Moving save games to a new gamertag

Post » Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:21 am

I'm trying to transfer save games belonging to an old gamertag to a new one (all of the info on the old one is lost). Skyrim appears to lock you out of doing the transfer to a new tag that other games allow, so I'm trying to use Modio, which I've used in the past to move saves between PC and 360. So I create a save with the new gamertag on a USB stick, then using Modio, I remove the "Savegame.dat" from the new save, replace it with the "Savegame.dat" from the save that I want to transfer to the new tag, and save it. The data file clearly makes it in, judged by the updated size. However, when I attempt to load it up in the game, I get a message that says something like "the save game is outdated - current version is 9, and the save's version is 0."

I've never seen this issue before with Modio. Has anyone else ever seen this issue before, or does anyone know a better way to transfer the saves?

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JR Cash
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Post » Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:34 am

Not a topic for discussion here.

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Colton Idonthavealastna
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