Mod suggestionsrecommendations

Post » Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:19 am

I played through Skyrim back when it was first released, before the Creation Kit was released and really appreciated the improvements in various mechanics over vanilla Oblivion.

Nevertheless, there's a good few things that feel "missing" to me compared to a fully-modded Oblivion. Therefore, I'm looking for advice for rough equivalents to the following Oblivion mods.

MMM - Anything adding large quantities of interesting, well-made and reasonably lore-relevant creatures?

Cobl - A library mod of various items.
Armamentarium + Artifacts - Lots of extra weapons that fit into the game and don't change balance.

All Natural - Better weather!
Unique Landscapes - (Though Skyrim's landscapes are a lot more interesting than vanilla Oblivion's, so this isn't such a major thing)

Mechanics overhauls:
LAME - Any worthwhile magic overhauls?
Deadly Reflex - While Skyrim's combat's a step up from Oblivion's vanilla combat, it's not quite as fun and exciting as Deadly Reflex's combat system.

RBP - Additional races and balance tweaks all in one package?
And what are the best supported body mods (male and female) for Skyrim?

Tweaks and bits:
Enhanced Hotkeys
Gather ye Rosebuds
Tamriel Travellers

Graphics: I'm aware of ENB, but am a bit unsure of what all it does, or can do for Skyrim. Any suggested reading for that? Looking at Nexus, there's 31 pages of "Visuals and graphics" mods, which is a little overwhelming. Are there any baseline packages similar to say QTP3 to start off with?
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claire ley
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Post » Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:28 am

Skyrim Immersive Creatures. Just excellent.


Immersive Armors. Also (mostly) excellent, plus you can configure many things in it.

Immersive Weapons. A bit hit and miss IMO, but the positives outweigh the weapons I don't like so much in it.

Weapons of the Third Era MoS edition. Mostly included in Skyre (an excellent overhaul), plus it seems to be down at Nexus when checking. Adds Nodachis etc. Excellent.

Unique Uniques and Lore Weapon Expansion by InsanitySorrow.


Climates of Tamriel plus the Weather Patch for it.

Travellers of Skyrim.

Also, I'd recommend checking out Skyre (an overhaul) and ASIS (adds perks, modded spells etc. to NPCs).

Plus you didn't ask for it, but I'd recommend Interesting NPCs. Adds so much life to the game, plus lots of quests. Extremely professional.

You didn't ask for Frostfall either, but it's excellent. Makes the cold climate in Skyrim matter.

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Post » Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:26 am

Skyrim Immersive Creatures is pretty much the MMM equivalent. I highly recommend.

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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:14 am

Overhauls: or are the two most popular but SkyRe seems to get the most support for compatibility. Adds a surplus of creatures to Skyrim's landscape. Some are lore friendly and some are not but with the beauty of MCM (requires like many customizable mods) you can pick and choose what you want.

Items:,, (gives unique items in Skyrim a more unique look to set them apart), adds an assortment of bandolieers and other pouches that increase carry weight (helpful if you decrease you carry weight to more realistic levels).


Exterior: (what I use), (Excellent mod but it's downfall is it's nights. It seems to use a shader which darkens the screen space meaning that lights also get dimmer), - still in development but will be the new standard of weather and lighting.

Interior: (what I use), Realistic Lighting Overhaul (same link as above)

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Post » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:46 pm

A couple of armor/weapons mods that don't get mentioned as much, but are distributed throughout the world:

  • - adds bandit themed armors, uses assets from vanilla to make unique armors that fit well into the world
  • - Made by the same author as Brigandage, adds clothes to the common clothing pool, as well as some armors.
    • You may want to use to keep elderly in dresses, if pants throw you off.
    • I would also use to keep them in robes fitting to a priest, as well as the benefit of having unique robes for each temple.
  • - Like Brigandage, it uses mostly modified vanilla assets to make some cool unique armor, these can be distributed through the world and look like armors that your regular bandit wouldn't have equipped, as such I tend not to see them wearing these as much, but you may find others with them.

For weapons there are quite a few mods that add awesome weapons, but not all distribute them.

  • and its can help distribute weapons from other mods, but it only distributes enchanted items so you wont see these much. None the less, the addons page has links to some good mods, some which are distributed even without Dynamic Loot.
  • - I'm keeping an eye on this one. It doesn't add unique weapons itself, but distributes them through the leveled list. Some mods are integrated, while others you will have to download as well as use the plugin. Likewise even if you dont want this mod, it has some links to some well done weapons.
  • - Some snazzy longswords, they fit well into the game and are distributed.
  • - Adds some wooden bows to the game that i prefer the look of to most vanilla bows. These aren't in the leveled list, however you will find them placed as artifacts in the world, and they are added to the crafting menu.
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