So, it's about time to converge all my Mods into a single thread. As I'm releasing more and more useless stuff, things keep getting more and more unmanageable for me to handle. I might add various of my tutorials and scripts here as well in future.
Latest News Well yeah, another update. There's still things to improve I recon. As always, fixed some bugs, added some new features. Make sure to execute clean save procedure. Changelog: 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( Secondary Requirements are mods that are not necessarily required, but recommended to be used with SI. SI is exceptionally build around those mods and you'd get only half the fun without using them. When using the UFO edition .esps you'll need Ultimate Follower Overhaul. One of the major core elements of Survivalist Ingenuity is its Skill and Perk Overhaul, and the changes to the Skill Perk trees coming with it. Survivalist Ingenuity features 87 higher tier Vanilla Perks, and 130 custom build Perks that are specifically tailored to the Mods gameplay enhancements. Major skills are renamed to govern a primary and a secondary associated Perk tree, and the primary, as well as the secondary tree gets fueled by their governing minor skill, either by default, or through addition of custom scripts. In particular this means that every major skill gain will now be driven by two minor skills. Please, additionally to the description have a look at the video to see how the Perk trees look in game. The Perk overhaul was developed with the following three rules: 1. Major Skill Handwork (formerly Smithing): Another core element of SI is its character creation&progression system. It will allow you to reconfigure your attributes (health (50), stamina(50), magicka(50), carry weight(120)) and skills in a range of preset points (270 for attributes, 305 for skills), as long as you're level 1. Health, stamina and magicka regeneration is adjustable as well. I recommend playing without health regeneration and halved stamina and magicka regeneration, which will greatly increase game difficulty. There's also an option to raise all regeneration rates when crouching unmoved. Additional changes include no starting spells, smelter, racks and Hearthfire workbenches increase skills, and an option to make yourself immortal, if you feel you're facing a very strong enemy. All of those options are configurable within the MCM menu. Third core feature is something I really missed from previous ES games. Athletics&Acrobatics. I still repine how they decided to take those two skills out. However, the whole system works with a single OnUpdate() script that will check various conditions, like skills, character level, distance covered, inventory wight, perks, attributes, basic needs and others Mods features to adjust character speed, jump height/distance and fall depth. This features adjustments to the world around you and your interaction with it. It's main goal is to remove annoyances and improve gameplay mechanics through practical immersion. Timescale is freely adjustable, there's a lore unfriendly option to replace month names with their earth like equivalent. If you wish you can turn off intrusive messages, like the infamous 'you carry to much to be able to move'. A option to slow you down in storms and blizzards also exists. People in Skyrim will appear unknwon to you unless you entered dialogue with them. You can toggle this on and off in MCM menu. I'm a passinoate Archer. As such I was bound to greatly improve archery in Sykrim. First off, you probably want to add archery related .ini options in order to turn off auto aim and increase shooting distance. Configurable options are arrows with weight, how many arrows to find in corpses, how long and how much arrows stay in bodies and additionally a small bow zoom when crouching. Changes to magic and alchemy are unfortunately completely hardcoded with the exception of spells giving of light which is toggleable in MCM menu. But I'm trying to make this options configurable in future updates. Changes include health, stamina and magicka potions with duration to increase difficulty. Toggleable Khajit and Vampire night eye. Intelligent soulgems, so you will no longer waste precious soulgems on minor souls, plus smaller souls will stack inside big soulgems. Also, filled soulgems will be glowing. Enchantment restrictions are completely lifted, so you're allowed to put every enchantment on every possible item, with minor exceptions. Since 2.0 this no longer has any hardcoded features. They're all either configurable or perk based. Features are: Freely adjustable sneak difficulty, freely adjustable lockpick difficulty, using torch, lanterns or magic lowers sneak skill and melting/forcing locks with acid or weapons. How much to pay for certain crimes when caught is also adjustable inside the 'cost' section. With the exception of merchant sell/buy prizes and general costs, like houses, items and rewards, this whole section has hardcoded features. I'm working my way through all gameplay sections to raise configure options, so bare with me. Hardcoded features are: general loot decreased, respectively loot chance almost zeroed. You can improve loot chance with perks however. Merchants will have much more gold. You can craft Gold coins from various ingot recipes. Trees can now be harvested (branches) to make arrow components and other items like torches and tools. Followers get out of the way more responsive: Does what the title says. Works good in conjunction with ultimate follower overhaul. This feature is configurable. FAQ Arrows Distance: Removed map restrictions: Compatibilities: Clean up your Corpses. My drafting horse. A Mod that's all about processing dead bodys and carcasses, give them funerals, burn them, bury them etc. Has some pretty insane features. Latest News Just as promised here's a new version to honor all the fancy Endorsemants I've got the last copple of days. I've added some strongly wanted features and toggles inside MCM menu. Dunmer and Dexter haven't made it this version, but I prmoise they get an appearance in next version. I'm planning something very special related to racial burial procedures. Have fun with the new version, here's the changelog: Requirements 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( Detailed Instructions How is it all working? Dress up dead people: There's also a feature to put armor and weapons on corpses if you put said items in their inventory. FAQ&Bugs - There's a bug with sometimes NPCs still having a dying voice when igniting them. This is because in order to get all of this working I need to resurrect them for a short period of time, and so they basically get grilled alived. It's also quite funny, so I have no intention to change it. This seems to only happen on leveled characters, so it probably is a problem related to the reference, not the base object aka Race or Actor. Hotkey Mod. Focused on follower hotkeys, console functions and other unique stuff. Has a UFO edition as well. 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch and all DLCs( A Hotkey mod. Focused on followers, console commands and some useful additions. Features are: Torch Hotkey, Delete Spell Hotkey, Toggle Menus Hotkey, Instant Quit Hotkey, Show Status Hotkey, Show Time Hotkey and Recharge Enchanted Weapons Hotkey. Follower Hotkeys: trade, wait/follow, command favor, call (summon) follower, follower camera and follower draw weapons. If you are using you will also get hotkeys for follower relax and follower avoid combat. You're also allowed to reconfigure all of thoose keys if you are not satisified with the default settings. Which I bet you will be, because I'm using arrow keys to control my character, while most of you probably use WSAD keys. So how does it all work? Arnulf Warzenschlegger Companion. My personal homage to the Mother of all Barbarians, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Fully voiced customized follower, working on a independend follower framework. 