Since there are 8 slots on a team(by default) that means there should be two of each class on a team(in theory). I know there is the ability to change your class mid-game but if your playing on a clan or team wouldn't it be smart to designate 2 players for each class. Or maybe a team will stack three medics at the expense of a soldier still having someone able to switch to soldier if a barrier isn't going down fast enough.
What i guess i'm asking is what will the make-up be going into a clan battle. Will there be just two of everything and no switching and have all the characters the players are using be one class specific?
Disclaimer: All my threads or posts are usually spit balling ideas to see what others think. No one wants to talk about the facts that are already known in the game. There's no arguing them, they are usually confirmed. Instead I talk about things that could be or different way to look at it. This was written because i've been getting flamed for reasons I don't understand.
2 of everything in an 8v8 would be the basic strategy, but you're asking a question that each clan will have to answer for themselves. That's one of the things that makes clan battles interesting. One team might have only one soldier and focus on supporting each other, another might drop an operative and focus on pushing.
Most clan battles will probably be 5v5 though, i imagine the basic strategy there is 2 medics and one of the rest, but clans might change those numbers to suit their strategy.
The ability to switch to at least one class would be an advantage though, especially because each map has multiple objectives. In the first half of container city, resistance could do well having an extra engineer or even two, to place turrets to stop the robot from moving forward. But in the next half, they might want to have those extra engineers switch to soldier to help hunt down the guy carrying the vaccine/bioweapon.
Shifting class ratios to suit your opponents team is another good idea. If the enemy team has lots of engis, having a player or two switch to operative to take down the turrets would be a big help.