Get this just patched game, and i go to that town for that and theres 2orc bandits 1mast3r vamp five wolfs one bear one plate armor clad orc boss and 2random mages all attacking me......and my two thralls and follower lol, wtf is this ?orml (cheach &chong refferance)2be fair some were former fallen thralls reconized 3maybe4 ,it was like they organized from the other side to kill there revenant nasferatue slave driver(me). Anyways seems i still cant join thieves guild guy wont talk bout it makes ?e yell at the screen, iritating ur toon has no voice ur text there talkin and no cut scenes......wish rock star games made skyrim then it would play moonspell and satyricon when ur a vampire, or something better than lutes...ikilled all bards early lol cant do quest for vehy lady dudes dead yet aparently still bothering her lol i could thrall him and entomb him trapin his soul if it didnt vanish lol. Almost forgot acidently killed destruction teacher at winterhold coven the necromancer thralled her,made me smile couldnt have happened to a more anoyin exploit deleted, i escape come back to see the zombie girl and she was dethralled alive....why is the necromancer holdin spells like that from the arch mage...hes fired....(kills burns thrall, leaves body in my vamp lair) i decorted it with bodies and skulls, bleak falls is my dark castle im the count dracula/batman of whitefall lol stupid nords dark elf is boss. ?if life gives u lemons.....take um it gives some people cancer, u dbag?