'Warzenschlegger' equals to 'nipblelicker' in English language... Arnulf is back with a new version, fixing bugs for user convenience. Arnulf now also has warpaint in his face: 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( A new dawn, a new mod *cough*. I present to you Arnulf...Arnulf Warzenschlegger, a custom follower using a completely customized follower framework, independend from the vanilla follower framework. What does that mean? It means you are allowed to use Arnulf in conjunction with your favourit vanilla follower. But that's not all. Arnulf, just as his real life pondon Arnold Schwarzenegger is bound to full fill great things. Read the extended descriptions to see what he can do, except from crushing his enemies and see them driven before him. So basically you'll get a new unique, fully voiced and customized appearance. Tons of features not seen in any other follower mod before, and a follower framework completely independendfrom the vanilla follower framework. Arnulf will surprise you in any way. Planed Features: Riverwood Shack. Basic House Mod with a little quest, nuff said. A little Mod I've thrown together in roughly 10 hours. It builds a house in Riverwood by the eagles nest. You won't obtain it for free though. Getting close to the entrance will trigger a quest.: 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( This is a ordinary and very lore friendly player home located in Riverwood by the eagles nest. It features a grain mill, two barrels and two sacks which do not respawn outside, and lots of storage inside the house, as well as three mannequins and weapon racks. You can't obtain the house for free though. You will need to help the townsfolk of Riverwood in order to obtain the key. Going close to the entrance of the Riverwood Shack will trigger a little quest that makes use of already existing vanilla quests. I don't want to give to much spoilers, so figure yourself. Planed Features: Simple Corpse Removal. An excerption of CUYC, for those wanting a more basic approach tp processing corpses. By request, a simple corpse removal mod via hotkey. For a more lore and compex approach go over here 1.1.Skyrim with the most actual patch ( An extremely simple Mod, and the first of a whole series of smaller Mods extracted of my Overhauls. It allows for manual corpse removal via hotkey. This will NOT destroy respawn for leveled actors. Completely lore unfriendly but effective. Just kill someone, point your crosshair on the corpse and press your desired hotkey. No fx, no sound, no Schnick-Schnack, just simple and plain corpse disposal for user convenience. Planed Features: Finger of God. No, it's not ment to pick someones nose or other holes on bodys. It's a simple cheat mod allowing to kill anoyne via hotkey. Sister Mod of Essentially a cheat Mod that lets you kill every actor via Hotkey as long as they are not flagged essential.: 1.1.Skyrim with the most actual patch ( Basically just a cheat Mod that allows instant kill via Hotkey, if the actor isn't essential. Planed Features: Detect Arrow Hotkey. A Mod that allows for visual detection of arrows on the ground via hotkey. Excerption of my Allows for detection of arrows via hotkeys.: Skyrim with the most actual patch ( Mod that allows for detection of arrows, projectiles, bolts and spears via hotkey. Define hotkey inside MCM menu. Planed Features: Unknown People. Labels all humanoid actors in game 'Unknown Person' or 'Unknown Child' unless you got into dialogue conversation with them. A excerption of my This will label all unique actors in game 'Unknown Person' or 'Unknown Child'. See extended description for further details: 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( This will label every person in game 'Unknown Person' or 'Unknown Child'. It's based on a Perk inside labeling persons as Trainer or Potential Follower, and combined with @Sagittarius recent idea of using a similar Perk to label every person in game as stranger. So you probably ask what's the difference to People are Strangers? In a nutshell PAS is much less demanding on your system because everything is done via a single Perk, BUT it shows some nasty and 'unfixable' bugs (believe me, I've already tried fixing them), like people revealing their name when talking to you without entering dialogue menu, or leveled unique actors not labeled as stranger. UP in opposition is a little more demanding on your system but doesn't have any bugs, or, if there are still some left (see Known bugs section), can be addressed with future updates. In UP everything is done via a cloak spell, which I learned to use from It will check every actor close to you and add the 'Unknown Person' label. Once you've entered dialogue with those person they'll get added to a formlist and will no longer have the 'Unknown Person' label. Planed Features: Unknown Writings. This Mod will label all writings in game 'Unknown Writings' unless you've read it. Sister Mod of and an excerption of my This will label all writings tagged as book, note or recipe etc. as 'Unknown Writing' unless you've read it. See extended description for further details: 1. Skyrim with the most actual patch ( This will label all writings tagged as book, note or recipe etc. as 'Unknown Writing' unless you've read it. It's based on a Perk inside doing the same. UW will check every book, note or recipe etc. close to you and add the 'Unknown Writing' label. Once you've read the writing they'll get added to a formlist and will no longer have the Unknown Writing' label. Planed Features:
Release 18.08.2014, Version 2.1.1:
- streamlined code again, almost perfectionized now, all none erors eliminated, all OnUpdate scripts merged or replaced with more effective code, very low polling
- add keyword 'VendorItemBook' to Codex of Survival
- added feature
- added info to MCM skill section about name of default skills
- fixed Keen Eye perk not working due to code/typo error
- added more actor to the 'untalkable' list
Release 17.08.2014, Version 2.1:
- fixed Frostfall patch causing a 'null' error inside script log making the fuzzy guys go all fuzzy
- fixed missing property assignment inside Frostfall patch thus fixing related trouble caused
- fixed diverse 'none' error occasions found throughout the game
- streamlined most of the code
- first attempt to fix and balance secondary skill progression
- campfire no show the text label 'grill food' with food in your inventory instead of 'take campfire'
- spells will now give off light, this is not like the old feature but achieved via script, toggleable in MCM menu
- added MCM option to turn off weight on pickaxes
- MCM follower settings can now only be adjusted when having followers
- added annoying message to feature 'this lock can't be picked/requires key'
- fixed let over edit to AbsorbChance actor value
- slightly raised numbers of arrows available to archer enemies
- removed SKSE version check notification by request
- added default setting information to MCM text descriptions
- added new perk inside marksman tree, named 'Keen Eye' allowing for detection of arrows via hotkey
- all actors in Skyrim will now be unknown to you unless you enter dialogue with them, toggleable inside MCM menu
2. Dawnguard, Hearthfires and Dragonborn DLCs
1. [color=#FFFF00]Don't remove any of the vanilla perks inside the perk trees. Addition > Removal![/color]2. [color=#FFFF00]Make Perks appear as expression and reflection of your characters development.[/color]3. [color=#FFFF00]Modifie the Perk tree with highest impact possible, without destroying the Vanilla mechanics.[/color]
Primary Perk tree is Minor Skill Smithing, which governs all vanilla Perks and 6 additional Perks. It splits up all materials to its own Perks and increases difficulty, specially when starting a new game. You can't even smelt the ore you're harvesting, without the appropriate Perks. The trees develope on three different axis and there are sub trees for tanning, smelting and jewelry smithing. Light and Heavy Armor is split up into two seperate trees. All recipes at forges and tanning racks have their appropriate Perks allocated. So at the start of the game all you can craft is some basic wooden items and nails. Exact description for the new Perks:
1. Basic Tanning: Able to tan leather at leather racks, craft wooden items, create hide armor and improve it twice as much.
2. Advanced Tanning: Can create fur armor at forges, and improve it twice as much.
3. Superior Tanning: Can create leather and banded iron armor at forges, and improve it twice as much.
4. Basic Metallurgist: Can smelt iron, corundum, gold, silver and quicksilver ores to ingots and make steel ingots.
5. Advanced Metallurgist: Can smelt malachite, moonstone, orichalcum and ebony ore to ingots and make dwarven ingots from dwarven scrap.
6. Blacksmith: Can create iron, studded, stormcloak, falmer and draugr armor and weapons at forges, and improve it twice as much.
The secondary tree handles Minor Skill Unarmored Combat. It introduces 8 new Perks. The tree is split up into unarmed combat during brawls, and martial art. It features some interesting new Perks, that will probably make you rejoice. In particular there's a Perk that allows you to sneak upon enemies and knock them over form behind if you stay unseen. In difference to 'ordinary' paralyze, you will then be allowed to strip your targets inventory. They will stay out for 30 seconds, and if you're fast enough, won't even recognize that you hit and run them. Unarmed combat will increase the major skill just as snithing did for vanilla skill. The Perks:
1. Way of the Fist (5 ranks): Unarmed attacks do +5 damage.
2. Powerfirst (3 ranks): Unarmed powerattacks do double +5 damage.
3. Liver Chop: 25% chance to nullifie your targets stamina in unarmed combat and brawls.
4. Pine Hook: 25% chance to paralyze your target when power attacking with right hand and not sneaking. Not working during brawls.
