So, I had contacted the Nexus staff about changing my username over there, but it's been a good while and I still haven't gotten any kind of response, so I just made a new account. Unfortunately for me, now I have to reupload and remake mod pages for all the mods I have hosted there, which is a fair bit.
Everything should remain for now, but the reason I wanted to start this thread, was to ask if any of my mods had archive issues. In the past I've had a lot of people complain about not being able to open the 7z, rar, or zip files my mods have been packaged in, so I wanted to make sure everyone can access them.
A lot of people seem to not like using 7zip or WinRar so ideally you can help me out by downloading my mods and trying to open them with Windows' default archival application.
I'll probably be re uploading my most popular mods first, as I reupload them, I'll hide the mods on my old account (but not actually remove them, just in case I need to access them) and the reuploaded versions will become visible
That being said, what needs reuploading first? Anything you've had trouble with before?