I know I have a few. Character ideas which I came up with out of nowhere but I was too busy with other characters. I usually have around seven or eight characters, but will play 2-3 of them at a time, as in visiting each character at least once every two days.
For example, I have Devarri the Dark Elf (known as the Pale Elf), a level 103 who's not had a challenge in too long, sadly. I'm finishing off quests and objectives before settling into Heljarchen (or however you spell that damn snow-hole) and adopting some kids and retiring. Then I have Skall, a straight-up warrior-Nord who's pretty early-on, character wise. He's gonna be played on for a while. Then there's the sneak-thief Erelias, still a lot to do on him.
As for my on-haitus characters, I have Calain, an Altmer Samurai who's halfway through Dragonborn and the Main Quest, he's not been played on for a while. One day... Then there's Torz Ra-Hukt, my Stormcloak Orc who's like Level 2, but I do like him so he'll get some gametime eventually. Then there's Boden, my Breton battlemage who I've not touched in close to three months.
He's level 22, and I do like him, but eh, don't have the drive to continue him right now.
And I've made an evil Imperial Vampire-Mage called Victoria, but she's got literally zero minutes of game time yet, LOL. She was created out of a moment of inspiration. And I like the concept well enough to keep her for a future adventure