I just noticed they can disarm me at lvl56 when it is supposed to stop working at lvl31.
This happening to anyone else?
I just noticed they can disarm me at lvl56 when it is supposed to stop working at lvl31.
This happening to anyone else?
I know those deathlords with disarm can be a pain. I didn't know there was a lv at which you could be that prevented you from being disarmed. Are you sure that lv is for you? or for them?
Well Disarm Shout used by the player is useless after 30 unless you mod it. But Draugrs use the exact same spell associated with Disarm, so it shouldn't be working on the player.
However I noticed they wont use it, if I have my mace out. But they will use it if I have my bow out.
It might not be the exact same spell - it might be one that has virtually the same effects, but is specifically assigned to NPCs for use against the player character.
Mind you, while I have the CK installed, I haven't checked this out. If anyone else can either confirm or deny my suspicions, then shout* up!
*See what I did there?
Nah, it is definitely regular ol' disarm shout, I'm looking right at it in their spell inventory.
It's all good though and it is because of this that I implemented a script that finds my disarmed weapon, gives it back and re-equips it(though I might take the re-equip out). Being disarmed was pissing me off for quite sometime, and what really put the icing on the cake was when I got my ass beat by a Deathlord who then added insult to injury by laughing right after disarming me.
what svcks is when your up against two deathlords. one disarms you and then the other hits you with unrelenting force. Good luck finding that sword!
Heh, my mystic archer panicked the first time one of those dudes disarmed her bow. Right after that dungeon, she became a devotee of only using conjured bows (can't be disarmed) and has never had the prob since. So instead of tweaking in some rearming stuff, we tweaked in abilities to use bound bows from the saddle and tweak their damage to suit player level (down at low levels and up at higher levels). Yay for bound weapons!