5. Knockout: Knock your target unconscious when sneaking undetected and attacking with your right hand from behind.
6. Standing Fist: Reduce incoming damage by 50% during brawls.
7. Tenacious B: Swiftly regenerate Stamina during Brawls.
8. Brawl Master: 10% chance to beat your enemies with one hit during brawls when power attacking.
2. Major Skill Chivalry (formerly Heavy Armor):
Primary Perk tree is Minor Skill Heavy Armor. It features a miriad of higher rank Perks for almost all of the vanilla Perks plus two addtional Perks better suiting the 'Paladin' role a two handed character might choose. New Perks are:
1. Bane of the Undead: 50% chance to nullifie incoming damage from undead creatures.
2. Rammbock: 50% chance incoming arrows will bounce off when using 4 parts of heavy armor and sprinting.
Secondary Perk tree is about Minor Skill Combat Knowledge and governs increasing combat related skills and faster learning via Perks. All knowledge minor skills will be driven by how many levels and skills you've gained. So for example if you've increased Handwork for 8 skill points, you will get 1 point for combat knowledge (chivalry), thievery knowledge (finesse) and magical knowledge (infusion). This skill introduces 8 new Perks:
1. Increase Handwork: Increase Handwork Skill by 3000 points.
2. Increase Shielding: Increase Shielding Skill by 5000 points.
3. Increase Dynamics: Increase Dynamics Skill by 7500 points.
4. Increase Marksman: Increase Marksman Skill by 10000 points.
5. Increase Chivalry: Increase Chivalry Skill by 12500 points.
6. Increase Vigour: Increase Vigour Skill by 15000 points.
7. Art of War: Learn twice as much from combat related skill books.
8. Quick Learner: Learn combat related skills 10% faster.
3. Major Skill Shielding (formerly Blocking):
Primary Perk Tree is Minor Skill Blocking. Additionally to the Vanilla Perks, it features six higher rank Perks for the Shield Wall Perk. I was quite satisfied with the Block tree, so I felt there's not much else to be changed.
Secondary Perk Tree is about Minor Skill Defensive Stance in general and extends blocking without shield or when crouching. I had Greek Phalanx in mind when developing this Perk tree. It will grant you some incredibly awesome defensive Perks, which, when used correctly, will make you almost invulnerable, BUT, you will be very limited in your attacking capabilities. It will also add some Perks that maybe turn the tights in your favor if you're pushed into a corner and see no chance to survive. This Perk tree features 7 new Perks:
1. Iron Rock: Reduce incoming physical damage by 50 % when doing crouched unmoved block with shields.
2. Grab Weapon: 25% chance to disarm your target while blockbashing with a single one handed weapon equipped in crouch stance.
3. Interruptor: Bashing with a two handed weapon in crouch stance will have 25% chance of interrupting incoming attacks.
4. Seared: Bashing with torch in crouch stance gives 25% chance your target drops its weapon and burns in agony.
5. Flat Strike: Knock your target of their feet, by 25% chance, when performing a crouched bash attack with shields without moving.
6. Human Tower: Minimize incoming physical damage when doing crouched unmoved block with shields, without having a weapon or magic equipped.
7. Human Fortress: Negates all incoming physical and magical damage while blocking with a shield and with active ward spell in unmoved crouch stance.
4. Major Skill Vigour (formerly Two Handed):
Primary Perk tree governs Minor Skill Two Handed Combat and has 2 higher rank Perks for the Barbarian Perk as well as 4 additional custom build Perks. Most of those additional Perks have extra Ranks:
1. Persistent Barbarian (has 5 ranks): Increase stamina regeneration by 10% when fighting two handed.
2. Heavy Impedour (has 3 ranks): Increase your two handed block rate by 5%.
3. Rapid Swing: Draw and swing two handed weapon 25% faster.
4. Pommel Strike: While bashing two handed, stagger your target and interrupt their attacks by 50% chance.
Secondary Skill tree is about Minor Skill Vitality and governs the traits of health and fitness. It will make you fitter and more resistant to natural influences like diseases, weather and basic needs.In future updates it's planed to more strongly interlace this with mods like Perseid's Realistic Needs and Diseases, and Frostfall. It features six additional Perks with lots of higher rank tiers:
1. Vitality (has 4 ranks): Increase health by 25 points.
2. Healthy Metabolism (has 5 ranks): Develop a natural 10% poison resistance.
3. Hardened (has 5 ranks): Develop a natural 20 points damage resistance.
4. Natural Immunity (has 5 ranks): Develop a natural 10% disease resistance.
5. *Auto Healer (has 3 ranks): Automatically regenerate 0.1 points of health per second unless moving or in combat.
6. Natural Heater: Develop a natural 10% resistance to frost.
* = Auto health regeneration in Survivalist Ingenuity is turned off by default.
5. Major Skill Dynamics(formerly One Handed):
Primary Perk tree Minor Skill One Handed Combat not only has the most perfectly arranged look ingame, it probably features the greatest additions to vanilla perks. It has 2 additional ranks for the Armsman Perk, and 10 additional custom build Perks. I admit...I'm a one hander, preferably sword. However, the tree splits perks into seven categories. One Handed combat with: sword, axe, mace, dagger, dual, duell ('real' one handed) and torch. I've extended on unique Perks for every weapon class and hopefully added substentional and fun stuff:
1. Persistent Fencer (has 5 ranks): Increase stamina regeneration by 15% when fighting one handed.
2. Swift Blade: Draw and swing daggers 10% faster.
3. Gifted Fencer: Fighting with a single one handed weapon and leaving the offhand free increases damage by 20 percent and blocking by 10 percent.
4. Sonic Swing: Draw and swing one handed weapons 25% faster.
5. Sudden Death: Instantly kill a human when sneaking undetected, and killing your target from behind using a dagger.
6. Fence Master: One Handed Sword do 50% increased damage against human and vampire actors.
7. Torch Bearer: Increase torch bashing damage by 150%.
8. Bone Crusher: Using Mace increases damage against skeletons by 50%.
9. Cutting Axe: 25% chance to completely ignore targets armor when doing power attack with a one handed axe.
10. Parry: 25% chance to interrupt incoming attacks and disarm target with a single one handed weapon equipped.
Secondary Perk tree, Minor Skill Athletics, is one of my favorits and directly interweaves with the Athletics&Acrobatics feature from this Mod. Basically SI reimports cut content in form of immersed skills that run in the background via script. It's fueled by the only one constant running OnUpdate() script in this mod, which constantly checks various conditions, like level, perk count, attributes and skills, to determine how fast you run, high you jump and deep you can fall without getting injured. This script will also fuel the skill gain for most of the secondary skills. However, this Perk tree introduces various Perks to ease up your very much harder life with Survivalist Ingenuity. It offers six additional Perks:
1. Dynamic Warrior (has 4 ranks): Increase Stamina by 25 points.
2. Running Man (has 5 ranks): Increase your basic speed by 5%.
3. Deep Breath (has 5 ranks): Stamina decreases 10% slower when sprinting.
4. Packing Mule (has 5 ranks): Increase Carry Weight by 20 points.
5. Bunny Hop: Jumping costs 50% less stamina.
6. Swim like a Fish: Swimming costs 50% less stamina.
6. Major Skill Marksman (formerly Archery):
Primary skill tree governs Minor Skill Archery. It features 4 rank increase perks for Overdraw and Eagle Eye Perks, plus 6(5) custom build perks. One of the Perks was already in the Creation Kit, but of what ever reason, did not made it into the final game. Maybe they thought it's to overpowered...ach...nonsense...nothing's to overpowered in Survivalist Ingenuity! To be honest you are hopelessly underpowered, specially at the start of a new game and when playing with my Mod setup, so every advantage should come in handy. New Perks are:
1. Piercing Arrows: 25% chance to completely ignore targets armor when attacking with ranged weapons.
2. Predator: Increase damage against animals by 50% when using ranged weapons.
3. Bleed me a River: Attacks with ranged weapons cause extra bleeding damage.
4. Trick Shot: 25% chance to disarm an opponent.
5. Sneak Eye: Sneaking allows you to slightly zoom in your target. (earlie in game)
6. Kneeled Aiming: Increase your Marksman skill by 15 points when in crouch stance.
7. Keen Eye: Allows for detection of arrows via hotkey.
Secondary tree is probably the smallest of all trees with only three Perks and handles Minor Skill Fledging. Fledging is one of two secondary skills that does not fuel its mother skill. Not much else to say about it. Maybe I get more ideas in future updates? The Perks:
1. Basic Fledger: Allowed to fledge basic type arrows at any forge: Iron, Forsworn, Falmer and Ancient Nord Arrows.
2. Advanced Fledger: Allowed to fledge advanced type arrows at any forge: Steel, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Nordic, Silver and Golden Arrows.
