Ok, I have no doubt that this or other questions like it have been asked many times before, but I am seeking clarification on the requirements for activating the 'Purity' quests for the Companions (post-'Glory of the Dead').
For a change, this go around I decided to cure myself of lycanthropy immediately after curing Kodlak.
Now, I have heard that contrary to what some believe, the 'Purity' quests (curing Farkas and Vilkas) are still doable after curing yourself (of course the 'Totems of Hircine' quests are not).
That being said, I have been doing quests for each of the companions for a rather ludicrous amount of time with no results.
I have been focusing on Farkas, seeing as he is recommended to be cured first, but I have also done a fair number of quests for Aela and Vilkas as well, for good measure.
I have had 3 Glenmoril Witch heads in my inventory ever since completing the Companions questline, but never has Farkas or Vilkas offered 'Purity'.
I find myself wondering if there are some obscure requirements that I am unaware of, or if they are simply NEVER going to offer me the quest.
If anyone has any insight or experience, that would be much appreciated. Also, I am on Xbox - if that's important in any way.
***Oops, meant to post this in the 'Spoilers' subforum - not sure how to move it from here...