Do you think that things will be so bad with gamers demanding more and more character and story info that it will devolve into the game developers telling the customer base every detail of the game, thus spoiling it for everyone in the process?
Do you think that things will be so bad with gamers demanding more and more character and story info that it will devolve into the game developers telling the customer base every detail of the game, thus spoiling it for everyone in the process?
In what way? You mean as though say, Bioware gave detailed press conferences outlining every character's story arc, personal history, sixual orientation, sixual history, favourite type of cheese, whether they prefer boxes or briefs, whether they hang their shirts facing the left or right etc?
Pretty sure we're getting close to that already.
I don't think it will ever get to that point -- not in a pre-release phase, anyway.
It's only spoiled if you pay attention to it. You have a choice to watch it or read it. If a game is spoiled for you, you have only yourself to blame.
Yes and no. Certain communities kind of force it on you. Take MMOs, for example. If you haven't been following the datamining and raid info to the point where you know every fight on expansion launch day in something like WoW, you're gonna fall behind and then it's Team 2 for you.
For a single player game? 100% true, so long as reviewers are being responsible and not throwing spoilers out there.
It is forced upon you when say... you search in google for a game.