiced Wine." / "You and everyone else." -> "Ah, you and everyone else." (Bug #15968)
- SolitudeMarketplaceRorlundEvetteScene1: "Ah a few bottles of Spiced Wine should hit the spot." -> "Ah, a few bottles of Spiced Wine should hit the spot." (Bug #15969)
- SolitudeMarketplaceSorexJalaScene1: "You never can tell." -> Well, you never can tell." (Bug #15970)
- CourtScene2: "Our borders are secure, but at the cost of the guards for our towns and roads." -> "Our borders are secure, but at the cost of the guards of our towns and roads." (Bug #15971)
- FalkSybille: "And? I've seen jarls come and go. This one only became Jarl because her husband died." -> "And? I've seen Jarls come and go. This one only became Jarl because her husband died." (Bug #15972)
- DialogueSolitudePalaceScene7FalkBrylingSybille: "Hold your tongue, Wizard, or you're likely to lose it." -> "Hold your tongue, wizard, or you're likely to lose it." (Bug #15973)
- DialogueSolitudePalaceScene9ElisifFalkBolgeir: "However, I would suggest we wait until the war has ended." -> "However, I would suggest we wait until... the war has ended." (Bug #15974)
- RaimentsScene: "Sister dear, could you try sewing those sleeves a little tighter?" -> "Sister dear, could you try sewing these sleeves a little tighter?" / "perhaps you should sew your mouth shut when our fine customers are within earshot, hrm?" -> "perhaps you could sew your mouth shut when our fine customers are within earshot, hrm?" (Bug #15975)
- SolitudeSawmillScene: "Don't make me to defend the honor of my mead!" -> "Don't make me defend the honor of my mead!" (Bug #15976)
- SolitudeStreetUnaLisetteScene1: "Your a hard woman to please Una." -> "You're a hard woman to please Una." (Bug #15977)
- SolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene2: "I prefer to be near enough to come visit but free to come and go as I please." -> "I prefer to be near enough to come visit, but free to come and go as I please." (Bug #15978)
- SolitudeStreetVivienneLisetteScene3: "I think some of the younger bards would really have gotten a kick out of it." -> "I think some of the younger bards would have really gotten a kick out of it." (Bug #15979)
- BardsLunch: "Viarmo, don't you think it's time that the Bards College officially declared support for the empire?" -> "Viarmo, don't you think it's time that the Bards College officially declared support for the Empire?" (Bug #15980)
- SolitudeOpeningTaarieBlockerTopic: "Excuse me, I'm trying to watch a traitor to the Empire lose his head." -> "Excuse me, I'm trying to watch a traitor to the Emperor lose his head." (Bug #15981)
- StablesAcceptTopic: "When you've got it, come see me." -> "When you've got it, come and see me." (Bug #15986)
- "Wow! Didn't think I could get that for her." -> "Wow! I didn't think I could get that for her." (Bug #15987)
- StablesBuyHorseTopic: "Wait, didn't I sell me last one to you?" -> "Wait, didn't I sell the last one to you?" (Bug #15988)
- StablesRejectTopic: "Off with ya then. I've got work to do." -> "Off with ya then. I got work to do." (Bug #15989)
- DialogueDawnstarWindpeakInnScene06View: "Thoring, do you remember the time when that wolf pack come clamoring into town?" -> "Thoring, do you remember the time when that wolf pack came clamoring into town?" (Bug #15990)
- DialogueDawnstarWindpeakInnScene09View: "You should quit working in the Eastern Mine." -> "You should quit working in the eastern mine." / "Oh, got a bit of an interest in your boss do you?" -> "Oh, got a bit of interest in your boss do you?" (Bug #15991)
- WhiteHallSonsScene04: "Ah, Bulfrek, that's why I like having you about. You're always good for a laugh." -> "Ah, Bulfrek, that's why I like having you about. Ah, you're always good for a laugh." (Bug #15992)
- WhiteHallSonsScene05: "I told you before, Skald, I have no interest in taking sides in this war." -> "I've told you before, Skald, I have no interest in taking sides in this war." (Bug #15993)
- LoreiusFarmOutsideScene01: "I had a look at that boneyard the other day, Vantus. The one to the Northwest." -> "I had a look at that boneyard the other day, Vantus. The one to the northwest." (Bug #15994)
- DialogueCidhnaMine (Hello): "Whenever I get out of here, I'm going to go kill a Nord." -> "Whenever I get out of here, I'm going to kill a Nord." (Bug #15995)
- DialogueCidhnaMineBraigInForTopic: "Don't want to talk about it." -> I don't want to talk about it." (Bug #15996)
- FreeformCidhnaMineAGrisvarTopic: "Maybe you can do something for me, first?" -> "Maybe you could do something for me, first?" (Bug #15997)
- DialogueDushnikhYalExterior02Scene: "The hunter days not welcome the blood of his prey, he waits for it." -> "The hunter does not welcome the blood of his prey, he waits for it." (Bug #15998)
- DialogueDushnikhYalMine01Scene: "It is a fine day to work the mines." -> "It's a fine day to work the mines." (Bug #15999)
- DialogueKarthwastenOutsideScene02View: "The mine is going to stay closed, and we'll up be carted off to Cidhna Mine as slaves." -> "The mine is going to stay closed, and we'll be carted off to Cidhna Mine as slaves." (Bug #16000)
- DialogueKarthwastenMinersBarracksScene07View: "What I meant to say was... I love having an Orc here in the barracks." -> "Well, what I meant to say was... I love having an Orc here in the barracks." (Bug #16001)
