'Where were you when the world stopped turning http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Break?'
**Warning, potential spoilers for those who have yet to finish the main quest**
I would like to ask a question about the Time Wound that has been slightly bugging me for a while now, I also want to get it cleared up since I'm in the midst of writing something
Ok, so the Time Wound is considered to be the first and the smallest Dragon Break to occur. For those who don't know or remember, Dragon Breaks are shattered time. Now, during the MQ Alduin's Bane we are told to read the retrieved dragon Elder Scroll at the Time Wound, but there is a slight problem with that *unless I'm a dummy*... Elder Scrolls are unable to look back upon the time in which a Dragon Break occurred. So how is it we are able to view the event and learn the Dragonrend shout? Is the reason we are able to comprehend the shattered time event due to the Dragonborn being a Shezarrine? Or am I a dummy and I'm simply missing something painfully obvious