So a weird thing occurs in dragons reach. Every time I summon a flame atronach, proventus, hrongar, the maids and some guards start dancing like rappers.
This happens anytime I cast the spell. Has anyone else seen this, or know why it happens?
So a weird thing occurs in dragons reach. Every time I summon a flame atronach, proventus, hrongar, the maids and some guards start dancing like rappers.
This happens anytime I cast the spell. Has anyone else seen this, or know why it happens?
Can't say that I have.
If your on the PC are you using any mods? Because it sure sounds like a mod, or you just discovered something interesting if this is truthful lol
Please record it if you can, sounds funny as hell.
I play on xbox. It has happened in multiple games, but I've only really done it at the same point, after defeating the first dragon on returning to dragon's reach, whilst everyone is saying their piece about the dragon born. Cast the summon, dancing starts, but the scripts carry on as usual. They start waving their arms around as if they are rapping
I'm reporting this for spam. You're not even remotely funny, by the way.
doubting but unless this is proven wrong I may give it a shot next time I play
It sounds like some kind of lag-glitch with the NPC animation. I've seen some pretty weird things when an NPC in a game gets caught in an animation loop. Sometimes you'll see a character just keep spinning around and around in one spot. Or there's the weird one that happens in Oblivion, where a legion rider on his horse will get caught at the edge of a newly loaded cell, just jumping up and down like they were on a pogo stick.
dancing like rappers?
I am calling BS on this, such a thing would require mods, as no such animation exists in the game by default.. so if your on the 360 like you say, its impossible
I will see if I can find a way to record it, with a web cam or something.
To clarify, the rapper bit is a rough description. Whilst talking the are raising their arms, and kind of bobbing their hands forwards, producing a stereotypical rapper/eminem effect. It's all synchronised as well. When it triggers, all the npcs do it together. Once the flame atronach is out there.
This sounds like the closest answer, for what's happening. Never encountered it myself before, that being said though....I've never summoned anything there before