Hey all,
Like the title says I'm experiencing http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l559/Whitelion1284/ScreenShot2.png in dungeons, an odd, blurry shimmering when my weapons are framed by water. I don't know what causes it but I can confirm that:
- it persists regardless of AA settings (tested incrementally from maximum to off)
- It persists even when all mods have been disabled and both skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini have been deleted and recreated through the launcher (tested in embershard mine with test character from qasmoke)
- It persists even when ALL iblurDeferredShadowMask settings are reduced to 0
- It persists with first person near distance set to 0
Which exhausts all the possible solutions I can find online. So, aah, yeah. I'm getting a bit confused.
My rig:
i5 4690k @ 4.5ghz
Asus Z97-A MB w/ 8gb ddr3 RAM
Seta 6 HD
2x2GB Radeon 7870 ghz edition (only using 1 GPU) using the latest driver I can download from AMD: CCO 14.1, I believe.
If anyone can help me I'd sure like to get rid of that oddity. It's somewhat jarring.