- DialogueLeftHandMineDaighresHouse02View: "Mama, can we talk. You know, about papa?" -> "Mama, can we talk? You know, about papa?" (Bug #16002)
- DialogueOldHroldanHangedManInnScene06View: "Yes. I'm sure he's doing well there." -> "Yeah. I'm sure he's doing well there." (Bug #16003)
- MarkarthEndonsHouseScene02: "I haven't been so busy since those nobles from Solitude come into the city three years ago." -> "I haven't been so busy since those nobles from Solitude came into the city three years ago." (Bug #16014)
- DialogueMarkarthInnKlepprFrabbiScene01: "All the wood furniture in this inn is rotting to the core." -> "All the wood furniture in this inn is rottin' to the core." / "It's rotten because the wood is cheap and its soaked with ale!" -> "It's rotten because the wood is cheap and it's soaked with ale!" (Bug #16016)
- MarkarthSilverFishInnScene12: "That's a sensible lad. Now fetch me drink." -> "That's a sensible lad. Now fetch me a drink." (Bug #16017)
- DialogueFalkreathLodTopic1: "Much of Falkreath hold is wilderness and there's plenty of trouble to be had." -> "Much of Falkreath Hold is wilderness and there's plenty of trouble to be had." (Bug #16018)
- WhiterunAnoriathElrindirScene1: "I've been thinking of hunting out beyond the boundaries of Whiterun hold." -> "I've been thinking of hunting out beyond the boundaries of Whiterun Hold." / "and "commune with the greenwood like our fathers of old" and blah blah." -> "and "commune with the greenwood like our fathers of old" and blah blah blah." (Bug #16019)
- MarkarthKeepScene01: "Not to mention the rebels completely control Windhelm and all of Eastmarch hold." -> "Not to mention the rebels completely control Windhelm and all of Eastmarch Hold." (Bug #16020)
- MarkarthKeepScene02: "Cowards, the both of you." -> "Cowards, both of you." (Bug #16021)
- BetridBoliMarketScene2: "You're the most disgusting merchant I have ever seen." -> "You're the most disgusting merchant I've ever seen." / "You give people good food and good prices, and all they do is insult you." -> "You give people good food at good prices, and all they do is insult you." (Bug #16023)
- MarkarthTreasuryHouseScene8: "Only a mad woman would ever betray the Silver-Blood family." -> "Only a madwoman would ever betray the Silver-Blood family." (Bug #16024)
- MarkarthTreasuryHouseScene6: "If any Forsworn coming knocking on our door, Nana will let you know...." -> "If any Forsworn come knocking on our door, Nana will let you know...." (Bug #16025)
- FFRiftenThaneContBranchTopic: "Not so fast, there's a matter of residence to be discussed." -> "Ah ah ah. Not so fast, there's a matter of residence to be discussed." (Bug #16026)
- FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01: "I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all of the benefits befitting your station. " -> "I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all the benefits befitting your station." (Bug #16027)
- DialogueRiftenMaulDarkBrotherhoodTopic: "He used to live here in Riften at the Orphanage on the other side of town but I think he ran away." -> "He used to live here in Riften at the Orphanage on the other side of town, but I think he ran away." (Bug #16028)
- RiverwoodFrodnarHodScene1: "Any truth to these stories I been hearing." -> "Any truth to these stories I've been hearing?" / "Yeah, I sure did." -> "Yeah, sure I did." (Bug #16030)
- RiverwoodAlvorDortheScene2: "You keep working hard, like you been doing, and you could be the greatest blacksmith Skyrim has ever seen." -> "You keep working hard, like you've been doing, and you could be the greatest blacksmith Skyrim has ever seen." (Bug #16031)
- RiverwoodDortheFrodnarPlayScene: "We get some furs and tree branches, paint them white, and then tie them to Stump." -> "We got some furs and tree branches; paint them white and then tie them to Stump." (Bug #16032)
- DryGoodsCamillaLucanScene: "You know, to cater to some of our more.... "eclectic" customers." -> "You know, cater to some of our more.... "eclectic" customers." / "Well, maybe we could go on a sort of trip." -> "Well, maybe we could go on some sort of trip." / "Just trying make this place a little less... boring." -> "Just trying to make this place a little less... boring." (Bug #16033)
- RiverwoodSceneGerdurHod: "Ay, it can. Wouldn't want them any bigger though." -> "Aye, it can. Wouldn't want them any bigger though." (Bug #16034)
- RiverwoodSceneSigridAlvorCabbage: " Ay, it is. I suppose it won't hurt the girl to eat it this once." -> " Aye, it is. I suppose it won't hurt the girl to eat it this once." (Bug #16036)
- RiverwoodSleepingGiantScene6: "Ay, we can get that for ya. We just finished the timber for those catapults." -> "Aye, we can get that for ya. We just finished the timber for those catapults." (Bug #16037)
- FreeformRiverwood01SvenTellBranchTopic: "How about we play a bit of turnabout with Faendal?" -> "How about we play a bit of a turnabout with Faendal?" (Bug #16038)
- DialogueRoriksteadRorikTopicsBranch1Topic: "Yes, that's right. Look around you. Most of the lands you see are mine." -> "Yes, that's right. Look around you. Most of the lands you see are mine." (Bug #16039)
