I ran into a problem at my house i built in Falkreath. After i finished the dawn guard quest line i got the ancient falmer armor. I took it to my house and went down to the cellar. I took my Nightingale armor off my mannequin and put the ancient falmer armor on it. After i did a few quests i picked up some daedric armor and decided to replace the falmer armor. i took the falmer armor off and placed it into a nearby chest and left. Now every time i come back to my house i have 2 sets of ancient falmer armor on the mannequin along with the daedric armor no matter how much i remove either armor i have 2 sets of ancient falmer along with what ever is on the mannequin.
I know i probably shouldn't be complaining about this but i now have over 200,000 gold
But i still have 20 sets of ancient falmer armor and its bugging me.
Is there any way to stop it?