Scripted outside warp with variable coordinates

Post » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:29 am

Can anyone help me remember how to do this? I seem to recall you had to do a somewhat arcane series of commands to make it work right. I think I even helped figure out what it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't back in the day (it works on an activator but not in a “free-floating” script).

It was something along the lines of using CenterOnCell, setting the coordinates indevidually, then calling CellUpdate twice. I doubt that's actually right, but it was something a little weird like that.

Anyone remember the trick?

Edit: Oh shoot. I feel like a noob all over again. Could a mod please move this to the CS forum?

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:28 am

Hello master :icecream:

Not sure, I'd try a sequence like

COC cell

some delay


some delay

SetPos Z z1

SetPos X x1

SetPos Y y1


[EDIT2]the funny thing I realized recently is COC places you in front of interior main loaddoor, not in the center of the cell, pretty handy for random teleporters

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