- DialogueCompanionsKodlakAelaScene1: "Just... these hunters." -> "It's just... these hunters." / "That's why it's best to not mistake foolhardiness for bravery." -> "That's why it's best not to mistake foolhardiness for bravery." (Bug #16040)
- DialogueCompanionsKodlakAelaSceneDUPLICATE003: "Control the rage, don't let it control you." -> "Control the rage, do not let it control you." (Bug #16041)
- DialogueCompanionsKodlakSkjorScene1: "If you want to lead this pack when I'm gone, you have to see farther." -> "If you want to lead this pack when I'm gone, you'll have to see farther." (Bug #16042)
- DialogueCompanionsKodlakTorvarScene2: "This isn't the military, son. There are no ranks." -> "This is not the military, son. There are no ranks." (Bug #16043)
- DialogueCompanionsSkjorNjadaScene1: "I'm imagining you just standing your ground and letting them tire themselves out." -> "I'm imagining you're just standing your ground and letting them tire themselves out." (Bug #16044)
- DialogueCompanionsTorvarAthisScene1: "One day when you and I are on the Circle, we can change how things are run around here." -> "One day when you and I are on the Circle, we could change how things are run around here." (Bug #16045)
- WhiterunBraithLarsScene2: "Or I'm gonna bloody your nose and your lip." -> "Or I'll bloody your nose and your lip." (Bug #16051)
- DialogueWhiterunCarlottaNazeemScene1View: "These fruits and vegetables are disappointing, Carlotta." -> "Hmm. These fruits and vegetables are disappointing, Carlotta." (Bug #16052)
- WhiterunDragonsreachScene1: "Hmm... All right, yes, I see your point." -> "All right, yes, I see your point." (Bug #16053)
- WhiterunHouseBattleBornScene1: "Why don't you pick up where you left off with "The Real Barenziah."" -> "Why don't you pick up where you left off with "The Real Barenziah?"" (Bug #16054)
- DialogueWhiterunHrongarProventus1Scene: "If you have something to say to the Jarl, say it with you own tongue." -> "If you have something to say to the Jarl, say it with your own tongue." (Bug #16055)
- WhiterunStablesScene3: "Gods, I don't even like horses." -> "Gods, I... I don't even like horses." (Bug #16056)
- WhiterunTempleOfKynarethScene1: "To be honest, I was just thinking of Nazeem." -> "To be honest, I was thinking of Nazeem." (Bug #16057)
- WhiterunVignarBrillScene3: "There's a chill in the air." -> "Oh, there's a chill in the air." (Bug #16058)
- SaarthalExteriorScene2: "What do you think we'll find in there?" -> "What do you think we will find in there?" (Bug #16059)
- SaarthalExteriorScene3: "This is important to you Nords, isn't it?" -> "This is important to you Nords, is it not?" / "Well, it all worked out in the end, didn't it?" -> "Well, it all worked out in the end, did it not?" (Bug #16060)
- SaarthalInteriorScene1: "I just don't know that it's right for us to be in here like this, picking through the ruins ." -> "I just don't know that it's right for us to be in here like this, picking through the ruins." (Bug #16061)
- dunAngarvundeOtherWay02: "It should open the doors on either side of this chamber." -> "It should open the doors on either side of the chamber." (Bug #16062)
- dunArcherQST_IntroView01Topic01: "Name's Angi and if you try anything stupid I won't hesitate to put in arrow in your head." -> "Name's Angi and if you try anything stupid, I won't hesitate to put in arrow in your head." (Bug #16063)
- dunArcherQSTAngiShoots03: "Try and hit that target way in the back, far behind the other three." -> "Try and hit the target way in the back, far behind the other three." (Bug #16064)
- dunBthardamzQSTAfflictedSick01: "But I will always regret that day I introduced you to Orchendor." -> "But I will always regret the day I introduced you to Orchendor." (Bug #16065)
- dunDarklightIlliaProblem: "I didn't want to, but she attacked to try and keep me from leaving." -> "I... I didn't want to, but she attacked to try and keep me from leaving." / "I just can't be a part of this place any more!" -> "I can't be a part of this place any more!" (Bug #16066)
- dunDuskglowBanditScene: "I would be fine if they didn't. Have you seen their eyes?" -> "I would be fine if they didn't. Have you seen their eyes?" (Bug #16067)
- dunDuskglowQSTBoss: "You will pay for stealing from me you eyeless freak!" -> "You'll pay for stealing from me you eyeless freak!" / "I will take you down too. I am not splitting this horde with anyone." -> "I'll take you down too. I'm not splitting this horde with anyone." (Bug #16068)
- dunFaldarsToothFarmerScene: "Give em the dogs, boys!" -> "Give 'em the dogs, boys!" (Bug #16069)
- WhiterunKidFightScene: "You'd better give me five septims right now, or I'm going to bloody your nose..." -> "You better give me five septims right now, or I'm gonna bloody your nose..." (Bug #16070)
- dunForelhostShared: "King Harald's forces crushed stragglers here the during the First Era and it has been haunted ever since," -> "King Harald's forces crushed stragglers here during the First Era and it has been haunted ever since," (Bug #16077)
- dunStonehillBarrowQST_CloseGateScene: "Or the boss will skin you soon as he's done with Ra'jirr." -> "Or the boss will skin you as soon as he's done with Ra'jirr." (Bug #16078)
