I love that spell
The compass seems kind of odd to me, it is always disabled.
I love that spell
The compass seems kind of odd to me, it is always disabled.
I used Clairvoyance when first playing this game. Then I remembered how much fun I have getting lost in TES games. So, now I just wander around aimlessly more or less in the direction the quest, or something shiny.
Even with the compass I get lost.
I used in the beginning as well. Now I know the game so well I never get lost anymore... even without the compass on I know the way too well.
I'm much the same way. I used it a few times if I got lost in a dungeon, but otherwise I just wander off towards some random quests, being to to stop at anything I haven't explored yet. At least on this build as he's basically just a wandering adventurer and dragon slayer.
Yes, basicly no HUD but the magicka, health and stamina bar if needed.
And Climates of Tamriel to make everything much darker, otherwise spells like Candlelight or torches would be not needed.
My first character, on release day, picked up the tome and read it.
... I have yet to actually cast the spell with any character. Now, 50+ characters later.
I use the same and have been for the past year or so. My characters get a sense of direction by location of the sun, if needed.
That spell always led me up mountains I couldn't climb.
But honestly I am with someone else. I kind of got so use to the game I know every location. I'm doing the quest Lost to the Ages and remembered where the shards were without the quest markers.
I use http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35154/? by Crashnburn. It allows you to re-position HUD elements and text messages anywhere around the screen and to remove compass markers. It also offers a much slimmer, more unobtrusive compass design.
I avoid looking at the in-game map (unless it's needed to find a Radiant quest giver). I find that not looking at the map makes the game world feel much larger.
I played a game with my compass disabled but I found that there were just too many times when I wanted to know which direction I was facing. Having no compass (and no map) was too frustrating for me.
I have never used the Clairvoyance spell.
Never used it. The marker on the compass was enough.
After awhile I didn't even need the compass.
I tried it back in the beginning and didn’t care for it. It requires too much fiddling with quest objectives for me.
I thought it was an impressive little spell to use.
I love clairvoyance - it has a neat mage/mystic feel to it and the visuals are wonderful. I also like the map and compass; in fact my character uses a better than vanilla map that shows all roads and trails without clouds. Part of her role as a mystic archer is also a scout - and she fully optimizes map, compass and magic to that end.
I never really used it until I was well into the game (level 40 or so). It was kind of late but I pretty much knew much of Skyrim by then. Clairvoyance is helpfull though when exploring dark caves or ruins, especially the ones in the DLCs that I'm not yet familiar with.