So basically, I just had reinstalled Skyrim, and I was doing a clean install going to reinstall all my mods, when I loaded up the game to find that literally almost every texture and mesh is missing in dungeons and prisons and certain areas. So I decided maybe it was just some annoying issue with the starting so I got Alternate Start and now basically everything is missing off of my character and the walls except for a few select things. It's really frustrating me because I haven't installed any mods yet and I have no idea the origin of the problem. I have done all the strategies I could think of (i.e. restarting Skyrim, restarting my computer, uninstalling mods/DLC, reinstalling mods/DLC)
I have no idea where the glitches are coming from and it really is starting to make me mad. It's like nothing is fixing it and I have no idea HOW to fix it.
Only thing I still have on me, is my eyes... and that's it. Just my eyes.
God, help me.