- FreeformRiften18 [objective 25]: "Bring the mammoth tusks to Madesi." -> "Bring the mammoth tusk to Madesi." (Bug #16079)
- dunStonehillBarrowQST_StoreroomScene: "But.. stealing the boss's sword?" -> "But... stealing the boss's sword?" / "Who knows. The cat was crazy." -> "Who knows? The cat was crazy." (Bug #16080)
- dunHighGateScene01LeverPuzzle: "Maybe the order has something to do with the Symbols up there." -> "Maybe the order has something to do with the symbols up there." (Bug #16081)
- dunHighGateRuinsPostQSTTopic: "Let me look." -> "Oh, let me look." (Bug #16082)
- dunHighGateRuinsHelpDenyQST: "Well I'll be here for a bit if you change your mind." -> "Well, I'll be here for a bit if you change your mind." (Bug #16083)
- dunHillgrundsTombAcceptIfDarkElf: "No offense, I mean I'm sure you aren't into any of that kind of stuff." -> "No offense, I mean... I'm sure you aren't into any of that kind of stuff." (Bug #16085)
- dunHillgrundsTombRejectQuest: "Fine, but I've locked the door so don't think you're getting in there without me." -> "Fine, but I've locked the door, so don't think you're getting in there without me." (Bug #16086)
- dunHunterFrokiAboutHamingTopic: "Can't say I was a great father the first time around." -> Well, can't say I was a great father the first time around." (Bug #16087)
- DialogueSolitudeAngelineFavorContinue: "My daughter, Fura, was assigned to Whiterun after she joined the Imperial Army. I was hoping you might have met her." -> "My daughter, Fura, was assigned to Whiterun after she joined the Imperial army. I was hoping you might have met her." (Bug #16088)
- dunStonehillBarrowQST_DiningHallScene: "Yeah, he's after Ra'jirr- never seen him so angry." -> "Yeah, he's after Ra'jirr - never seen him so angry." (Bug #16089)
- dunLostKnifeScene01: "But, I've got the key to the Sabre Cage! Look!" -> "But, I've got the key to the Sabre cage! Look!" (Bug #16093)
- dunMistwatchQSTFjola13: "Stuhn only knows why I've kept it this long." -> "Stuhn only knows why I kept it this long." (Bug #16094)
- dunMistwatchChrister002: "I'm sorry, I'm just... you're right. Let me explain." -> "I'm sorry, I just... you're right. Let me explain." (Bug #16095)
- dunMistwatchChrister011: "I wager it will come in handy for you." -> "I wager it'll come in handy for you." (Bug #16096)
- dunMossMotherQST_ValdrHellos: "Be careful. They're faster than you'd think." -> "Be careful. They're faster than you think." (Bug #16097)
- dunRobbersGorgeQST_SentryInitialTopic: "You know how this works- toll here is 100 gold." -> "You know how this works - toll here is 100 gold." (Bug #16101)
- dunBoulderfallQSTHacklecombDead: "I'm not sure how to feel about that." -> "I... I'm not sure how to feel about that." (Bug #16103)
- dunTrevasWatchQSTRewardHelp: "Clear the fort and on top of the posted reward you can have whatever items you'd like." -> "Clear the fort and on top of the posted reward, you can have whatever items you'd like." (Bug #16104)
- dunTrevasWatchQSTDiningScene: "Funny coming from a woman who's breath smells like she just kissed a draugr." -> "Funny coming from a woman whose breath smells like she just kissed a draugr." (Bug #16105)
- GhostIntroCollect: "But with the help of a living champion I may be able to succeed." -> "But with the help of a living champion, I may be able to succeed." (Bug #16106)
- dunFellglow_FiringRange: "We'll take a short break, then move on to wide-area destruction spells." -> "We'll take a short break, and then move on to wide-area destruction spells." (Bug #16107)
- dunFellglow_Pets: "Hmm? What is it?" -> "Huh? What is it?" (Bug #16108)
- dunMS06PotemaMuralIntro: "When you die I will raise you and you can take your place by my side." -> "When you die, I will raise you and you can take your place by my side." (Bug #16109)
- CR05IntroBranch: "There's always some sort of trouble down there, but now it's come to a head." -> "There's always some kind of trouble down there, but now it's come to a head." (Bug #16110)
- CR07StartBranchTopic: "What you don't hear about are the ones who break off from escorts on the way to Markarth." -> "What you don't hear about are the ones who break off from their escorts on the way to Markarth." (Bug #16112)
- CR13QuestStartTopic: "But there is more personal task before me." -> "But there is a more personal task before me." (Bug #16118)
- CR14WhoKnows: "That is the kind of thing Kodlak used to say." -> "That's the kind of thing Kodlak used to say." (Bug #16120)
- C00KodlakBackToThePlayerTopic: "Of course. How are you in a battle, boy?" -> "Of course. How are you in battle, boy?" / "Of course. How are you in a battle, girl?" -> "Of course. How are you in battle, girl?" (Bug #16121)
- C03SkorQuestStartBranchTopic: "Skjor may be right about you." -> "Skjor might be right about you." (Bug #16124)
- C04JorrvaskrCommotionTreeAttackerTopic: "Make 'em bleed." -> "Make them bleed." (Bug #16127)
- DarkBrotherhood (SharedInfo): "Present the Gourmet's Write of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro." -> "Present the Gourmet's Writ of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro." (Bug #16128)
- DarkBrotherhood (Hello): "How went your encounter with Ma'randru-jo?" -> "How went your encounter with Ma'randru-jo?" [removed extra space] (Bug #16129)
