Edit nevermind... This problem apparently isn't mod related... If a moderator sees this, please lock this thread.
So I was level 16... Really starting to get into the game- well you see, I had to install LOOT cause some of my mods were out of order, and it was crashing way too much whenever I left or entered Stillborn Cave. After installing LOOT the game was so much drastically better, bug wise I mean. Haven't had a single crash to desktop or missing textures bug since. I even tried unchecking all mods in an act of desperation, and even THAT would not get rid of this bug.
Unfortunately, no matter what I do, remove all enchanted clothes, add and remove the draugr eye, dispel all active spell effects, change race via race menu nothing works. Strangely enough doing the racemenu thing briefly fixes it, but when I enter first person the light trail shows up again in third person. Now I'm starting to wonder... Why this only effects my earlier character, and why so far, starting a new game is the only option. I don't want to restart AGAIN... I hope it doesn't come down to that.
It's NOT the draugr bug, and it's not EVEN the wispmother FX glitch... It's quite simply just... Bizarre, and I have no idea what is causing this. First I'll show the images, then post something with all the mods possibly behind this. Also changing to other races doesn't fix it.
http://i.imgur.com/Fmhyd62.jpg (Player character standing still... Notice the... Blast of wind coming out of the side... Oddly, dispelling effects can get rid of it... But not the other thing... There's this blue trail near the eyes, which are only visible while moving, especially to the side).
http://i.imgur.com/sShJmYj.jpg (That annoying blue trail that shows up only when moving).
http://i.imgur.com/or6J5cw.jpg (A closer up shot of the annoying blue trail, and an angry face too in the screenshot which conveniently expresses how frustrated I am with this seemingly impossible to fix bug).
If someone can please tell me what is causing this, or how to fix it I'd be really grateful... Every google search has failed me entirely, and so has even searching for solutions here.