Headlines : Idolaf Battleborn found dead : Thegn Suspected

Post » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:00 pm

I wander into Whiterun one day, tralala la la! "I wonder if I get to pick any flowers or butterlies today!" When all of the sudden, Idolaf passes by. . . "I should bash your face in for what you've done!" Okay. . . that's it. "FUS RO DAH!!!" He goes flying off the steps behind the Huntsman's Tavern, and dies as he hits the hard ground.

The guards didn't see a thing, and there was no bounty.

The End.

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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:45 am


my dwarf character killed Nazeem, thought his "cloud district" comment was a short joke. Anyway. he was let out of jail before the body was cleaned up. Still had blood all over the ground.

Didn't know you could kill the battle-borns. This gives me an idea next time I do the civil war.

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Charlotte Buckley
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