OK, my group took that challenge again. I remember on my first run through of DB I had to move the slider to Novice and then I barely defeated him. This time I was better prepped having both Serena (my constant companion) and I had Conjuration run to 100 so I could gen 2 DL's. I figured my army of 4 would be better than my previous group of me and a fire atronach.
Even with this bunch, I could defeat him at Expert at the best. I had no shot at Master level and I didn't even consider Legendary. Has anybody beaten this guy at Master or Legendary? I won't lay claim to being the best player (far from it) but I"m not terrible and I figure this bunch fighting on my side can take anything. I mean, even with Serena sitting it out, me and the two DL's whipped Miraak rather handily on Legendary.
But Karstaag? That clown is tough.