- "This is about that my father's hidden cache, isn't it?" -> "This is about my father's hidden cache, isn't it?" (Bug #16130)
- "I just... can't take the pain." -> "I just... can't take the pain." [removed extra space] (Bug #16131)
- "Listener, please... if Cicero is going to be a part of this Sanctuary I'll accept that." -> "Listener, please... if Cicero is going to be a part of this Sanctuary, I'll accept that." (Bug #16132)
- CiceroGoneScene2: "It's true, I'm afraid." -> "Oh it's true, I'm afraid." (Bug #16133)
- DBFirstArriveScene: "Your teeth... your teeth! No! Aggghh!!" -> "Your teeth! No! Aggghh!!" (Bug #16134)
- DB04AstridCiceroPlanBranchTopic: "As the Night Mother's Keeper, he believes he's entitled to the rule of this Sanctuary." -> "As the Night Mother's Keeper, he believes he's entitled to rule of this Sanctuary." (Bug #16135)
- DB04AstridMoreInfoBranchTopic: "They could be planning another meeting at any time!" -> "They could be planning another meeting any time!" (Bug #16136)
- DBCiceroMetRoadReponse: "You helped that stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius!" -> "You helped the stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius!" (Bug #16142)
- DBCiceroPlayerSancGreetBranchTopic: "No time to talk now, my friend. No time. Out mistress needs tending. Keeping." -> "Oh, no time to talk now, my friend. No time. Our mistress needs tending. Keeping." (Bug #16143)
- DBCiceroStateTradeBranchTopic: "Ooh! Listener! That tickles!" -> "Ooh! Listener! Ooh! That tickles!" (Bug #16144)
- DBNazirContract9FulfilledBranchTopic: "Infiltrating an occupied fort and making it out in one piece is nothing to joke about." -> "Infiltrating an occupied military fort and making it out in one piece is nothing to joke about." (Bug #16145)
- DBRumorsTopic: "Folk been hearing some strange stuff coming from the Aretino place." -> "Folk's been hearing some strange stuff coming from the Aretino place." (Bug #16146)
- "I was walking by the old Aretino Residence, heard the little boy, Aventus?" -> "I was walking by the old Aretino Residence, heard the little boy, Aventus." (Bug #16147)
- "Hear about the little Imperial boy, Aventus Aretino?" -> "Hear about that little Imperial boy, Aventus Aretino?" (Bug #16148)
- DarkBrotherhoodadditionalNPCDialogue (Hello): "Talk to Hadring, the Innkeeper." -> "Talk to Hadring, the innkeeper." (Bug #16149)
- DarkSancConvSystemScheme: "When I am become wolf, I am treachery incarnate." -> "When I become wolf, I am treachery incarnate." / "It was a simple matter, really, when one has mastered the art of camouflage." -> "Was a simple matter, really, when one has mastered the art of camouflage." (Bug #16150)
- DarkAboutYourselfBranchTopic: "A bit of lightning gone awry." -> "Bit of lightning gone awry." (Bug #16151)
- DarkCiceroNightMotherBranchTopic: "But that is an age long since passed." -> "But that age has long since passed." (Bug #16152)
- DarkContractHelpBranchTopic: "You're being sent to meet with the contact directly, is that correct?" -> "You're being sent to meet with a contact directly, is that correct?" / "So. Be polite, and professional, and represent us well." -> "So be polite, and professional, and represent us well." (Bug #16153)
- "So you're the Listener, hmm?" -> "So you're the Listener, eh?" / "Ah yes, Volunruud. It's an old crypt, infested with Draugr." -> "Volunruud. Well, that's an old crypt, infested with Draugr." (Bug #16154)
- "Close, maybe, but there's is a difference!" -> "Close, maybe, but there is a difference!" (Bug #16155)
- "I am so very happy for you. If not a bit... envious." -> "I'm so very happy for you. If not a bit... envious." (Bug #16156)
- DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryDialogue (Hello): "You can kill someone just as easily with a well-placed spell." -> "You could kill someone just as easily with a well-placed spell." (Bug #16157)
- DBSancRepairMalloryBranchTopic: "Good luck with, your, um... murders." -> "And, uh, good luck with your... murders." (Bug #16158)
- DarkSideContractDialogue (SharedInfo): "Why? I don't understand... I have done nothing to wrong you." -> "Why? I don't understand... I've done nothing to wrong you." (Bug #16159)
- DBAgnisKillChoice1BranchTopic: "But I have many more rooms to clean." -> "But I have more rooms to clean." (Bug #16160)
- DBHelvardGreetBranchTopic: "The jarl is busy! And so am I, for that matter." -> "The Jarl is busy! And so am I, for that matter." (Bug #16161)
- DBHelvardKillChoice3BranchTopic: "If you have some kind of official business with the jarl, I'm afraid now's not the time." -> "If you have some kind of official business with the Jarl, I'm afraid now is not the time." (Bug #16162)
- DBLurbukKillChoice1BranchTopic: "Killing Lurbuk... I mean, can you even imagine something so ludicrous?" -> "Killing Lurbuk... I mean, can you imagine something so ludicrous?" (Bug #16163)
- DBLurbukKillChoice2BranchTopic: "A man got... he got scared." -> "A man's got... he's got scared." (Bug #16164)
- DBMrandrujoKillChoice1BranchTopic: "I'm not sure I appreciate your presence here. Friend." -> "I am not sure I appreciate your presence here. Friend." (Bug #16165)