3. Superior Fledger: Allowed to fledge superior type arrows at any forge: Glass, Ebony, Stahlrim, Daedric, Dragonbone, Quicksilver and Nord Hero Arrows.
7. Major Skill Dexterity (formerly Light Armor):
Primary tree governs, guess what, Minor Skill Light Armor. Two ranks increases for Agile Defender and one exra Perk. I actually do use light armor in game, but I really did not found anything appropriate to improve this Perk tree. Maybe you have some ideas? The Perk:
1. Animal Bane: 50% chance to nullifie incoming damage from animals.
Secondary Perk tree features the second 'submerged' skill, Minor Skill Acrobatics. It's just as much interweaved with the previously mentioned script, like the Athletics Perk tree. Why did anyone in Skyrim had the same jump power to begin with anyways? Acrobatics skill fuels its mother skill by jumping around and falling deep. This tree actually has two very interesting Perks, see for yourself:
1. Vaulter (has 5 ranks): Increase your basic jump height by 10%.
2. Descend (has 5 ranks): Increase your basic fall depth by 10%.
3. Charged Jump: Jump 1.5x higher out of crouching stance. (You'll need to charge for a second.
4. *Sprint Jump: Allow jumping when sprinting.
* I should mention that this is the only 'real' working sprint jump on the whole Nexus. It will actually allow you to jump further AND higher when sprinting, not just higher, like in all other sprint jump mods I saw.
8. Major Skill Malevolence (formerly Sneak):
Primary tree governs Minor Skill Sneak. I thought the snake symbol allowed for something more sinister in description, so I basically connected the whole skill to shady, malice and more or less 'evil' characters. It stands in opposition to the Goodwill skill. I should mention that sneaking difficulty is greatly increased in SI, though you're allowed to configure sneak difficulty in MCM menu. However, this Perk tree offers two additional ranks for the Stealth Perks, and three additional Perks tailored to 'shady' persons, that like to do shady things...undiscovered, as if they got something to hide^^ The Perks:
1. Night Prowler: You are 100% harder to detect when sneaking at nighttime (20-6).
2. The Fog: You are 50% harder to detect when sneaking during bad weather.
3. The Shade: You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking at daytime(6-20).
Secondary tree governs the dark arts of Minor Skill Assassination. It introduces some nifty little Perks which will hopefully bring you great joy. It also handles sneaky wizardry and the like. It has 5 new Perks to offer. Skill gain is achieved the same way then Sneak, so there's ntohign to change here. Without further circumlocution (what a word Oo) the Perks:
1. *Unconscious: Knock your target unconscious with a mace equipped when sneaking undetected and attacking from behind.
2. Silent Mage (has 5 ranks): Spells cause 20% less detection when sneaking.
3. Sneaky Wizard (has 3 ranks): Destruction Spells have double impact force when sneaking.
4. Silent Kill: Using a dagger when sneaking undetected will instantly kill a sleeping target.
5. Razor's Edge: Slit your target's throat when sneaking undetected and attacking from behind with a dagger equipped.
* This is actually the equivalent to the unarmed skill, were you're allowed to knock over oponents and access their inventory. So not just simple paralyze.
9. Major Skill Finesse (formerly Lockpick):
Primary tree governs Minor Skill Lockpicking. Trap defusing is no longer governed by this skill tree, only locks can be picked safely with this. I addition to its vanilla Perks, it offers two Perks to force locks by...well...force, or with acid in your inventory when sneaking. Forcing locks will alarm surrounding people if you're not hidden, metling locks is silent, but the ingredients to make acid are very rare. Melting locks with acid also has the advantage to open exceptionally every lock, without rank dependence. Forcing locks is limited by the weapon you've equipped. The Perks:
1. Force Locsk: Force locks with the right weapon.
2. Melt Locks: Melt locks using refined acid.
Secondary tree handels trap defusing and general Minor Skill Wayfaring. Since the loot in SI is stricted to almost nothing, you will want to pick two of this Perk trees Perks, to raise loot chance. Defusing locks fuels Major Skill the same way then lockpicking does, so there's no need to add seperate skill gain here. Tree has 7 extra Perks, which are:
1. Novice Traps: Novice hinge traps are much easier to defuse.
2. Apprentice Traps: Apprentice hinge traps are much easier to defuse.
3. Adept Traps: Adept hinge traps are much easier to defuse.
4. Expert Traps: Expert hinge traps are much easier to defuse.
5. Master Traps: Master hinge traps are much easier to defuse.
6. Lucky Loot: Slightly increased chance of finding precious loot on human actors.
7. Adventurer: Greatly increased chance of finding useful and precious loot on almost all actors when having at least 25 dungeons cleared.
10. Major Skill Redeem (formerly Pickpocket):
Primary tree governs Minor Skill Pickpocket. It has two additional rank increases for the Light Fingers Perks, as well as three new Perks. This tree will actually allow you now to roleplay a beggar... the Perks:
1. Thief of Famine: Stealing food is 50% easier.
2. Sixth Sense: 15% chance detecting people having more then 25 gold when sneaking and not moving.
3. Pickpocket Master: Pickpocket targets at 100% chance when undetected.
Secondary tree handels general Minor Skill Thievery Knowledge and is about increasing thievery related skills and faster learning via Perks. Pretty much the duplicate of the combat knowledge tree, just for thiefs. Also fuels major skill by skilling and leveling. The Perks:
1. Increase Goodwill: Increase Goodwill Skill by 3000 points.
2. Increase Extraction: Increase Extraction Skill by 5000 points.
3. Increase Redeem: Increase Redeem Skill by 7500 points.
4. Increase Finesse: Increase Finesse Skill by 10000 points.
5. Increase Malevolence: Increase Malevolence Skill by 12500 points.
6. Increase Dexterity: Increase Dexterity Skill by 15000 points.
7. Thief of Virtue: Learn twice as much from thievery related skill books.
8. Quick Learner: Learn thievery related skills 10% faster.
11. Major Skill Goodwill (formerly Speech):
Primary tree governs Minor Skill Speechcraft and apart from two rank increase and the tree rearrangement does not change much. The secondary however does!
Secondary tree governs Minor Skill Social Intelligence and just Athletics&Acrobatics is deeply interlaced with core features of SI. SI disallows some social interaction, such as recruiting followers, bribing and intimidating, right away. You will not have the chance to recruit any of the vanilla followers without proper skill increase and/or the correct Perks. For compensation however, you will get additional dialogue and interaction options with every new Perk. You can give gifts to people, ask them to redress, make friends, ask them to give you gifts, and finally recruit every single unique NPC in the game wthout restrictions as follower. Ever wanted to know if Embry the old sot is capable of proving himself in battle, or wanted to make Sven's mum follow you? Well, with this Mod you can. Fuels the major skill by using the new dialogue based social interaction features. Tree has six Perks, here you go:
1. Communication: Interact with potential vanilla followers, neutral bandit children, people at crafting stations. Also essentialize, intimidate or bribe anyone.
2. Present: Give gifts to people from your inventory via dialogue.
3. Befriend: Befriend people via dialogue.
4. Redress: Ask people to redress if you previously gave them clothes to do so.
5. Supplicant: Ask people for gifts via dialogue.
6. Ringleader: Make anyone your follower via dialogue.
12. Major Skill Extraction (formerly Alchemy):
Primary tree handels Minor Skill Alchemy. Two additional ranks for Alchemist Perk. Nothing to fancy here, except the look in game maybe. Needs future improvement? Suggest!
