Thinking of creating a character based on Ygritte from GoT... here’s my rough idea... comments welcome:
Female Nord
Primary Combat Archery, Secondary One-Handed
Supporting Skills: Light Armor, Stealth, Lockpicking, Alchemy
Stormcloak Supporter, Mance is like Ulfric in this regard right? Spraying about being “free” from the Imperials... (though thinking of using Alternate Start’s Forsworn start, but that requires being Breton and I would think if Ygritte was transported into Skyrim’s world she would have to be Nord for the cold resistance right?) If I use the vanilla Helgen start it could make sense that she was captured with fellow Stormcloaks (Free-Folk)
No magic, no enchanting, smithing only to improve found gear...
Play-style: Hunter, Thieves Guild eventually, no rush on MQ...
She may become a Companion and join the Dawnguard as she would probably align well with Hircine (and vampires seem too mythical to a “tribe woman/free folk”...
Since I would not use any enchanting/smith grinding I’m thinking I’ll need to turn down my difficulty from Legendary to maybe Expert to keep it manageable... I don’t like changing the scale mid-game for any reason, and like a challenge... though becoming a Werewolf early on could really make Master/Legendary possible...
Thoughts & suggestions welcome!