Get this skyrim fans, i migjt be the badest outlaw vampire...vampire killer lol i love blade and vladimere dracula. So i go to a place were i left a steel_clad bandit leader orc body for thralling or maybe it died there honestly i forgot i left it there, i advise leaving thrall bodies that dont go away places u go often cuz it makes for fun fights some times they fight amondt them selfs ad if to impress there lich lord,

. Well anyways back to main thing it reset from a orc male to nord female , fine i supose im not sixist lol, but i went looking for shadowmere (died) im sad but like not having a dumb horse that fights realy anoys me, go back to thrall body spot its gone after lasting months and an odd six/race change it disapears! W/e but get this i see npcs...not attacking me,

my kinda guys there hired red guard thugs they say yes....sir mofo aparently im the new mob boss lol, so i fast travel to see if they realy reposenting the revenant thug god father grimdro lol, well they came..brought a buddy me and serana smirmed , the new guy ran away ow almost forgot a random walrus spawned also non hostile totaly chilling in dawnstar he helped me fight made me laugh and quote the beatles..i am the walrus ku ku ka chu any ways killed the two the third comes back non hostile i thrall 1 ,serana dust piles the other, shes lucky shes pritty cuz thats anoying, in short gota zombie thug and live1 following me

guess he learned dont cross me, now he works for me lol, didnt kill that awsome walrus he didnt follow tho he turns like he will, hes to chill, guess the dark bros hole in dawnguard has a walrus bonser , u thin he saw my fangs and was like , hang on skinny honker ill help ya hommie but not gona move, also had a non hostile saber spawn then disapear there not chill like walruses....holly long post