What's wrong with these scripts?

Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:52 am

I promise this will be the last thread for a while. Really.

Alright, onto the issue. I have a script with an OnKeyDown event. The key is registered correctly, and everything is set correctly the first time you use the key. Then, after that, it kind of functions. It'll take a little while to work, and then it'll show the debug. However, once you've used the key about 10 times, you're never able to use it again and it stops functioning. This is the script:

Scriptname SAFControlScript extends Quest  Message Property SummonConfirmation Auto {0 is cancel, 1 is confirm}GlobalVariable Property SAFKey Auto {To choose a follower to summon}GlobalVariable Property AllowAnyNPC Auto{Disabled by default. If true, allow to choose any NPC for summon. For custom follower framework followers.}Faction Property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto {CurrentFollowerFaction}ReferenceAlias Property FollowerToSummon Auto{Empty property to reference the follower to summon}Bool Ready = True Event OnInit()	RegisterForKey(SAFKey.GetValueInt())EndEventEvent OnKeyDown(int keyCode)	If KeyCode == SAFKey.GetValueInt() && Ready		Debug.MessageBox("Keycode was SAFKey.")		If (Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor) && !(Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor).IsDead()			If AllowAnyNPC.GetValueInt() == 0 && (Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor).IsInFaction(CurrentFollowerFaction)				Int Button = SummonConfirmation.Show()				While SummonConfirmation					If Button == 1						;confirm						FollowerToSummon.Clear()						FollowerToSummon.ForceRefTo(Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor) 					EndIf				EndWhile			ElseIf AllowAnyNPC.GetValueInt() == 1					;NPC is actor and AllowAnyNPC is true					Int Button = SummonConfirmation.Show()					While Button 						If Button == 1								;confirm								FollowerToSummon.Clear()								FollowerToSummon.ForceRefTo(Game.GetCurrentCrosshairRef() as Actor) 						EndIf					EndWhile			EndIf			Ready = False			Utility.Wait(3.0)			Ready = True		EndIf	EndIfEndEventFunction RegisterForSAFKey(bool abUnregister = false)	If !abUnregister		RegisterForKey(SAFKey.GetValueInt())		Debug.MessageBox("Registered for SAFKey.")	Else		UnregisterForAllKeys()	EndIfEndFunction 

And then I have an issue where the alias I forced the actor in your crosshair to in the above script is always NONE. No matter what I do. This is the picture of the alias:


Lastly, I have an issue with my MCM where a toggle option won't work, and I have no idea why. The select event registers, but the global is never changed. (All properties are filled, double-checked.) This is the MCM:

Scriptname SAFMCMScript extends SKI_ConfigBase  ;Properties and Variables;============================GlobalVariable Property SAFHotkey Auto {Set Summon Follower hoteky}GlobalVariable Property SAFAllowNPC Auto {Allow any NPCs to be the follower summon}SAFControlScript Property SAFControl Auto{SAFControlScript property};Events;=======Event OnPageReset(string a_page)	If a_page == ""		LoadCustomContent("SAF/SAFIcon.dds", 0, 0);x, y	Else 		UnloadCustomContent()	EndIf	If a_page == "Options"		SetCursorFillMode(TOP_TO_BOTTOM)		AddKeyMapOptionST("SAFHotkeyState", "Set Follower Summon", SAFHotkey.GetValueInt())		AddToggleOptionST("SAFAllowNPCState", "Custom Follower Support", SAFAllowNPC.GetValueInt())		AddTextOptionST("SAFGuideState", "Guide", "Help")	EndIfEndEventEvent OnConfigClose()	SAFControl.RegisterForSAFKey(true)	SAFControl.RegisterForSAFKey()EndEvent;States;=======State SAFHotkeyStateEvent OnKeyMapChangeST(Int newKeyCode, String conflictControl, String conflictName)	Bool ContinueSAFKey = true		        If (conflictControl != "")		            String SAFKeyHotkeyMsg			            If (conflictName != "")			                SAFKeyHotkeyMsg = "This key is already mapped to:\n\"" + conflictControl + "\"\n(" + conflictName + ")\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"							Else							SAFKeyHotkeyMsg = "This key is already mapped to:\n\"" + conflictControl + "\"\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"							EndIf			            ContinueSAFKey = ShowMessage(SAFKeyHotkeyMsg, true, "$Yes", "$No")			        EndIf		        If (ContinueSAFKey)		 			SAFHotkey.SetValueInt(newKeyCode)			SetKeymapOptionValueST(SAFHotkey.GetValueInt())			        EndIf	EndEventEvent OnHighlightST()	SetInfoText("Change the hotkey used to set the follower to summon.\n Default is ].")	EndEventEvent OnDefaultST()	SAFHotkey.SetValueInt(27)	SetKeyMapOptionValueST(SAFHotkey.GetValueInt())	EndEventEndStateState SAFAllowNPCStateEvent OnSelectST()	ShowMessage("Selected SAFAllowNPC toggle.", true)	If SAFAllowNPC.GetValueInt() == 0		SAFAllowNPC.SetValueInt(1)	Else 		SAFAllowNPC.SetValueInt(0)	EndIfEndEventEvent OnDefaultST()	SAFAllowNPC.SetValueInt(0)EndEventEvent OnHighlightST()	SetInfoText("Allow custom follower support.\n Enabling it will allow you to choose ANY NPC as your summon, follower or not.")EndEventEndStateState SAFGuideStateEvent OnSelectST()	ShowMessage("Summon Any Follower allows you to select any follower and summon them. Currently, there is one slot for a follower to summon.\n To choose a new follower to summon, press the assigned hotkey (default is ]) when looking at your follower. Then confirm that you want that NPC to be your follower summon. Now you can use your Summon Follower spell to summon the designated follower whenever you want.\n The custom follower support allows you to choose ANY NPC, not just followers, to be your summon, since not all custom followers are classified as followers. This feature can be toggled in the MCM.", false)EndEventEvent OnHighlightST()	SetInfoText("An explanation of what this mod does.")EndEventEndState

Does anybody have any input on any of these problems? Help would be appreciated.

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:53 pm


While SummonConfirmation

results in an infinite loop, since it is always true (you have filled your property with a message, it's not empty). You problably meant

While SummonConfirmation.Show()

The delays are probably caused by infinite loops bloating your script.

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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:41 am

Ah, god. Oops. I'll fix that, thank you.

I actually probably meant While Button...

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:35 pm

Well there's no more lag, but it still only shows up once and then stops working.

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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:41 pm

And you need to include a


to update your menu toggle after you change the global.

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