- DB01AventusLiveAloneBranchTopic: "And the Jarl said I had to go to Honorhall Orphanage." -> "And the Jarl said I have to go to Honorhall Orphanage." (Bug #16167)
- DB01AventusQuestBranchTopic: "With the body, and the... the things." -> "With the body, and the... things." (Bug #16168)
- DB01GrelodThreaten2BranchTopic: "You tell him I'm coming for him! And when I find him, it will be the beating of his miserable life!" -> "You tell him I'm coming for him! And when I find him, it'll be the beating of his miserable life!" (Bug #16169)
- DB02Captive1Intimidate: "Maybe there were some times... some times I got carried away?" -> "Maybe there was some times... some times I got carried away?" (Bug #16170)
- DB02PlayerReleaseResponse: "Thank you! Thank you! I'll never speak of this to anyone, I promise!" -> Oh. Thank you! Thank you! I'll never speak of this to anyone, I promise!" (Bug #16171)
- DB02 (Hello): "You'll let me go. I know you will." -> "You will let me go. I know you will." (Bug #16172)
- DB03MuiriContractDetails2a: "It's just this... this isn't at all how I imagined things would play out." -> "I... It's just this... this isn't at all how I imagined things would play out." (Bug #16173)
- CiceroNightMotherTalkScene: "I do the talking, the stalking, the seeing and saying!" -> "I do the talking, the stalking, the seeing and the saying!" / "And what do you do? Nothing!" -> "And what do you do? Hmm? Nothing!" (Bug #16174)
- CiceroNightMotherRespondTopic2: "Then... it is true! She is back! Our Lady is back!" -> "Then... it's true! She's back! Our Lady is back!" (Bug #16175)
- DB04aDelvinAmuletBranchTopic: "Don't answer - I don't want to know." -> "No, don't answer - I don't want to know." / "Look, it ain't my business ta tell the Dark Brotherhood its business," -> "Look, it ain't my business to tell the Dark Brotherhood its business," (Bug #16177)
- DB04aDelvinAmuletBuyBranchTopic: "Wait just one moment..." -> "Uh, wait just one moment..." / "Here. It's a letter of credit." -> "Here. It's a letter of credit." -> "Here... is a letter of credit." (Bug #16178)
- DB05 (Hello): "Should my new bride by worried?" -> "Should my new bride be worried?" (Bug #16180)
- DB05VittoriaDeathScene: "No! Noooooooo!" -> "Noooooooo!" (Bug #16181)
- DB05VittoriaSpeech: "You have all helped make this a truly extraordinary wedding." -> "You have all helped to make this a truly extraordinary wedding." (Bug #16183)
- DB05GoodTimeBranchTopic: "Free food and wine, and nobody trying to throw me in the dungeon." -> "Free food and wine, and nobody is trying to throw me in the dungeon." (Bug #16184)
- "I know my father's not happy about me marrying an Imperial, but that's his problem." -> "I know my father is not happy about me marrying an Imperial, but that is his problem." (Bug #16185)
- DB05VittoriaPlayerResponse2: "Ha ha ha ha! Yes, yes indeed!" -> "Ha ha ha ha! Yes indeed!" (Bug #16186)
- DB05VittoriaThreatenBranchTopic: "I hope you're enjoying the festivities." -> "I hope you've been enjoying the festivities." (Bug #16187)
- DB06 (Hello): "Gaius Maro still lives. I am surprised." -> "Gaius Maro still lives. I'm surprised." (Bug #16188)
- DB06GabriellaGaiusDeadTopic: "You have done well, and have earned both your reward, and a bonus, as I may have mentioned." -> "You have done well, and have earned both your reward, and a bonus, as I have mentioned." (Bug #16189)
- DB06GabriellaQuestCompleteGreetTopic: "Killing Gaius Maro is but the first step of your contract" -> "Killing Gaius Maro is but the first step in your contract" (Bug #16190)
- DB07CiceroPlayerChoice1: "Tell the pretender Astrid you did the job!" -> "Tell the pretender Astrid that you did the job!" (Bug #16191)
- DB08FestusCompleteBranchTopic: "Ah, you're back. Ready to try again, are we?" -> "Oh, you're back. Ready to try again, are we?" (Bug #16192)
- DB08FestusPlayerDeadResponse: "I've also received word from Markarth." -> "I also received word from Markarth." (Bug #16193)
- DB08FestusIdentityTopic2: "Ah, but not just any copy. It's signed you see!" -> "Oh, but not just any copy. It's signed you see!" (Bug #16194)
- DB08GourmetThreatRespond2: "What? The Emperor? But I..." -> "What? The Emperor? But I... I..." / "Oh. Oh, by the gods, no. No, you can't do this. You can't!" -> "Oh. Oh, by the gods, no. No, no you can't do this. You can't!" (Bug #16195)
- DB09DinnerTalkScene: "But aren't even you the least bit nervous?" -> "But aren't you even the least bit nervous?" (Bug #16196)
- DB09GiannaScreamScene: "There's been some kind of mistake!" -> "There... there's been some kind of mistake!" (Bug #16197)
- DB09GiannaBusinessTopic: "So... which ingredient should I add next?" -> "So uh... which ingredient should I add next?" (Bug #16198)
- DB09GiannaRaceHighElfTopic: "I... I never would have guessed it. So many of your recipes are clearly aimed at the commonfolk." -> "Oh... I never would have guessed it. So many of your recipes are clearly aimed at the common folk." (Bug #16199)
- DB09GiannaRaceNordTopic: "You're a Nord!" -> "Hmm. You're a Nord!" (Bug #16200)
- DB09GiannaRaceWoodElfTopic: "I... I always imagined the great Gourmet was a Wood Elf." -> "I always imagined the great Gourmet was a Wood Elf." (Bug #16201)
- DB09_GiannaDontQuestion1: "Of course! I.... I'm sorry. One giant's toe." -> "Of course! I'm sorry. One giant's toe." (Bug #16202)
