I just had a great idea for a roleplay experience! How about I roleplay a courier who has a God Complex.
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ability, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privilege, or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of complex or intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks, or may regard their personal opinions as unquestionably correct.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_complex#cite_note-Kaplan_.281972.29-1http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_complex#cite_note-2 The individual may disregard the rules of society and require special consideration or privileges.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_complex#cite_note-Kaplan_.281972.29-1
-Thank you Wikipedia
I thought of doing an independent playthrough with a Courier who walks around and who acts like everyone is below him and that he will set Vegas free and become the god of Vegas. And he will crush and kill anyone who gets in his ambitions. Either your working under him or your against him and you will be punished if you are working against him.
Plot/Back story:
After the Courier was saved by Doc Mitchell, he continues humbly through the Mojave to find Benny. After killing Benny ruthlessly, he runs into Yes Man who informs him that he can kill House and get rid of both the NCR and the Legion. After a while and seeing all the power he has in his hands and the respect he receives, he goes crazy and corrupted with the power and declares himself the god of New Vegas and the Mojave. Everyone stays out of his way because they know of his status and how quickly he'll kill you without a blink or a regret, which he perceives as respect and worship.
As he continues to do the busy work for the various factions, he does as they tell him but continues to be as egotistical as possible and talk and insult anyone below him (which is everybody) which gets him into a lot of trouble. But he's an expert fighter and he can hold his own ground. Anyone who dares disrespect him or refuse to sing his praises are instantly slammed down by his wrath.
S: 7 (He can hold his ground)
P: 1 (He doesn't bother looking into people, as he believes that he is above them)
E: 5
C: 10 (You need to convince people in order to become a god)
I: 10 (Same thing as above, you need to be an intellectual)
A: 5
L: 2 (He doesn't need luck)
Lily (She's annoying, but she'll do as he says)
Raul (Raul knows that he's in charge and will respect him, although he prefers to be called "lord" rather than "boss")
Arcade (He enjoys Arcade's intelligent conversations, but I'm not quite sure how Arcade feels about it)
Boone (He keeps his mouth shut and does as he's commanded)
Veronica (May be too chatty for his liking)
Cass (Same as Veronica)
The one thing I really like about this roleplay is that you get to project your perfect utopia. You walk around to bring Vegas into what you want it to be, you're suppose to present your ideas and your beliefs to the wasteland and what you want for the world of New Vegas. Would your utopia be Capitalism? Communism? Would you rule fairly with rights for all as long as their hard working members? Or would you be a power wielding tyrant that everyone must worship, who rules with a bible in one hand and a gavel in the other?
That's what I'm loving so far in this roleplay session. That I'm working for my perfect idea of what society should be and I'm fighting harder to bring that idea into a reality for the people. And although you can't play past the ending, you can always wonder what happens to Vegas and your Copier/God next.
Trust me, I've been playing like this for about a week now and I'm loving it! Try it out and let me know what happens.
(PS. In case any of you were wondering, I got the idea from an anime called "Death Note". if you haven't seen it, I REALLY recommend giving it a try. It's amazing and it's one of my favorites.)