ResistFrost Ability Varying With Faction Rank: How To Make?

Post » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:18 am

As per the title: I want a resist frost ability (to be used in a perk, probably) that conveys 10% resistance below a certain rank, 30% below another, and 50% over that threshold.

So I thought I'd create an ability and then add the same abResistFrost effect three times, each wth different getFactionRank conditions. That way only one should fire. The trouble is, when I look at the effect in the magic menu, ALL the effects are listed: +10, +30 and +50. So apparently all the conditions evaluate as true. Or none of them are being evaluated.

How to do this?

A couple of other details:

The faction in question, BTW, is being used to simulate an actor value and runs from 0-100 in rank. It's fairly volatile. (It's also part of the API for another mod, so I have to use faction rank).

I added in a mod carry weight effect and that works, so I know the basic ability is set up right. I'm not sure the frost resistance is working though.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:16 pm

I'm pretty sure this is just an error with how the spell effects display. I recall hitting on something similar in some of my own Mods. Best way to know for sure is to add your Ability, open the console and type : Player.GetAV FrostResist (Or possibly ResistFrost -- Can't remember which way around it is).

Easiest solution : Three abilities.

Just remember, that if an Ability on the Player has NO active effects, it will CTD when you open the Magic Menu, so you'll need a 'Hide in UI' do-nothing effect on each, as well.

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Tai Scott
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