- DB09GiannaIngredient1_3Topic: "Well then, I think a pinch of frost salts should do the trick, right?" -> "Well then, I think a pinch of frost salts should do the trick, right?" [unneeded extra space] (Bug #16203)
- DB09GiannaIngredient3_3Topic: "Okay. Now what?" -> "All right. What next then?" (Bug #16204)
- DB09GiannaIngredient2_3Topic: "My choice, then? Very well." -> "My choice, then? Um, very well." (Bug #16205)
- DB09GiannaIngredient4_1Topic: "So... is that it?" -> "So, uh... is that it?" (Bug #16206)
- DB09MaroPresentPapersTopic: "Please, excuse my ignorance. Gianna, the castle chef, has been eagerly awaiting your arrival." -> "Please, excuse my ignorance. Gianna, the castle chef, has been eagerly awaiting your arrival." [unneeded extra space] (Bug #16207)
- "We... we had no idea who to expect, you understand." -> "We had no idea who to expect, you understand." (Bug #16208)
- AstridPlayerFindTopic: By Sithis, I was such a fool." -> "Oh by Sithis, I was such a fool." (Bug #16209)
- DB11MaroDocksScene: "Truth is, as soon as the Emperor sets sail, I'm resigning my position." -> "Truth is, as soon as the Emperor sets sail, I'm resigning my position." / "Well then, let me be just say that it's been an honor serving under you Commander Maro." -> "Well then, let me just say that it's been an honor serving under you Commander Maro." (Bug #16211)
- TG03SabjornTaskDoneBranchTopic: I've told the captain of the guard we'll have the meadery cleared for the tasting and he could be here any minute. -> "I've told the Captain of the Guard we'll have the meadery cleared for the tasting and he could be here any minute." (Bug #15458)
- TG00BrynjolfIntroMQ203A1: "Expecting free information, eh?" -> "Ah. Expecting free information, eh?" (Bug #16233)
- TG00BrynjolfOutroBranchTopic01: "But never mind that, even though you fouled up the job I still think you've got that spark I'm looking for." -> "But never mind that, even though you fouled up the job, I still think you've got the spark I'm looking for." (Bug #16234)
- TG00BrynjolfReadyToStartBranchTopic: "Wait until I start the distraction and then show me what you're made of." -> "Wait until I start the distraction, then show me what you're made of." (Bug #16235)
- TG00DistractionExtenderScene: "Please hurry, I have only a few bottles left!" -> "Please hurry, I only have a few bottles left!" (Bug #16236)
- TG00DistractionScene: "That was a simple misunderstanding, but this item is the real thing." -> Well, that was a simple misunderstanding, but this item is the real thing." (Bug #16237)
- TG02BDelvinIntroBranchTopic: "Brynjolf, huh? Lemme guess." -> "Brynjolf, eh? Lemme guess." (Bug #16238)
- TG02BDelvinOutroBranchTopic: "Now, you're lucky if you don't trip over a skeever instead." -> "Now, you'll be lucky if you don't trip over a skeever instead." (Bug #16239)
- TG02BToniliaBranchTopic: "So, you're the new recruit, eh?" -> "So, you're the new recruit, huh?" (Bug #16240)
- TG02BVexOutroBranchTopic02: "If you want my opinion I say it's just plain old bad luck." -> "If you want my opinion, I say it's just plain old bad luck." (Bug #16241)
- TG05MercerUnlockScene: "This one doesn't look too difficult." -> Hmm. This one doesn't look too difficult." (Bug #16242)
- TG05MercerWalkingScene06: "slipping passed these draugr must be child's play for her." -> "slipping past these draugr must be child's play for her." (Bug #16243)
- TG05SPKillScene: "Karliah has provided me with the means to be rid of you," -> "Karliah has provided me the means to be rid of you," (Bug #16244)
- TG06EnthirTranslateScene: "I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What's Mercer Frey done?" -> "I... I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What... what's Mercer Frey done?" (Bug #16245)
- TG07SPGuildScene01: "No, it... it can't be." -> "No, it... can't be." (Bug #16246)
- TG08ABrynjolfPostOathBranchTopic1a: "the Guild's been restored to it's full strength and you've exposed the traitor in our midst." -> "the Guild's been restored to its full strength and you've exposed the traitor in our midst." (Bug #16247)
- TG08AGuildScene: "Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate is a small path cut up the mountainside." -> "Just outside of Riften, beyond the southeast gate is a small path cut up the mountainside." (Bug #16248)
- TG08AOathScene: "We will honor our agreement in this life and the next until your conditions have been met." -> "We will honor our agreement in this life and the next, until your conditions have been met." (Bug #16249)
- TG08BExploreScene05: "The only reason to do that would be to block pursuit. It must be Mercer." -> "The only reason he'd do that would be to block pursuit. It must be Mercer." (Bug #16250)
- TG08BExploreScene09: "We'll have to keep silent if we want to avoid drawing their attention." -> "We'll have to keep silent if you want to avoid drawing their attention." (Bug #16251)
- TG08BFight: "What's... what's happening... I can't stop myself." -> "What... what's happening... I can't stop myself." (Bug #16252)
- TGBanDialogueBranchTopic: "She'll tell you the why's and how's if you want to get back in." -> "She'll tell you the whys and hows if you want to get back in." (Bug #16253)