Secondary tree handels Minor Skill Cooking, which is divided from alchemy. Offers four new Perks. Does not look like much, but has a huge impact on how SI is played when using Perseid's Real Needs and Diseases. Since general loot is so low and everything's so expensive in SI, you will have problems to get your mouth stuffed. A Perk to allow you to grill basic food at campfires appears to be convenient then? Does not fuel the major skill, effectively removing the effect of Alchemy skill spamming. The Perks, four of them:
1. Grill Meat: Grill meat, leeks, potatoes and fish at campfires.
2. Kitchen Aid: Learn to cook basic food recipes at cooking pots and make flour from wheat.
3. Chef: Learn to cook advanced food recipes at cooking pots.
4. Good Scent: Find corpse and carcass laying around via hotkey.
13. Major Skill Delusion (formerly Illusion):
Primary tree handels Minor Skill Illusion. Has one additional Perk only:
1. Clearvoyance: Clairvoyance no longer costs any magicka.
Secondary tree is about Minor Skill Magical Staff specialization. Fuels major skill when using magical staffs. Has three additional Perks:
1. Power Staff: Staff based magic has 50% increased damage and duration.
2. Recharge Staff: Magical Staffs automatically recharge over time.
3. Twin Staffs: Using two magical staffs increases damage by 100%.
14. Major Skill Mystic (formerly Conjuration):
Primary tree handels Minor Skill Conjuration. Has one additional rank Perk for the Summoner Perk.
Secondary tree governs Minor Skill Daedra Magic specialization. Fuels major skill when fighting against the Daedra. It has three additional Perks:
1. Daedric Defense: Reduce incoming damage from Daedra creatures by 50%.
2. Daedric Attack: Increase damage against the Daedra by 50%.
3. One with the Daedra: Daedra creatures will count you as friend.
15. Major Skill Elementals (formerly Destruction):
Primary tree handels Minor Skill Destruction and has no additions.
Secondary tree handels Minor Skill Spellsword specialization. Fuels major skill when using one handed weapons and magic in conjunction. It features four new Perks:
1. Spellsword: Increase damage by 50% when using a one handed weapon in one hand, and a spell in the other.
2. wordspell: Using a sword in combination with spells will increase critical damage chance by 10% and double the inflicted damage.
3. Tinman: Using a Cuirass only in combat, will decrease incoming stagger chance by 50%.
4. Helmet Ward: Using Helmet only in combat will cast a constant ward on yourself.
16. Major Skill Renewal (formerly Restoration):
Primary tree handles Minor Skill Restoration and has 2 additional rank Perks for the Recovery Perk plus one additional custom Perk:
1. Increase Magicka (has 5 ranks): Increase your Magicka by 20 points.
Secondary tree handles Minor Skill Dragonborn specialization. Fuels the major skill when shouting. It has four additional Perks:
1. Endurant Voice: Decrease shout recovery time by 50%.
2. Strong Voice: Shout power increases by 50%.
3. Force Immunity: Don't get thrown back by enemy force shouts.
4. Dragon Killer: Master the Art of hunting and killing Dragons. Increases physical and magical damage against Dragons by 100%.
17. Major Skill Transformation (formerly Alteration):
Primary tree handels Minor Skill Alteration and has two rank Perks for the Magical Resistance Perk plus one additional Perk to allow transmuting Perk points into attributes or Dragon Souls:
1. Transmute Perks: Use Perks to increase skills, health, stamina, magicka, carry weight or speed. Look in MCM menu!
Secondary tree governs Minor Skill Unarmored combat specialization. Fuels the major skill when doing unarmored combat. It has four new Perks:
1. Like a feather: Your general weapon speed increases by 50% when fighting completely unarmored.
2. Feather Pockets: You permanently increase your maximum carry weight by 100, when not using any armor.
3. Dodge: 10% chance to avoid any incoming damage without using any armor.
4. Balance: 10% chance to avoid any incoming stagger without using any armor.
18. Major Skill Infusion (formerly Enchanting):
Last but not least, the primary tree governs Minor Skill Enchanting. It has 2 additional rank Perks for the Enchanter Perk, plus four additional Perks:
1. Armor Enchanter: Enchantments on Armors are 25% stronger.
2. Weapon Enchanter: Enchantments on Weapons are 25% stronger.
3. Clothes Enchanter: Enchantments on Clothes and Jewelry are 25% stronger.
4. *Soul Renewal: Enchanted items automatically recharge over time.
* This is the real deal, no bugs, no not working functions. This Perk will make all your enchanted items recharge over time 100%. I did not found a single working auto recharge Mod on the Nexus, so I had to do it myself.
Secondary tree governs Minor Skill Magical Knowledge and governs increasing magic related skills and faster learning via Perks. Fuels major skill by skilling and leveling. It has 8 additional Perks:
1. Increase Elementals: Increase Elementals Skill by 3000 points.
2. Increase Infusion: Increase Infusion Skill by 5000 points.
3. Increase Mystic: Increase Mystic Skill by 7500 points.
4. Increase Renewal: Increase Renewal Skill by 10000 points.
5. Increase Transformation: Increase Transformation Skill by 12500 points.
6. Increase Delusion: Increase Delusion Skill by 15000 points.
7. Gifted Magician: Learn twice as much from magic related skill books.
8. Quick Learner: Learn magic related skills 10% faster.
There are various perks to directly interact with this feature. You start with 75% of vanilla speed, jump height/distance and fall damage and will get the chance to improve it with every level to sum up to 125% + modifiers on level 100. This also introduces extended stamina consumption when either running, swimming, jumping, attacking, blocking and drawing your bow. Simple walking or fast sneaking has an impact on your stamina too. A think that should not be forgotten is 'real encumbrance' which basically means that you'll lose speed with every pound added to your inventory. If you exceed 300 pounds inventory weight you will be completely unable to move.
However, there's various perks, magic and potions to increase speed, jump height and carry weight for short periods of time. This all gets complemented by progressive fall height/damage. fall height does not only get influenced by level and perks, but from your inventory weight as well. So don't jump off the high cliff if you're a packing mule. All of those features are configurable within the MCM menu.
Modular options include raising light radius from torches and lanterns and completely turning off the mining animation. Hardcoded are things like useable lanterns, NPCs use torches and guards use lanterns, and, if you decide to use the .ini settings in the FAQ ection, removed world map restrictions. Perk based features are mentioned before, like the Grill Meat feature, or the option of improved social interaction and its difficulty. You will be allowed to share inventory with anyone, make them redress, ask them to be your friend and ultimatively make anyone unique person your follower.
Modular options include previously mentioned disabled auto aim and NPCs using ammo in their inventory (which they do not in vanilla, they have infinite ammo). Perk based features include archery skill raised when crouching and the vanilla Eagle Eye perks having two modes, one when standing and one when crouched.
Hardcoded features are three new arrows types; Gold, Silver and Quicksilver all having unique features, for example gold arrows are exceptional close combat arrows with huge impact force and damage potential. Quicksilver arrows is more suitable for snipers and has a light source attached to it. You can also craft every single arrow in game wih the right perk and finally all arrows stats are individualized.
Finally I have added 26 new magical effects, distributed on spells, scrolls, tomes and potions. Those include: increase carry weight, increase speed, slow time (real bullet time), open lock and regular night eye magic for those that aren't Khajit or Vampire. Additionaly there are 5 new summons: a 'Large Familiar' Bear Spirit, a Draugr 'Ghost Archer', a Whispmother 'Ghostspirit', a Hallow Dead named 'Hollow Death', which basically is Arnulf in ghost form and you're also capable of conjuring Alduins Ghost once you've ended the final stage of the main quest.
New ingredients and food include: Bee Queen, Spider Sap, Spider Eyes, Spider Teeth, new Food: Bread, Baken Skeever Meat, Honey Nut Treat, Grilled Leek, Baken Potatoes. This also includes fixing various ingredients and their respawn, like: Cabbage, Leek and Chicken Nests will now respawn. Fixed Namira's Root, Imp Stool, White Cap and the Human Heart not having any value.
