This is the second time ive added SIC to my playlist and each time certain dragons have bland,blocky and basic textures untill i deliver the killing blow which reverts to there normal textures till they burst into flame.
I just fought an ancient dragon and it had the weird i doing something playing default setting not purist.
Heres my mod load order by loot:
- Skyrim.esmCRC: C665FD56
- Update.esmCRC: 9D4C690EDelev, Relev
- Unofficial Skyrim Patch.espCRC: 99DF914CVersion: 2.0.6Delev, Names, Relev, Stats
- Dawnguard.esmCRC: 23F779B6Delev, Relev
- Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.espCRC: 4A0B0E35Version: 2.0.6Delev, Names, Relev, Stats
- HearthFires.esmCRC: C802D71C
- Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.espCRC: 902A972AVersion: 2.0.6Names
- Dragonborn.esmCRC: 8C9F1679
- Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.espCRC: C4C4478CVersion: 2.0.6Delev, Names, Stats
- ApachiiHair.esmCRC: 783F7167Version: 1.4
- HighResTexturePack01.espCRC: D596F02A
- HighResTexturePack02.espCRC: D596F02A
- HighResTexturePack03.espCRC: D596F02A
- Unofficial High Resolution Patch.espCRC: 9631D809Version: 1.1.8
- ThematicLoot.espCRC: 7CA01248
- Chesko_WearableLantern.espCRC: 1537EE33
- lockpickweight.espCRC: FADC30D2
- Bounty Gold.espCRC: ADA1EFAEVersion: 1.0
- EnchantedArsenal.espCRC: ADB3A9D9Version: 2.22
- AnonymousPeople.espCRC: 3DEC2838
- Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.espCRC: 3A253C5D
- Sneak Tweak.espCRC: 680B1DAA
- SkyUI.espCRC: 9330CAF7Version: 4.1
- TradeBarter.espCRC: AC24F58BDelev, Relev
- Ish's Weighted Gold.espCRC: 29B617AC
- No Empty Tag on Containers.espCRC: 77E800E
- LootandDegradation.espCRC: 24C6555CVersion: 1.14
- NoPsychicLockKnowledge.espCRC: C8514317
- Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.espCRC: 3FDF44A0
- Improved Dragon Shouts.espCRC: B4503AC0
- Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn.espCRC: 152A17E2
- RealisticRoomRental.espCRC: F2A80AE6
- Helmless_Warrior.espCRC: 9634E8FF
- LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.espCRC: A1D76ED0Version: 1.4
- LeftHandRings.espCRC: D4E274C6Version: 1.4
- Skyrim Immersive Creatures.espCRC: F68C9890Version: v6.5.2aDelev, Relev
- rcrnShaders.espCRC: 35E6ED89
- Note: Make sure you have bEnableFileSelection=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini under [Launcher].
- EnhancedLightsandFX.espCRC: 2F172642
- Breaking and Entering.espCRC: 6BF4008
- RRR_ELFX-Patch.espCRC: 68E35AC8
- ELFX - Exteriors.espCRC: C4817E64
- ELFX - Dawnguard.espCRC: 8692787A
- ELFX - Dragonborn.espCRC: DB9BE7F9
- RCRNdgdb.espCRC: 450B3A86
- DeadlierPosion.espCRC: F70980D8
- Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espCRC: 37A6F2FAVersion: v6.5.2aDelev, Relev
- Freedom of Speech -- Dawnguard.espCRC: 59C582EB
- ArcheryDummyXP.espCRC: D903EA41
- BFT Ships and Carriages.espCRC: 79EA7D8
- TheChoiceIsYours.espCRC: 5E9DC415Version: 1.4
- Run For Your Lives.espCRC: B7BAFE68Version: 2.0.3
- Cloaks.espCRC: 2D16EDED
- buildablehouse.espCRC: 5D3B3CD1
- ArcheryDummyXP - Unofficial DLC Addon.espCRC: 5B70FA1B
- Chesko_Frostfall.espCRC: E3704311
- Cloaks - Dawnguard.espCRC: 56988D38
- DeadlyDragons.espCRC: 295EE682Delev, Relev
- The Paarthurnax Dilemma.espCRC: 9BA892A1Version: 1.2.8
- Hunterborn.espCRC: 7BF2F25C
- iNeed.espCRC: 6DF94BDVersion: 1.22
- Gildergreen Regrown.espCRC: 5111AD5FVersion: 1.2.6
- Hunterborn_Dawnguard-Patch.espCRC: FCB25332
- Hunterborn_Frostfall-Patch.espCRC: 186159E9
- TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.espCRC: 8BD6B852
- RCRNvolumetric.espCRC: 1C611171
- TheChoiceIsYours_Dragonborn.espCRC: 3217865F
- When Vampires Attack.espCRC: 8C43D3E8Version: 2.0.3
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life.espCRC: A398D40DVersion: 2.5.1a
- Note: There have been no changes in the Details tab since LOOT was last run for this game.
- Note:
- Note: Your SKSE is up-to-date.
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