Gold, gold everywhere!

Post » Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:42 pm

So I made a new character that started out in Riften. I ran to the Dawnguard and took the quest to go check up on the dungeon where Serana is. I cleared the dungeon and came out rich.

Long story short, I need less gold.

Is there any good mods that fixes this? I don't want stuff to become more expensive, I just want to loot less gold from every where and everyone. Anything that "deletes" gold in urns/corpses for example?

Or is there any mod that makes "lesser" coins to be looted?

I seem to recall there was one mod that made all money in the dungeons to be ancient coins and worthless (which in one way is strange if they are made out of gold, gold never looses it's value, specially considering the current currency is made out of gold).

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:02 pm is what I use to reduce my ability to make money

Brief overview of what the mod does:

Gameplay changes

Gold adjustment in containers: Adjusts gold found in containers to be 25%
of their normal value.

Gold adjustment in coin purses: Removes 75% of the gold that you find in
coin purses.

Gold adjustment from quest rewards: Removes 75% of the gold that is given
to you as Quest rewards.

Containers you put gold into (including those that are used by NPCs to
store your items - e.g. Delphine before you infiltrate the Thalmor
embassy) or NPCs you give gold to will not be gold adjusted.

Soulgems and Lockpicks are adjusted. Petty, lesser and common soulgems
are adjusted to 25%. Greater, to 50%. Grand to 75%. Black soulgems are
not adjusted. Lockpicks are adjusted to 50%. Change these by setting
userNewSoulGemsPettyFactor, userNewSoulGemsLesserFactor,
userNewSoulGemsCommonFactor, userNewSoulGemsGreaterFactor,
userNewSoulGemsGrandFactor, userNewSoulGemsBlackFactor,

Gems are adjusted. Amethysts, emeralds, garnets, rubies and sapphiers are
adjusted to 50%. Diamonds are not adjusted. Change these adjustments by
setting userNewGemAmethystFactor, userNewGemDiamondFactor,
userNewGemEmeraldFactor, userNewGemGarnetFactor, userNewGemRubyFactor and

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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:28 pm

Now this is something that seem very interesting. With a little bit of tweaking this can be very usefull for me.

For my maincharacter that I am trying to beat the game with it has no impact, I've got tons of gold on that one and there it does not matter, but for those I play mostly just to "play another game" the gold is a problem.

I already have a mod that gives gold weight. I think I should look if it's possible to change parameters in that one too to give gold more weight. I think currently the weight is 0.001, making 100 gold weigh about 1 stone or whatever meassurement they use in Skyrim.

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