I need help with trying to script a sort of trigger activation by shouting to open a door, but I've never really been good at scripting. Whenever I find something that would require it I'd just copy and paste everything the other person would do and customize it with whatever knowledge given on what would do what. I have tried messing with the SPELL properties but I don't know how one would trigger an opening after that.
I'm currently using the object DLC2SecretStoneDoor.
I know how to open a door with just activating a parent with some sort of switch but I really want to be able to shout in order to activate the door.
There is a script for a quest activation that responds to Fus, Ro, and Dah but I'm not sure how to customize or use it since it gives you an important quest later on down the storyline.
Edit; I've also been searching all over the internet for something even related to this and I can't seem to find anything.