Gold, keys, arrows and lockpicks now have weight, and by request I added a MCM option to turn off weight on pickaxes. You're now allowed to craft lockpicks, torches, lanterns and diverse other things with the right items. Crafting lockpicks needs you to have an increased lockpick skill, or you can't forge them. You can also craft Bonemeal from skulls and goat horns and make charcoal from firewood for torches. Mining ores will randomly grant you salt or more jewels. Every town or village that didn't had a forge, smelter, tanning rack, grindstone, workbench, enchanter, cooking pot or alchemy station now has one, and finally every single item in Skyrim has ownership attached so you can not simply take it without stealing, except you befriended the owner.
Summon Follower spells: If you are using the SIUFO Patch, it will give you a spell to summon all followers at once. This feature is configurable.
Change carry weight and various other actor values of followers in MCM menu: Unfortunately UFO doesn't feature something like this, so I've put it in. This feature is configurable.
Recruit followers only with speech 25 and higher: You can make followers only follow you with at least speechcraft 25 and if there Speechcraft skill isn't higher then yours. You will also need to activate Perks inside the Goodwill skill to make interaction possible. This feature is hardcoded and perk based.
Traps and diseases more lethal: Contracting disease now actually does something negative to you, especially with hardcoe settings enabled. Traps are 5-10x more lethal than in default game. Most traps mean instant death to you and your followers, so be prepared and careful when venturing those Dwemer caverns. This feature is hardcoded.
Unique Barenziah quest book: The Barenziah quest is a very good addition, but after playing two times through the default game, I no longer have the nerve to search for those stones. I've created a unique book which tells you where to find those nasty gems, but only if you understand the riddles inside the book. Guess who will sell the book to you. This feature is hardcoded.
Killable children: Felt to much of a limitation to me. You don't need to kill them after all. This feature is hardcoded.
Children Enemies: This adds children to bandit and forsworn enemy lists. They tend to run away in battles, but some of them are just as aggressive as their advlt
counterparts. You can also interact with those children staying passive, and make them follow, attack or simply dislike you. This feature is hardcoded.
Find corpses hotkey: Simple hotkey feature that allows you to find corpses laying around. Rebind the Hotkey in MCM menu, will work only with the correct Perk activated. Technically it's the same as detect life, but only for corpses. This should proof useful in conjunction with lush grass or any flora overhaul mods. This feature is hotkey and perk based.
Find arrows hotkey: Simple hotkey feature that allows you to find arrows lying around. Rebind the Hotkey in MCM menu, will work only with the correct Perk activated. Technically it's the same as detect life, but only for arrows. This should proof useful in conjunction with lush grass or any flora overhaul mods. This feature is hotkey and perk based.
Fixed Vanilla Iron Arrow CTD bug: There's a vanilla bug that randomly crashes the game when giving iron arrows to followers, most noticeable when using follower overhauls like UFO or AFT. I fixed it by completely removing the option to add iron arrow to your followers or containers (which also randomly crashes the game). You can now make Steel Arrows from Iron Arrows at a froge. This feature is hardcoded.
Klimmek in Ivarstead is now a Vendor: I was underwhelmed by the fact there's no vendor in Ivarstead, that's why I changed Klimmek to be one. This feature is hardcoded.
Please put this code into your Skyrim.ini if you want to use disabled auto aim and/or removed map restrictions.
Auto Aim:
There's various patches and extras in the download section to fix incompatiblities with certain Mods.
1. SkyRe: In absolutely no way it's possible for me to make this Mod compatible as both SI and SkyRe change the skill perk trees, you can't bring two mods together doing this.
2. Requiem: Same as SkyRe. Possible chance for compatibility since Requiem does not directly change skill perk trees.
Knowen Bugs:
- The athletics/speed feature might kick in only once you've gone into sneak state, sheathed/unsheathed your weapon, entered a menu, or started to sprint when starting a new game. This actually is a default engine bug, and there's nothing I can do about it at the moment.
- The bug you might experience with your carry weight going crazy after you've been released from jail is fixable with the supported spell. The spell will remove every instance of arrow weight dummy from your inventory. But beware, the spell will also remove any instance of arrows to prevent further bugs and exploits. After you used the spell to clean arrow weight dummys, the 'arrows have weight' feature will continue to work like supposed to.
- There's a bug with arrows not showing any weight in inventory. This is because I'm using weight dummys to mimic weight on arrows via script. Skyrim does not allow to show weight on arrows in inventory.
Release 10.8.2014, Version
- fixed another very persistent null error related to OnItemRemoved, hope this was the last
- fixed tools disenchantable on enchanting stations
Release 21.6.2014, Version
- fixed more scriptlog stack reports related to 'none' errors making the fuzzy guys go all fuzzy
- added option to bury human NPC's under a heap of earth, place clay in their inventory to do it
- fixed cheat to put items inside corpses and then carry them, all items get removed now before grabbing them with the hook
- added MCM option to unclutter the crafting menus, the clutter is inside your head and named pedantism
- MCM option to turn off burial pyres in cities (they are now turned off by default)
- fixed various typos
- added hint for default settings inside the MCM descriptions
- fixed mummyfiyng tool craftable inside iron menu, it's now in the steel menu
2. DLCs Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn
From version 0.8 it's as immersive as it possible could be. You do no longer need to sneak (except when approaching Vampires), but you'll need the correct tools in your hand in order to interact with corpses. From version 0.9 interaction with corpses happens in real time. All new tools are set up as weapons and you'll need to hit the corpse/charcass with the tool in order to initiate interaction. Using leach and brand accelerator stayed the same as in version 0.8.
Searching Body: Is just like it was in Vanilla, you can open the inventory with every tool equipped without problems...but beware, Vampires will resurrect if you don't open their inventory in sneak stance!
Remove Body: Removes the body by disintegrating it. You will need leach to do this. This does not destroy spawn points coming with leveled and not unique actors, like bandits or forsworn. Place the leach inside the body and then activate it. Leach can be crafted at cooking pots with the correct ingredients.
Take Body: Puts a 'Corpse Dummy' in your inventory representing the corpse/carcass weight and name. Once you've droped the corpse/carcass from your inventory, the dummy gets removed, and the corpse/carcass gets placed at your feet. To take a body you need to hit it with the Grappling Hook tool. Grappling Hooks can be crafted at a forge. You can then bring the corpse to any place you want to bury, burn, melt or process it any way that you decide is apprpriate. From version 0.9.9, you can also give the corpse a honorable death at burial pyres sitting in every major town and village. There's an MCM option to turn off the possibilitie to cheat by putting stuff into the inventory of dead people and then carry them around. All items get removed from their body before you grab them with the hook.
Burn Body: Has three flavors (only one on carcass). 'Barbecue' with torches, which leaves a grilled body. 'Ashes to Ashes' with fire based spells, will leaves an Ash Pile and is the prefered option if you want vampire ashes or bonemeal from human/creature corpses/carcass. You will need to hit the corpse/carcass with a torch or a fire spell and previously placed fire accelerant in their inventory. Putting bodys on fire will also add a hazard around them so be carefull and keep your distance. Torch and flame spells are Vanilla and you can find them everywhere in the world. From version 0.9.9 you can also burn corpses/carcasses with flame based staffs.
Bury Body: You'll need to hit the corpse/charcass with a shovel, axe or scalpel to bury them. How you bury the body depends on what you use. If you use the woodcutters axe, a impaled detterent gets placed. If you use the axe and a torch, a burning impaled detterent gets placed. If you hit the corpse with a shovel, you will bury them with a tombstone, or under a heap of earth if you've previously put clay into their inventory. And finally, if you previously put 5 linen wraps into their bodys, and use the scalpel, they will end as mummy. Animals/Creatures can only be processed with a shovel and will always leave a heap of earth. The shovel and scalpel can be crafted at a forge. Woodcutter axes are everywhere in the world by default. From version 0.9.9 you can also buy replacement tombstones at every Priest of Arkay at the corresponding Hall of Death in major settlements. Use the licenses they give you on tombstones you've just placed. After 10 seconds you can't replace them, so you always want to carry around a license in case you want to replace an ordinary tombstone. 10 seconds limit is inevitable due to bugs.
