Do you go it alone, or take a companion with you?
I've found I can fight a whole lot better without someone fighting along side me. I can do more illegal things to without my follower ( that being a house carl ) protesting, and I know there are Dark Brotherhood followers who don't care if you murder or steal. But still, I like going it alone. I always feel a bit uneasy when someone in Skyrim has my back because I just feel that NPC is going to slow me down. I guess my character is confident in his own abilities that he doesn't care for the company of other Nords and other people.
It also seems that about the only reliable follower is Serana, and she manages to get on my nerves at times. Sometimes quests will have you take a follower, and I think to myself...
" Do I really have to bring you along?"
That about sums it up for me though.