A really old project I started back in 2012 that I shelved so many times..
The statement inside the while loop is supposed to run if iIndex = 8. However it just runs anyway, while the iIndex is counting up to 8.
Function Soulburn(Actor akDeadActor)If bWaitAbit == true SetCurrentStageID(5) utility.wait(1.0) Victim.ForceRefTo(akDeadActor) If Victim.GetReference() SetCurrentStageID(10) Int iIndex = 0 While iIndex < 8 iIndex += 1 debug.notification("Current iIndex" +iIndex) If iIndex == 8 ;All of this runs regardless if iIndex == 8.. EnchPurpleAura.Stop(Victim.GetReference()) ;playing next visuals. SoulFXTarget.Play(Victim.GetReference(), 4.7, PlayerRef) SoulFXCaster.Play(PlayerRef, 5.9, Victim.GetReference()) Endif EndWhile Else debug.notification("Alias not filled.") EndifEndifEndFunction