I did not try, but for some reason she reminds me of Felicia Day. She is lacking Felicia's pronounced overbite, but otherwise Reyn reminds of Felicia
I have been having a blast with her. She is my usual character-type: Nord Sneaky Thief with some magical ability. I spread her perks around in a nice mix that has kept the game interesting for 54 levels, thus far. Fights are not too easy like they usually become in the mid 40's. I have not done much enchanting (yet), so her equipment is standard fare.
Her main skills are:
Light Armor
And the crafting (Alchemy, Enchanting, Sithing)
She has met Nocturnal and holds the Arch-Mage position. She is working on getting the Thieve's Guild back in order and is currently sitting in Sovngarde. I'll see how she "feels" after completing the main quest before tackling Dawnguard or Deragonborn.