Nail Body to the wall: ...or everywhere you want. Use a hammer and nails to nail every corpse at any wall or any place you want, even in mid air. Hiting the corpse with the hammer will 'freeze' them, hit them again and they will be unfrozen. This is done in replacement of no longer being capable of placing corpses/carcasses inside containers.
Burn the honorable Dead at burial pyres: Every town and village no has a burial pyre where you can burn your most valued friends...or honorable as possible. Just have a corpse in your inventory and activate the burial pyre. It will then process the corpse in your inventory. The person you're burning appears a last time as Ghost besides the ceremony to watch her/his own funeral, and will then be lifted to Sovengard through a portal. Since version there's an MCM option to turn burial pyres off to raise compatibility with mods that add new content to towns and cities.
Fire hurts: Getting to close to corpses or charcasses when igniting them, or when they're burning will get your health damaged and set you on fire, so always keep your distance (150 game units). This is also true for NPCs, so you could use this as trap?
Frostfall support: Burning corpses keeps you warm when using Frostfall. Once a body gets ignited a CampFireLight01(HeatSource) will be added to the corpse. This light is what Chesko uses to detect if a player is close to a heat source. Burning corpses will work like a regular campfire from Frostfall. To get the full benefit you'll need to have a tent build or warm clothes at your body. Additionally the range to the heat source defines the amount of exposure reduced. But don't get to close, or you get yourself grilled. If you use the bonfire option you will get longer burning corpses, which will warm you up longer.
Vampires get special treatment: Since version 0.8 Vampire treatment is in particular one of my favorit features of this mod. First, there's one thing to remember after you killed a Vampire! If you approach them without sneaking, they WILL resurrect! So you want to do the following:
1. kill the Vampire
2. approach them sneaking to open their inventory
3. take all their loot if wanted, and either place garlic, brand accelerator or leach inside them
If you did it correctly you can now take the corpse (garlic), burn it(fire accelerant), or remove/melt them (leach). For sure, you can just approach a Vampire while not sneaking and just burn or bury them. In both cases they will not resurrect. This all follows a simple logic and makes it a highly immersive interaction with Vampire, which is also highly compatible with other Vampire mods since version 0.8. From version 0.9.9 Vampires will scream in agony if you decide to burn them and deliver an enjoyable show.
The Fleshsaw: a special tool you'll get after killing one of the protagonists of the Cannibal mission in Markarth. You're able to dismember bodies with it, and it will grant you 4 pieces of human flesh, and 1 human heart.
The Broom: Another special tool, which you will get as reward when completing the DB quest line. You can disintegrate every corpse with it right away.
- Another bug happens if you decide to replace several tombstones via licenses in a row with previously placed by the shovel tool. They will all share the same string text, because always the last tombstone placed with the shovel will occupie the string text quest. Process the corpses one by one to prevent this bug.
1. The mod comes in two flavors. The standard edition for everyone, and the UFO edition for people using Ultimate Follower Overhaul. Use only one, not both. All hell will break loose on you if you're trying to use both.
2. If you reconfigure the hotkeys and applied your changes, you'll need to save your game, because the hotkey information gets stored inside your savegame. If you do not save after reconfiguration of your hotkeys, the changes will be lost, and you'll have to do it all over again.
Now for the detailed description on how the hotkeys work and the default settings:
Torch Hotkey: Basically that's just a hotkey that uses torches only and so does not occupie a vanilla hotkey. Very useful when using darker nights mods. Works like vanilla hotkeys, press once to equip the torch, press again to unwear it.
Toggle Menus Hotkey: Press once to turn off menus, press again to turn them back on. Very useful when making screenshots.
Instant Quit Hotkey: Press once and you leave the game...instantly. So make sure to save the game before you'll leave.
Quick Player Status Hotkey: Just press it and you'll get notified about your current health, level, speed, gold and numbers of dragonsouls.
Unequip everything Hotkey: Works in two ways. When pressed only unequips your hands. When held and released for a second completely undresses you.
Quick Date and Time Hotkey: Simply press the key to get the current game time and date, it will also show the current timescale.
Zoom Hotkey: Simple Hotkey to zoom in your view, hold or tap, works both ways.
Recharge Enchanted Weapons Hotkey: This will recharge your enchanted weapons if you have Soulgems in your inventory. Depentend on the size of the maximum charge, it will choose bigger Soulgems. So if you want to safe the bigger Soulgems for enchanting, make sure you don't have them in your inventory. Give them to followers or leave them at your home chest. You'll need to have the to be enchanted weapon in your right hand.
Define Spell/Shout/Power Hotkey: When inside the spell/shout/power menu just select a spell/shout/power and press the appropriate Hotkey to define a spell/shout/power on a Hotkey. There are 8 spell, 6 shout and 6 power hotkeys additionally to the vanilla Hotkeys. This will also work from inside the favourits menu.
Equip Spells/Shouts/Powers Hotkey: Shouts and Powers are pretty straight forward, just press the according Hotkey outside of a menu and they'll get equipped. Spells are special. They can be equipped left hand(tap), right hand(hold 1 second), or booth hands(hold 2 seconds) depending on how long you press they Hotkey outside of a menu.
Delete Spell/Power Hotkey: It does what it says. You'll need to open the magic menu, select a spell or power and then press the spell deletion hotkey. You'll get a notification if you managed to delete the spell. This will delete every spell, even thoose imported by other mods. It's a one way direction. You can not restore deleted spells. So be careful what you delete. Shouts can not be deleted, because as far as I'm aware there's only one chance to actually get them. Removing them wouldn't make sense at all. Notice that spells get only deleted while you're in the magic menu. Also notice that the spell stays visible in the menu until you've clicked another spell or another menu tab. This is a vanilla UI flaw, and there's nothing I can do about it. Spells probably where never ment to be deleted.
Follower Trade Hotkey: You probably heared, or used, the Follower Hotkey mod based on Script Dragon? Nifty little mod that made live for some players more comfortable. Unfortunately it needed Script Dragon (which sometimes took ages to update) and it was working on one follower only. If you'd, for example, used Ultimate Follower Overhaul, then you still had to enter trade with them through dialogue. It's different within this mod. The closest follower to you within a range of 500 game units, will open his/her inventory. If all followers are within a range of 500 game units, then the first recruited follower will open his/her inventory.
Follower Wait/Follow Hotkey: This basically works as the SD version. You'll tap the hotkey once and the follower waits. You tap it again and the follower follows. Different to the SD version, this will work for all followers following you, not just one. You'll get a notification when a follower waits or follows you.
Follower Command Favor Hotkey: This works similar to the SD version. Basically it uses the same key as the wait/follow hotkey, but you'll need to hold the key for at least one second and then release it. Upon release of the hotkey the command favor state will be entered by the follower.
Follower Camera Hotkey: Has two functions. When taped shortly will jump to your closest follower, when taped again will jump back to you. If you hold the key for more then one second, it will flip back to you after releasing the key.
Follower Draw Weapon Hotkey: This simply makes you and your followers draw weapons. This is specially useful with UFO, so you can make your comrades draw their weapon with you. If you draw your weapon with your followers, and then use the default draw weapon key, the UFO feature of followers not automatically draw weapons with you, will be bypassed. This is not a bug, but intention. You can set it back to default by pressing the follower draw weapon hotkey again.
Follower Relax/Unrelax Hotkey: Works pretty much exactly like the wait/follow hotkey with the difference, that your follower will enter sandbox(relax) mode. Press the key once and the follower relaxes, press it again and the follower will follow again. You'll get a notification when a follower relaxes or does not relax.