- TGBanVexDoneBranchTopic01: "Next time you decide to pull a stunt like that again, just remember how much it hurt to give this away." -> "Next time you decide to pull a stunt like that, just remember how much it hurt to give this away." (Bug #16254)
- TGCrownFinalBranch: "I hope you put it to good use. I know I have." -> "Hope you put it to good use. I know I have." (Bug #16255)
- TGCrownIntroBranchTopic03: "Otherwise, keep it and maybe it'll bring you luck." -> "Otherwise, keep it. Maybe it'll bring you luck." (Bug #16256)
- TGGoodbyes: "Only way this guild's going to continue to grow is by takin' extra work." -> "The only way this guild's going to continue to grow is by takin' extra work."(Bug #16257)
- TGHellos: "Talk to me again if you prove yourself to Brynjolf." -> "Talk to me again when you've proven yourself to Brynjolf." (Bug #16258)
- "Still have quite a good bit of jobs available if you're looking for some extra coin." -> "Still have quite a good bit of jobs available, if you're looking for some extra coin." (Bug #16259)
- "If you wondering why they call me Vipir the Fleet, watch me outrun the town guard sometime." -> "If you're wondering why they call me Vipir the Fleet, watch me outrun the town guard sometime." (Bug #16260)
- "I've been a part of this Guild for as long as Mercer has been Guild Master." -> "I've been part of this Guild for as long as Mercer's been Guild Master." (Bug #16261)
- "Hey, I want to talk to you... now." -> "Hey, hey. I want to talk to you... now." (Bug #16262)
- "Have no idea what my birth name really is, and I frankly don't care." -> "Have no idea what my birth name is, and frankly, I don't care." (Bug #16263)
- "If he was anyone else I would have gotten away with it." -> "If he was anyone else, I would have gotten away with it." (Bug #16264)
- "Back with good news I trust." -> "Back with good news, I trust?" (Bug #16265)
- "So, feeling loose? How about you run a job for me." -> "So, feeling loose? How about you run a job for me?" (Bug #16266)
- TGDHQScene07: "Oh my... umm, you won't let Mercer hear about this will you?" -> "Oh my... umm... well, you won't let Mercer hear about this will you?" (Bug #16267)
- TGDHQScene09: "Well, I see your wounds have healed but your pride still needs some time." -> "Well, I see your wounds have healed, but your pride still needs some time." (Bug #16268)
- TGDHQScene16: "If I wanted to hear a tall tale, I'll read a children's storybook." -> "If I wanted to hear a tall tale, I'd read a children's storybook." (Bug #16269)
- TGDialogueKarliahNightingalesBranchTopic01a: "The Trinity is usually selected from the ranks of the Guild although its existence is a closely-guarded secret." -> "The Trinity is usually selected from the ranks of the Guild, although its existence is a closely-guarded secret." (Bug #16270)
- TGDialogueKarliahNocturnalBranchTopic04: "When we suffer does she revel in our misery? No one knows." -> "When we suffer, does she revel in our misery? No one knows." (Bug #16271)
- TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic01: "I'll consider the offer, but I'll have to discuss it with the other caravans." -> "I will consider the offer, but I'll have to discuss it with the other caravans." (Bug #16272)
- TGFenceCaravanRisaadBranchTopic02: "I'm pleased with this offer, and accept." -> "I am pleased with this offer, and accept." (Bug #16273)
- TGFencesHellos: "Brought me more than some Firebrand Wine I trust?" -> "Brought me more than some Firebrand Wine, I trust?" (Bug #16274)
- "So, did Karliah send you again or you here on your own this time?" -> "So, did Karliah send you again or are you here on your own this time?" (Bug #16275)
- "Something simple to turn around for a profit I trust." -> "Something simple to turn around for a profit, I trust?" (Bug #16276)
- TGFencesBranchTopic: "Old Delvin certainly takes care of his own, doesn't he." -> "Old Delvin certainly takes care of his own, doesn't he?" (Bug #16277)
- TGLeadershipBrynjolfAfterBranchTopic: "After we're done here, head over to Tonilia and she'll set you up with your Guild Master Armor." -> "After we're done, head over to Tonilia and she'll set you up with your Guild Master Armor." (Bug #16278)
- TGLeadershipScene: "Now everyone get back to work." -> "Now everyone... get back to work." (Bug #16279)
- TGPreHellos: "We're a small meadery, but growing quickly." -> "Oh, we're a small meadery, but growing quickly." (Bug #16280)
- TGTQ01RhorlakIntroBranchTopic04: "Come on, what are trying to do? Insult me?" -> "Come on, what are you trying to do? Insult me?" (Bug #16281)
- TGTQ04TorstenIntroBranchTopic02: "He fancied himself a thief in some sort of a new Guild forming around here." -> "He fancied himself a thief in some sort of new Guild forming around here." (Bug #16282)
- MG04Stage30QuaranirProblem1Response1: "We believe the your efforts..." -> "We believe that your efforts..." (Bug #16295)
- FFRiftenThaneDoneBranchTopic01: "You've solved more problems in the short time you've been here then anyone in my court has their entire careers." -> "You've solved more problems in the short time you've been here than anyone in my court has their entire careers." (Bug #16403)
The complete changelog is