So I love running Nords but I can never decide what to put them in or how to play them. I am always torn between making them the axe-wielding warriors of lore, or classic Dovakhiin, or just whatever looks good. My current lass, Wysteria Winterblade, is level 82 and is a master of One-handed, Two-handed, Archery, Destruction, both armor types, Smithing and Enchanting. Yet it seems like every day I put her into something else because I can't make up my mind (although it's all stuff Nords would use). I originally planned her to use frost-enchanted Stalhrim gear but then I decided it didn't look right for exploring all of Skyrim. But I've run her in everything from Iron, Steel, Ancient Nord, Hide, Leather, Fur, Nordic, Stormcloak and Scaled and nothing seems to fit. Right now I put her back into Ancient Nord for the looks. But I feel that even her name precludes me to doing something with frost and so I either blast foes with Ice Storm (one of my favorite spells in the game) or use frost-enchanted weapons. I prefer one-handed swords overall since they are quick, sharp and I'm a Candlelight [censored] in pretty much any interior place so it's convenient. I'm thinking of using and frost/shock enchanted Ancient Nord Sword but I need a good name for it as I'm picky about that too (something like Storm of Atmora or something). So what do you Nords usually do?