Hey all, been a while since i was back here..
I decided to start a new character, and to make a long story short.. I did by a house in Falkreath, i married Aela the Huntress and Lydia became my steward.. All good so far
And then, i had to rescue Aela in Silvershard Mines.. And ever since she has been acting all weird.. Dont follow me when i want her too.. Example,
I stand on a road, i walk a bit forward, she dont follow... I "Wait" an hour, she follows.. Then it keeps going on like that.. When tell her that we must split up, she say all that "Cya at home" and then she likes "walks" on the spot.. Its like she is acting as if she was still locked in her cage in Silvershard Mines...
Any suggestions on this, am on PC btw if it requires any console commands..