Follower Avoid Combat/Enter Combat Hotkey: Works like relax hotkey. You'll get a notification. Press once for follower to ignore combat, press again to make them attack again.
Reconfigure Hotkeys:
How does it work? From version 0.4 on you configure the keys from the MCM menu. Just press ESC to find it.
Resetting all Hotkeys:
From version 0.6 there's now an option to reset all hotkeys and rebind them at will.
Known Bugs:
- Recharge Hotkey might act wonky, I'm trying to fix this with future updates. If it makes you feel inconvenient, don't use it!
Release 6.12.2013, Version 0.3.2:
- Put in SKSE check when starting new game and loading a game
- Added warpaint to Arnulfs face
- Fixed SKSE check not showing
- Fixed Arnulfs gray face bug because of new warpaint
- Completely removed no sneak torch feature due to massive bugs
Arnulf :
- will avoid combat if you order him to do so
- will redress when previously got an outfit assigned, so you can fit him as you wish
- can be made essential/unessential
- will ignore friendly hits if your order him to do so
- will use the standard commands: wait, follow, share inventory, do favor, dismiss, recruit
- can relax (sandbox mode) if you order him to do so
- will automatically not engage combat when sneaking
- is completely custom voiced (only 100 lines of dialogue for the first version, will be improved, I promise)
- will choose High Hrothgar as home if you not purchased Breezehome, if you purchased he will go there
- has an unlimited inventory if you order him to have so
- has light foot perk to not trigger preasure plates
- will learn spells from tomes you put into his inventory
- will increase his level with player if you order him to do so
- will show you level, skills and resistances if you order him to do so
- does not have any spells, powers or shouts initially
- has no level restrictions
- is level 1 (if you're high level, you probably want to first level him up)
- can be summoned when he's lost
- does not affect the players stealth meter
- speaks famous qoutes from a well knowen movie character if ordered to do so
- can be commanded via shouts, commands are: Share Inventory, Wait/Follow, Relax, Do Favor, Avoid/Enter Combat
- unique book granted to you by a quest NPC with instruction (will be extended in future I promise)
- small and unique quest in order to obtain him (will be much extended in future, I promise)
Known Bugs:
- none that I'm aware of at the moment, please report any bug you notice
I have huge plans with this mod. Making Arnulf change his outfits in different situations. Make Arnulf collect ingredients and stuff for you. I plan to extensively extend the custom voiced dialogue and the quest. I can' tell where this mod leads me.
Enough talk now, go crush your enemies and see them driven before you!!!
Oh, and if you hear your woman lamintate, show them what Arnulf has to say about it...
Release 10.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release
House features :
- Grain Mill
- Two Barrels
- Two Sacks
- A Bench
- A Woodchopper Heap
- A Bed
- Two Cupboards for Books
- Three Mannequins
- Three Weapon Racks
- A Cooking Station
- A Table
- Three smaller Cupboards
- Two Barrels
- Two Alchemy Bags
- A Strongbox
- A regular Cupboard
- A Table
- Two Chairs
Known Bugs:
- none that I'm aware of at the moment, please report any bug you notice
- There's a script and .esp file making this Mod compatible with Life another Life by Arthmoor. Use it ONLY if you have LAL installed. MAke sure to load the .esp AFTER LAL, or changes won' take effect.
No further plans!
Release 14.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release[/size]
Known Bugs:
- none that I'm aware of at the moment, please report any bug you notice
- It's compatible with everything.
Depends on user wishes. But note there won't be any improvements like in
Release 15.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release[/size]
Known Bugs:
- none that I'm aware of at the moment, please report any bug you notice
- It's compatible with everything.
Depends on user wishes.
Release 16.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release
DLC'S Dawnguard and Dragonborn
Known Bugs:
- none that I'm aware of at the moment, please report any bug you notice
- It's compatible with everything.
Depends on user wishes.
Release 18.8.2014, Version 1.0.1:
- streamlined the complete code, no longer OnUpdate script, very userfriendly now
- added more actors to the 'untalkable list'
Release 17.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release
Known Bugs:
- there's still some people left you can't acces dialogue with and thus can't get the 'Unknown Person' label removed, bare with me until I've filled the list with left over persons that met this criteria
- compatible with everything, except
No further plans!
Release 18.8.2014, Version 1.0.1:
- fixed forgotten numbers on ObjRef inside PlayerAliasScript, possibly letting the Mod not work correctly
Release 18.8.2014, Version 1.0:
- initial release
Known Bugs:
- label gets actualized only after you turned away from the book, vanilla flaw I can't do much about
- compatible with everything, including SkyUI's and Unread Books Glow features
No further plans!
Installation with NMM:
1. Press the download with Manager button on the Nexus and confirm the requested programm
2. Once downloaded open up NMM and click the mods tab to import the XXX.7z
3. After installation enable the plugin files in your prefered reorder tool or in data files when starting up Skyrim
4. When starting Skyrim, click on data files, and make sure the XXX.esp is checked. If you use Wrye Bash, make sure the file is activated and your load order corrected. Use to automatically get the correct load order, or rely on the new version
5. Play the Game!!!
Manual Installation:
1. Unzip the files anywhere
2. Move the .esp and .bsa file of the Mod to your 'x:\...Skyrim\Data' folder
3. Choose the patch files you wish to use and copy to your Data folder
4. When starting Skyrim, click on data files, and make sure the XXX.esp is checked. If you use Wrye Bash, make sure the file is activated and your load order corrected. Use to automatically get the correct load order, or realy on the new version
5. Run Skyrim!!!
Some of the Mods are currently in a state of BETA development and will make steady progress and get new features added. It's important to understand that this can sometimes mess up your game without the mod creators intention to do so. In case you wonder why I make such a statement? You'll need to understand that any single modder for Skyrim is releasing Mods in BETA, or even sometimes ALPHA state, I'm just as honest to tell you that I do. You will get notified soon enough if Mods enter final version, and as such are considerably playable without bugs. I always do my best to not even let bugs happen for every new version. Always make sure to follow the next steps correctly whenever updating to a new version. You've been warned!!! If you are using a new version of any Mod upon an existing character made with it, make sure to make a clean save before playing on, or you will eventually face bugs and not properly working features. In case you've read somewhere that there is nothing like a "clean save", then this is, gently spoken, nothing but exaggerated panicmongering. Skyrim engine bakes scripts into savegames, something that previous ES titles did not do. This brought up the argument of "no clean save" possible. The fact that people, claiming this argument, are missing, is that regardless of no "clean saves" possible in Skyrim, you still want to carry out this procedure in order to 1. minimize bugs caused by updating, 2. nullifying latent script behaviour. This procedure has proven correct for me the last two years, and there is absolutely no reason to change what's good. This will specially benefit you if you are using tools like This is how you make a "clean save":
1. Load your game and find a interior cell, save the game
2. Exit game, turn off the .esp and load the previously made save, save again
3. Exit game, enable the new version, go into the game and save again
4. Exit the game once more and then start playing with the clean save
I have to say thanks to a lot of people, specially those guys over at Bethesda, without them my life would be much less fun. A huge thanks goes out to @Lothar who was a great help in finding and nailing bugs, and @JustinOther for helping me with a lot of stuff concerning the CK. I also have to thank all the people on the official forums. Without you guys and reading your threads in trying to understand how to mod, specially related to scripts, I would have never made this overhaul possible. I have to point out a special thanks to @tunaisafish, @Artisanix, @Arthmoor, @Elys, @Chesko, @FG109, @Sagittarius22 and the guys from SKSE and SkyUI team. You don't even know how much you help people by just posting your knowledge of modding. People like you are the pillars this whole modding community stands on. I also have to thank all the guys on the Nexus, the Workshop and over at TES Alliance, your daily input and efforts is very appreciated.
All software provided in this thread is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.