[REL] Automatic Follower Loot System

Post » Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:17 pm



  • Latest version of Skyrim.



  • Intial Release


  • Increased max follower count to 20?
  • ?Followers can now loot potions and other alchemical substances
  • Some additional checks to make sure this doesn't work when in combat
  • Fixed sheathing bug
  • Minor script optimisation


  • Major script optimisation
  • Added option to manually stop looting by entering sneak mode
  • Added an upgrading/uninstalling option via dialogue


Automatic Follower Loot System is a highly configurable mod that allows your followers (up to a maximum of 20) to automatically loot their surroundings after combat ends. They will search dead bodies and nearby chests and containers, pick ingredients and other shiny things. No longer will you have to bear the burden of looting all those corpses by yourself.

After installing this mod, a new dialogue option will appear ("About looting in combat...") when you talk with your follower. You must select this dialogue option before he/she can start looting.

Then you can configure your follower to loot one of the following:?

  1. Everything (this is set as default)
  2. Arrows and other ammo
  3. Armour
  4. Gold
  5. Ingredients
  6. Potions and other alchemical substances
  7. Weapons?
  • You can change this anytime when not in combat.
  • If you wish them to stop looting and follow you again, just crouch and enter sneak mode for 1-2 seconds.

It is recommended to use a unlimited follower mod as one single follower cannot loot everything in sight.

Technical Notes

  • Followers loot for 60 seconds before stopping on their own.
  • They may tend to equip items they have looted.
  • Unique followers with custom voices unfortunately have no voiced dialogue (they still work though).
  • A follower may tend to stay in one place or repeat the same looting animation when they can't find any items to loot. You can either wait for it to stop or stop it on your own by entering sneak mode.


This mod is fully compatible with all followers who use the default follower system and with unlimited follower mods such as UFO and AFT. It also supports Dawnguard's Serana, Vilja, Inigo and other unique followers.

Place this before any other follower overhaul mods but after any mods that affect levelled lists.


  • Installing using Nexus Mod Manager/ModOrganizer - Highly recommended. Just click the "Download with Manager" button and it will install.
  • Manually installing - Unzip the contents of this folder into your Skyrim/Data Folder


  • If upgrading from V1.0/1.1 to V1.2 : select the dialogue option "You should take a break" for each of your followers which will clear each follower from their aliases. Then upgrade and overwrite everything. Make sure to select the option "About looting after combat" to reassign each alias.
  • ?If upgrading from V1.2 onward : select the dialogue option "You should all stop looting" which will clear all followers from their ???aliases. Then upgrade and overwrite everything. Make sure to select the option "About looting after combat" to ?reassign each alias.


  • If uninstalling from V1.0/1.1 : select the dialogue option "You should take a break" for each of your followers which will clear each follower from their alias. Then uncheck FollowerLootSystem.esp and uncheck the mod.
  • If uninstalling from V1.2 onward : select the dialogue option "You should all stop looting" which will clear all followers from their aliases. Then uncheck FollowerLootSystem.esp and uncheck the mod.

Future things to do

  • Allow followers to loot while the player is idle.
  • Allow them to sell unwanted items.
  • More configuration options
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CSar L
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Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:36 pm

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