This was stated as fact on the UESP until about a year ago, but there's no basis for it, and ESO has now demonstrated that the Chimer had their own skin hue. But even before that, we had every reason to believe the Chimer got their own skin tone. The Anticipations: "The followers of Boethiah [Chimer] and Trinimac [Orsimer] rubbed the soil of Trinimac upon themselves and changed their skins."
It was assumed by much of the fanbase during the Morrowind years that Almalexia and the lighter side of Vivec represented the Chimeri appearance. The idea that their skin tone was the same as the Aldmer emerged because some people compared the color of these Tribunes to the Altmer of Morrowind, shrugged, and decided they were identical. But a close look should establish that the Tribunes' skin tone was noticeably different than Altmer. "Almost identical" does not equal "identical".
Anyway, ESO has apparently portrayed Chimer as a sort of ... I still don't know how to best describe it. Sort of a, I guess. Somewhere in between the Orsimer and the Dunmer (which kind of makes sense). I say "apparently" because I'm not 100% sure whether the Chimer in ESO are being seen normally. There may be some sort of tint added to the screen during the parts of the quest(s) where they appear (there typically has been during other timey-whimey quests in previous TES games). Maybe an ESO player can clear that up. Anyway, they're different from the Altmer regardless, and it's presumed the Altmer most closely mimic the Aldmer, so it's safe to ditch the idea that Aldmer skin=Chimer skin.