Quick introduction:
I'm almost 42, and Skyrim was the first PC/video game I really got into. I've been playing and modding it since late 2012. Early this year I took some time away from Skyrim to play a few other games and let it grow on me again. I never posted much in this forum, but now that I'm back, I think I'll invest a little more time over here - it seems like a lot of extremely knowledgeable people hang out here. (I.e., quite a few of my modding heroes!)
Edit: The guy in the profile shot is me, putting some dremel work into my new gaming rig.
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I'm currently planning and testing mods for a new playthrough that will - hopefully! - be based on PerMa, T3nd0's successor to SkyRe. However, as far as I can tell, the new mod won't include an enemy AI module, so I'm looking for a good alternative.
Late last year I was quite taken with Supernatural AI, a mod that was in extremely active development and was very creative. I was actually using it alongside SkyRe, albeit with a lot of manual patching. Then the author got into an extremely unfortunate conflict with another modder (The Revenge of the Enemies author); he handled the situation badly (limited English skills may have played a role) and ended up getting banned on Nexus. However, he seems to have continued to continued developing the mod here:
Have any of you guys been keeping up with this mod - or are there any other one's you'd recommend looking at? I'm looking for a mod that doesn't just alter spawns and spells (ASIS does that just fine!) but one that gives the bad guys a truly creative twist.