Solid Framerate, jumpy movement.

Post » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:53 pm


I have recently encountered an issue after starting up my game. I can have a very solid 90-120 FPS and my my game seems... jumpy. Before I go in depth I will say that I have mods but I have deactivated them all and even turned down my graphic settings but still experience this issue. The first time I noticed it, I was just outside of Falkreath. Now I know that is a heavily wooded area so I assumed that it was from my mods or the dense vegetation but now I'm experiencing this issue in the Ratway and other dungeons. I cannot escape it.

First, my system specs are as follows:

AMD FX-8350

EVGA Geforce 660 GTX 2 GB

8 Gig DDR 3 (I forget the speeds)

Gigabyte Motherboard.

I am running off a Solid State Drive.

I am quite fluent in setting up my computer. I have manually disabled any power saving options for my video card in both the power manager as well as the Nvidia Control Panel. I've done a few other common tweaks as well. I have attempted to allow the application to control my settings just to be sure that it wasn't any of the modifications I made to the Nvidia Control Panel.

Once again, I disabled all of my mods and ran it pure Vanilla on medium settings. Before, I had absolutely seamless and perfect gameplay on maximum settings with all of my enabled mods. I didn't notice a single instance of hiccups or shuddering. I read around a bit and saw something about others' with a similar issue which was fixed by running in windowed mode as well as 3rd person. Neither of these seem to affect my issue much. I can look at the ceiling in a dungeon and walking around with 120 fps (my monitor is 120hz, which is why I allow it to run at 120 fps) and it will seem like it's... bumping forward... I can't explain it well, if worse comes to worse I can attempt at making a video as I purchased Fraps a very long time ago.

As a TL;DR

Hiccups with solid framerate

Decent hardware

All my settings have been double/triple checked both game and computer

Mods on and off make no difference.

Happens everywhere.

Thanks in advance,


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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:01 pm

Generally speaking you want to keep the game running at or below 60 FPS. The game engine can do funky and strange things at higher frame rates and sometimes you can die quite easy and found out it was just due to the increased FPS and something gone flying likely bones that you walked over or something like that.

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Post » Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:35 pm

I've never had that issue but I've also attempted at locking the framerate at 60. There is no difference between 30, 60, 90, or 120 fps. They all still have the same issue.

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:45 pm

Possibly could be mouse settings. I believe you can adjust a setting in the ini to help deal with sluggish mouse movement if that is the issue you are experiencing.

Also you can disable the xbox controller in the ini if you are not using that as well as the rumble feature. That has been known to cause to sluggish issues.

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Post » Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:53 am

Running at >60 fps will for the vast majority of people mess up the physics, script, ai packages, etc. And Skyrim has a bad habit of saving many of these errors into save games, making them persistent no matter if you turn vsync back on at a later stage.

Please start a new game with vsync on continuously and see if it persists.

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