Best crafting skill for archery

Post » Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:49 pm

I'm confused. I enjoy archery but I don't know which crafting skill to take. I think an "archer mage" is kind of silly, I don't see a mage being an archer. Also there isn't really any good armor that would fit the part. (Elven and Glass armors are SPECIFICALLY for Thalmor) So I guess anything to do with enchanting and archery is out of the picture.

Alchemy and poisoning bows. Problem is that the fortify archery potion is glitched and fortifies everything else for you. Unless you can make a pure poison alchemy build (does the physician perk affect fortify potions or just restore?

Smithing....why would a decked out dragonplate wearer be using a bow? Even with light armor, a DW/Archer spells sneak, and sneaking in dragonscale makes no sense.

Does Archery not fit in to any crafting skills for a realistic playstyle?
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Post » Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:38 pm

It fits amazingly well into my pure meele build .
It also works wonders with a light armour stealth build .

I'm confused to the meaning of this post but I would assume smithing and bows works well as you would be able to increase damage of your bow . Enchanting bows ( fire ) is also effective .

For amour I would naturally assume light stealthy armour would be most useful , but I don't play stealth so I am unable to back this point up .
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:42 am

I'm trying to see what fits realistically for archery and crafting. For example you mentioned pure melee build, and light armor. Does it sound possible that someone would be wielding 2 weapons and a bow in dragonsvale? Wouldn't that person need to be a sneaky type character?
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JUan Martinez
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