The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies has been announced.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies has been announced.
I posted this in the movie thread, you can see my thoughts on it there.
To sum it up, I am going to be waiting for this movie to come out on DVD and even then, I'm going into it very skeptically after that droll that was called the Desolation of Smaug.
Also, here's my prediction of the death of Tauriel and Kili, based off of nothing by my general movie knowledge (copied and pasted from the movie thread). We shall see how close it is when the movie comes out.
Here's how I call how the death of Kili and Tauriel is going to happen, you can feel free to quote me on it once it come's to fruition if you want.
So the big battle of five armies is gonna happen and all these guys are gonna be killing each other. Then, Kili and Tauriel are going to join up on the battle field and slay a ridiculous amount of orcs between the two of them in an almost comical scene of them just destroying orcs with no problems. Eventually Kili will get hit from behind by an orc while the two of them are longingly looking into each other's eyes in the middle of battle when it calms down for a sec.
So kili will go down, and it will be all slow mo of him getting stabbed or beat with a hammer or something, and tauriel is gonna be like "nooo kili!!!" and she's gonna run through a bunch of orcs, doing some more ridiculous kills taking out a bunch of dudes in implausible ways until she gets to Kili and avenges him by killing the orc who is no doubt smiling in glee over his kill of an important character til tauriel shows up.
She will then kill this orc, and when she looks down to Kili, she will not notice the orc behind her who will stab her from behind. Again, it will go to slow mo, as Legolas witnesses all of this from afar while battling his own orcs, so then he's gonna be like "tauriel!! noo!!" and kill a bunch of orcs trying to get to her in slow mo with some dramatic music going, but legolas isnt going to make it, as he will get caught up by a bunch of orcs or a troll or some such thing and get dragged away to never see the final moments of tauriel.
Meanwhile, Kili and Tauriel will both be bleeding out on the ground dying, and they will either just hold each others hands as they die, or even more dramatically, they will try to get each other's hands, but die just before reaching their lover's embrace, making an even more tragic death.
And THAT is the entire reason why making Kili one of the 'handsome dwarves' who look nothing like a dwarf at all and adding in the redundant character of Tauriel, to make this moment even more tragic.
The link is screwed up.
I saw the first two on New Years, I've no reason not to see the third. While they don't hold a candle to the LOTR trilogy, and there's so many ways they could have been better, they're still pretty good movies.
I really wouldn't put it past them. The Kili and "Generic Love Interest" relationship has to be the worst thing they did with the trilogy. I don't know what they were thinking, apart from "lol every movie needs romance" and "I know better than Tolkien".
I'm not as excited about this film as I was with the second, but I left disappointed in The Desolation of Smaug so I guess I shouldn't be surprised about that.
Oh yeah. The CGI has to be the second worst part. Bring back the guys in makeup.
Far too late now. It's long since been filmed. CGI's here to stay.
It's only July, CGI probably isn't done yet. First trailer for DOS, Smaug himself looked very unfinished, and was much better by the time the movie came out.
Looks alright, nothing special to be honest. The second movie let me down so much I can't summon any enthusiasm for the 3rd.
And every time Legolas rears his ugly, half-CGI-to-the-point-he-looks-ridiculous head in that trailer I feel like smacking Peter Jackson over the back of the head and crying "NO, BAD PETER! NOT IN THE BOOK!"
What's funny about it is that I knew after the first Hobbit movie came out and learned that there was going to be three Hobbit movies the third film title would have something to do with the battle of the five armies . I can't wait to see the third film