Alright. I'm looking to make a custom spell as a reward for one of the quests in my mod. Now I'm not all that great at spells - almost a novice, I can certainly do scripting. So how would a create a spell like this:
So I'd like to create the wall of fire, which I imagine would use the preexisting Wall of Flames spell as a base. However, I'd like the damage of the flames to begin at 40, and then every 5 seconds the damage would increase by 5. However, the rate at which magicka is drained from the caster would also be increased by 10 every 5 seconds, to balance it out. I imagine this would involve a script that RegistersForSingleUpdate every 5 seconds, and then changes the magnitude and cost, but I'm not sure how to do the latter part of it. If there's a way to do this without any scripting, that would be far better, but I imagine not.
So can you help? I'd prefer if you didn't skip through the creating the actual spell part, though it can certainly be skimmed through.
Basically, all I have right now is a duplicate of the WallOfFlames spell, with my own ID (IQ01RuneSpell) and name (Fortress of Flames - please help me think of a better one). I need help on where to go from there. You can PM me if you would prefer to, but I'd really like some help.