Just a quick query: the Papyrus compiler has a -optimize option: Is the general practice to enable this option? Are there any known downsides to doing this? I did a search on the forums but could not find the answers here.
Just a quick query: the Papyrus compiler has a -optimize option: Is the general practice to enable this option? Are there any known downsides to doing this? I did a search on the forums but could not find the answers here.
Ok, thanks. With respect to it being worth it: flipping on a switch seems like little trouble for any gains. Given everything works of course Completely agree with optimizing the script code itself though.
One concrete thing I would really like to know is whether the compiler/run-time of Papyrus can optimize tail-recursive calls. I'm now hesitant to implement recursive calls, but if such optimization would be done, it might be a nice option to have.