Magnus, the god of magic, who opened a portal in the sky, which Nirn knows as it's Sun.
The stars are the portals of the less powerful Magna Ge.
Sithis, the greatest manipulator and user of The Void, he who was formed of the Void, and who seeks eternal, endless emptiness in all Creation.
Anui El, perhaps known as the All-Maker of the Skaal, is a mysterious life force that encompasses the entire world. All those who die return to him upon death. Some enter Aetherius somehow, it is presumed, to be with one of the Nine, some join the Daedric Princes upon their death. However the Cosmology of the Elder Scrolls works, I propose a discussion on which god is either more important, more powerful, and perhaps more important to the over all scheme of things in the Elder Scrolls universe.