Non-repeatable quests repeating anyway

Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:00 pm

Just got back into Skyrim and came across some odd things regarding a few miscellaneous quests repeating. So, this isn't so much an issue with the quests, such as the one for Kolskeggr Mine or Shor's Stone, repeating. I know they do that, along with the enemies respawning. My question is for those that have far more knowledge of how this game works to let me know if doing those quests over again will have a negative impact later on. Seems silly I suppose, but I couldn't find a definite answer just googling other than a variety of quests repeat that really should not be able to. By negative impact, I mean other things glitching, like stuck quest objectives and save game bloating.

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Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:18 am

As the Mine concerns, there is a glitch that doesn't allow the mine to be considered cleared, allowing the ore to respawn. Because of this, the Forsworn may respawn as well. !!!

But it can happen, in some playthroughs, that Kolskeggr mine glitch out, and never respawn any of its ores or only after an extreme amount of time.

The glitch may occur sometimes, or it may not.

Workaround: fast travel somewhere then fast travel back to the mine, or exit Kolskeggr mine, wait for 1 hour before you enter the mine again. !!!

However, sometimes Kolskeggr Mine might not respawn after 10 days. It will take an large amount of time before it resets, and must not be entered in the process.

The exact time needed to reset is not known. !!!


I thing most of the bugs have been fixed, with the Unofficial skyrim patch, including the Clear out Kolskeggr Mine quest :wink:

Note: Dawnguard is known to reset side quests. If this side quest is reset, no Forsworn can be found from the mine and the objective cannot be completed.

  • Fix: Use the console command set stage FreeformKolskeggrA 20.


Save game bloating, not really - except you have some mods than can negatively affect the quest. Who

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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:29 pm

Appreciate the reply. I've been meaning to play through with the unofficial patches, but I'm more or less waiting until the work on them reaches a fairly good stopping point. Most of the glitches left in the game I've been able to circumvent, but these misc. quest repeating is honestly a new one for me and I just wanted to make sure they won't screw up my game if I do them over again.

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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:17 am

The Unofficial patches can affect negatively some mods, that's true. They can rip them apart. (conflicting scripts)

Therefore you read the instructions of the authors page very carefully.

Except that, if you don't using mods, you have nothing to lose, installing the Unofficial patches. Actually it's more than recommended to do so.

As for reaching a good stopping point. Actually - they will never end, as long as there is Skyrim.

So maybe you will wait for quite some time - i guess... :tongue:

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Jack Moves
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Post » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:45 pm

Haha, that's true. Heck, it was only in the last year or so when the Oblivion patches kind of reached a stopping point, so I certainly see what you mean.

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