I'v searched and scraqed the internet for any guides on how to do this, or perhaps i'm just being unlucky, but i cannot for the life of myself figure out how to do what i'm about to say here.
Basically, what i want is a object, such as a orb, which when you hover the crosshair over it, it says "[e] Riverwood", which, when you press e teleports you to riverwood. Basically a one way teleport from my house to riverwood. I understand how to add scripts to a object but not creating them, so i haven't tried to make myself a script because i have no idea how. I have my house and all the objects set up, i just need to add the scripts (Or what it needs to do what i said) for it to be complete, Hope someone can help me here, Thank you.
Object turned into a activator, you press e on the object and it sends you (one way) to riverwood.